Board of Health

Stillwater Township Advisory Board of Health

About the Stillwater Township Board of Health

The State of New Jersey mandates that each municipality have a Board of Health to serve its residents. The Township of Stillwater contracts for health services with the Sussex County Department of Environmental and Public Health. Any questions regarding the Board of Health may be directed to the Municipal Building at (973) 383-9484. Board of Health meetings will take place prior to the regular scheduled township committee meeting at 7pm.

November 2023 Municipalities report – Public Health Nursing

The Township of Stillwater issues yearly Food Establishment Licenses to all the businesses in the Township that serve or handle food. The Sussex County Health Department will inspect all of these businesses prior to the issuance of their annual licenses by the Clerk.

Dog Licensing Information & Application

Click the link below to download the application to register or renew you dog(s) license for the year 2025. Please know that we now have an online program where you can do this all from the comfort of your home.

2025 Dog License Application


Click Here to Renew Online

All dogs over seven (7) months old MUST BE LICENSED.  In order for a license to be issued, the State of New Jersey requires that the animal is vaccinated against rabies.  The rabies certificate must not expire prior to November 1st of the licensing year and if it does the animal will have to be revaccinated.  Vaccinating early should not harm your animal however if your vet feels the animal should not be vaccinated early, have your vet write a note stating why the pet cannot be vaccinated and then a license can be issued.

Stillwater Township holds a FREE Rabies Clinic in November at the DPW Building, 919 Middleville Road. All Dogs and Cats are welcome.

Dog licenses may be obtained:

  • At the Stillwater Township Municipal Building between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. They may also be placed in the black lock box located next to the Municipal Office front doors after hours.
  • Mail to Stillwater Township Attention: Dog Account, 964 Stillwater Road, Newton, NJ 07860.   Any questions please call the Municipal Office at 973-383-9484.
  • Through our online system, where you will have to create an account. You can upload all required documentation and a picture of your dog(s).
  • Please provide proof of rabies vaccination after November 1st of the licensing year and certification of spaying/neutering (where applicable). If applying by mail, please include a copy of a valid rabies certificate.
  • If you no longer own your dog, if it is deceased, or you have moved out of Stillwater Township, please notify the township, 973-383-9484. Failure to do so can result in unnecessary paperwork in the future and a possible summons.
  • Fees: $11.00 for spayed/neutered dog and $14.00 if the dog is not
  • Important Note: A 2025 license will not be issued if the current rabies vaccination expires BEFORE NOVEMBER 1, 2025.  A late fee of $5.00 is assessed for each delinquent month for each dog license issued after January 31st of the calendar year for which the license is required.

Sussex County Department of Environmental​ & Public Health Services Office of Public Health Nursing​

Division of Health
201 Wheatsworth Road
Hamburg, NJ 07419
973-579-0370 Fax: 973-579-0399
Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. except holidays

Office of Public Health Nursing – Sussex County

Adult Health Check Clinic

Clinic Coordinator: Betty Martin RN
FREE Consultation with Registered Nurse and FREE Blood Pressure Evaluation
ADULT VACCINATIONS (some fees apply)

​Public Health Nursing Office
201 Wheats worth Road, Hardyston, New Jersey
DAY/TIME: Second Tuesday of every other month from 10am-12pm
Fourth Wednesday of each month from 2-4pm

Child Health Conference (Well Child Clinic)

Complete physical exams, screenings and age-appropriate immunizations for children from 0-5 years old

Public Health Nursing Office
201 Wheatsworth Road
Date: Third Tuesday of every month
Time: 12:30-4:00pm
Cost: FREE to children with no insurance to cover routine well care
Children seen by appointment only
For an appointment, call (973) 579-0570  x1211

​Vaccines administered at NO COST to school-aged children and teens (through 18 years old) who have no health insurance that covers the cost of vaccines

*New service offered by the State Department of Health, NJ Parent Link is the State of NJ’s web-based Early Childhood, Parenting and Professional Resource Center.  The focus of the NJ Parent Link website is to highlight NJ state services and resources.  Federal, County and community resources are included.  Please visit their website for more information:

Cottage Food Operator

New rules creating a cottage food operator (home baker) permit became effective as of October 4, 2021. New Jersey historically prohibited the sale of home baked goods but has now joined other states in allowing cottage food operations. The Department has been working on this issue for some time and carefully balanced allowing home bakers to operate small businesses while instituting appropriate safeguards. While developing these new regulations, the Department received input from many stakeholders, including local health departments, home bakers, the retail food industry, and others.”

For more information:

Mosquito Information

Please visit the Sussex County Website to view the link to the municipality packet and additional information. Sussex County Website   Click here to view the pdf packet.


NJ Board of Health

State of NJ

Visit the Office of Emergency Management page for links and the latest information