All applications for development must be submitted to the Zoning Officer for review before building permits can be issued. The applicant must submit a copy of the property survey along with a completed and signed zoning application before the review process can begin. If the project involves an addition to the residence or an accessory structure, the survey must show the size of the project, distances to the property lines, location of the septic, distance to the residence, and all impervious coverage on the property. If the application involves an interior renovation, a floor plan showing the change must accompany the application.
2024 Tax Maps
Stillwater Zoning Map-120412
2022 Zoning Permit
It is wise to contact the office regarding permits before you start. Some retailers give incorrect information telling customers permits are not needed, when they are, putting you at risk for a violation.
There is a fee required prior to the issuance of a zoning permit, if work is done without an approved zoning permit there is an additional charge. There may also be additional penalties, which may include issuance of a summons for work done without a permit. Occasionally, a permit cannot be approved by this office because it requires review and approval from the Planning/Zoning Board. In those instances, following submission and review of the zoning application, a letter will be sent informing you that you need an additional approval and how to proceed.
For construction costs up to $20,000 the fee is $30.00 (If work was done without a permit, the fee is $50.00)
– Construction costs between $21,000 – $50,000 the fee is $40.00 (If work was done without a permit, the fee is $65.00)
– Construction costs over $50,000 the fee is $50.00 (If work was done without a permit, the fee is $80.00)
– Construction costs for a new home the fee is $75.00 (If work was done without a permit, the fee is $105.00)
- Home occupation permit fee is $40.00 (If done without a permit, the fee is $60.00)
– Construction costs up to $10,000 the fee is $40.00 (If work was done without a permit, the fee is $60.00)
– Construction costs between $10,000 – $100,000 the fee is $75.00 (If work was done without a permit, the fee is $100.00)
– Construction costs over $100,000 the fee is $100.00 (If work was done without a permit, the fee is $150.00)
– Letters of Certification or approvals $30.00
Land use, property maintenance and littering violations of the Code of the Township of Stillwater are addressed in this department. Violations are received in multiple ways; complaints left with the main office, as a message on the voice mail system or by mail. All violations received are investigated and when appropriate, a Notice of Violation will be sent. Residents are not required to provide their name and address when filing a complaint. In most cases, the Notice of Violation is adequate and no further action is necessary to correct the problem. However, when necessary a summons to Municipal Court will be issued for failure to abate the violation.
Stillwater Township requires any property where an action to foreclose has been filed to be registered, and an annual fee of $500 to be paid. If the property is also vacant or abandoned, an additional $2,000 fee per year applies. Any changes in property management should be reported to the Code Enforcement Officer, Tom Dixon at (973) 383-6332 or
Vacant and Abandoned Home Registration Form
This program is available to low and moderate income homeowners in Stillwater. The repair or replacement of substandard heating, electrical and plumbing systems, structural repairs, repairs to correct code violations, lead based paint remediation and stabilization measures, energy saving measures such as insulation, new windows and storm doors. Those improvements that will upgrade the home to standard condition.
Summary of Fair Share Plan, Stillwater Township
Fair Share Summary Options
Mechanism | Project Name | Description | Units/Credits |
Third Round | |||
Accessory Apartments | Family Rental | 15 | |
Prior Round Credit (group homes) | Group Homes for disabled adults | 6 | |
Market to Affordable | Wings Adventure, Inc. | Affordable Housing | 2 |
Third Round Subtotal | 23 | ||
Prior Round | |||
Accessory Apartments | Tannis | Family Rental | 8 |
Accessory Apartments | AF & EJF, LLC | Family Rental | 2 |
Market to Affordable | Habitat for Humanity | Affordable Housing | 1 |
Supportive Housing | SCARC Housing Inc. | Group Home for disabled adults | 5 |
Supportive Housing | Katie’s House, Inc. | Group Home for disabled adults | 5 |
Prior Round Subtotal | -6 | ||
Stillwater Township Fair Share Plan Total | 17 | ||
Third Round Proposed Credits | 23 | ||
Stillwater Township Third Round Obligation | 90 | ||
Duration Adjustment | 0* |
*67 Units will be addressed if/when water and sewer become available
Affordable Housing Trust Balance: $109,255.77
Please contact Tom Dixon (973) 383-9484 or
Stillwater Township offers residents a Recycling and Convenience Center for household trash and recycling.
Residents are able to view property tax information and make payments through the online system. You may find a property by entering the property’s location or block, lot and qualifier.
Stillwater Township posts all information about bids and proposals for township projects on a dedicated page.
The Stillwater Rec Summer Camp will be August 12-16 and August 19-23, 2024
Visit the Office of Emergency Management page for links and the latest information