Planning Board Reorganization Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2023
The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Planning Board was held on the above date and was called to order at 7:31 by Mr. Pierce.
Roll Call was done by Ms. Chammings:
Members Present:
Mr. Barta
Mr. Donofrio
Mr. Pierce
Mrs. Puccio
Ms. Wills
Ms. Chammings
Also Present: Attorney William Haggerty and Engineer Joe Vuich
The Board stood for the flag salute and it was announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been given to the public and the press under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, N.J.S.A 10:4-1 et.seq.
Election of Chairman: Mr. Donofrio made a nomination for Bob Pierce , 2nd Mr. Barta.
Roll Call:
Mr. Barta -Yes
Mr. Donofrio – Yes
Mr. Pierce – Yes
Mrs. Puccio – Yes
Ms. Wills – Abstain
Ms. Chammings – Yes
Election of Vice Chairman: Mr. Barta nominated Mr. Donofrio, 2nd by Mr. Pierce
Roll Call:
Mr. Barta -Yes
Mr. Donofrio – Yes
Mr. Pierce – Yes
Mrs. Puccio – Yes
Ms. Wills – Abstain
Ms. Chammings – Yes
Appointment of Board Professionals:
Proposal received from Mr. Haggerty of Dolan & Dolan to continue as Board Attorney. Motion made by Mrs. Puccio, 2nd by Mr. Pierce
Roll Call:
Mr. Barta -Yes
Mr. Donofrio – Yes
Mr. Pierce – Yes
Mrs. Puccio – Yes
Ms. Wills – Abstain
Ms. Chammings – Yes
Joe Vuich from VanCleef Engineering to continue as Engineer. Motion made by Mr. Donofrio, 2nd by Mr. Barta
Roll Call:
Mr. Barta -Yes
Mr. Donofrio – Yes
Mr. Pierce – Yes
Mrs. Puccio – Abstain
Ms. Wills – Abstain
Ms. Chammings – Abstain
Appointment of Board Secretary – Meeting was moved to executive session and interviews were held for 2 applicants.
Meeting was moved out of executive session and returned to public session at 8:10pm
Designation of Meeting Date, Time and Place
The Board designated the 3rd Wednesday of the month as their Regular Agenda Meeting, as follows:
February 13, 2023 August 16, 2023
March 15, 2023 September 20, 2023
April 19, 2023 October 18, 2023
May 17, 2023 November 15, 2023
June 21, 2023 December 20, 2023
July 19, 2023 January 17, 2024 (Reorganization/Regular)
Motion to accept dates above was made by Mr. Barta, 2nd Mr. Donofrio
Roll Call:
Mr. Barta -Yes
Mr. Donofrio – Yes
Mr. Pierce – Yes
Mrs. Puccio – Yes
Ms. Wills – Yes
Ms. Chammings – Yes
Designation of Official Newspaper
New Jersey Herald and the Sunday Herald
Motion to accept – Mr. Barta, 2nd Mr. Pierce
Roll Call:
Mr. Barta -Yes
Mr. Donofrio – Yes
Mr. Pierce – Yes
Mrs. Puccio – Yes
Ms. Wills – Left meeting
Ms. Chammings – Yes
Mr. Donofrio made the motion to approve the minutes of December 7, 2022. Motion seconded by Mr. Pierce.
Roll Call:
Mr. Barta -Yes
Mr. Donofrio – Yes
Mr. Pierce – Yes
Mrs. Puccio – Abstain
Ms. Wills – Left meeting
Ms. Chammings – Abstain
Mr. Donofrio made the motion to approve executive minutes, 2nd by Mr. Barta.
Roll Call:
Mr. Barta -Yes
Mr. Donofrio – Yes
Mr. Pierce – Yes
Mrs. Puccio – Abstain
Ms. Wills – Left meeting
Ms. Chammings – Abstain
8:20 meeting was opened to the public. As there were no public comments, the meeting was closed for public comment.
Nature Conservancy– Lots 33.01/1 and 1qf bills:
Dolan & Dolan $313.50
Dolan & Dolan $305.25
Dolan & Dolan $280.50
Golden and Moran $720.00
Total $1409.25
Nature Conservancy– Lots 33.02-3 bill:
Golden and Moran $720.00
NJ Herald $21.85
Escrow balances may be insufficient to cover the above bills. Need to notify Nature Conservancy of the need for additional escrow.
Discussion of another Nature Conservancy (Fairclough project) coming up
Mr. Pierce confirmed the total outstanding bills equal $1,844.35 to be paid.
Mr. Haggery suggested requesting $1,500.00 additional escrow (per application) from Nature Conservancy.
Mr. Donofrio made the motion to pay the bills (funds permitting), 2nd Mr. Pierce.
Roll Call:
Mr. Barta -Yes
Mr. Donofrio – Yes
Mr. Pierce – Yes
Mrs. Puccio – Yes
Ms. Wills – Left meeting
Ms. Chammings – Yes
Mr. Pierce proposed to shelf and move on to Liaisons report
Mr. Pierce suggested that Mr. Golden finalize Nature Conservancy applications instead of switching Engineers.
Mr. Barta – Township Committee Meeting came up with resolutions for employees.
Paul Hawkins was appointed as provisional DPW Supervisor
Joseph Furnari appointed as DPW laborer
Jacob Kleiner- Mechanic truck driver – waive the 16 day hold on insurance in order to not lose coverage
Ordinance introduced prohibiting the use of biochar
Resolutions authorizing the Township to accept the following:
1 – $10,000 sub grant award for 2022 – Emergency Management Performance and Emergency Management Agency Assistance
2 – Firehouse Public Safety Foundation – Lucas $19,000 grant for Fire/First Aid Squad. Lucas is an automated CPR device.
3 – Local recreation grant for community center – $175,000.00 – $200,000.00
Mayor Chammings was appointed the OEM Coordinator for next 3 years.
Salary/Wages budget meeting – most were finalized. Held off on 3. DPW and Fire Department meeting on 2/4/23 at 8:am.
New Committee Member – Dawn Delaney
Environmental – Jack Brannigan is still on the environmental commission as Chairman. Mandy Corston is Vice Chairman. Sara Brannigan has resigned from the environmental commission.
Mr. Donofrio would like to see more objective and constructive handling of employees. Suggested an employee review process.
With there being no further business, there was a motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Penny Bair/Board Secretary
January 18, 2023
Stillwater Township offers residents a Recycling and Convenience Center for household trash and recycling.
Residents are able to view property tax information and make payments through the online system. You may find a property by entering the property’s location or block, lot and qualifier.
Stillwater Township posts all information about bids and proposals for township projects on a dedicated page.
The Stillwater Rec Summer Camp will be August 12-16 and August 19-23, 2024
Visit the Office of Emergency Management page for links and the latest information