Workshop Meeting September 19, 2022


Workshop Meeting Minutes – September 19 @ 7:00 pm

Meeting held at Stillwater Town Hall – No Zoom

Mrs. Delaney called to order the workshop meeting of the Recreation Commission at 7:01 pm followed by the Open Public Meeting Statement and Flag Salute at Town Hall.

Mrs. Gardner conducted a roll call:

Members Present: Mr. Carovillano, Ms. Minervino, Mrs. Richardson, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti, Mrs. Delaney, Alternate: Mrs. Tsadilas

Members Absent: Mr. Reilly

Liaison Absent: Mrs. Rumsey

Motion by Mr. Sylvester Second by Mr. Carovillano to approve Camp Counselors pay as follows:

Counselor $238.00

Counselor $238.00

Counselor $476.00

Counselor $238.00

Counselor $416.50

Counselor $476.00

Counselor $178.50

Counselor $416.50

Counselor $476.00

Counselor $190.40

Head Counselor $800.00

Total Payout $4,143,90

A vote was taken Mrs. Tosti Abstain, Mrs. Richardson Abstain, Mrs. Tsadilas voted in place of Mr. Reilly all in favor.

Mrs. Gardner confirmed with Mrs. Leonard the CFO any and all monies being paid out from Recreation Sponsored Events, Recreation Budget, Recreation Activity Club and Summer Camp must be voted on and passed by the Commission in order to be paid.

Mr. Sylvester stated clay was delivered. Mr. Raff stated DPW will spread with new equipment and will get the field at Veterans Memorial Park game ready. Mr. Raff stated it should take a couple hours to spread clay. Mr. Sylvester will reach out to Mr. Raff for date of spreading clay to take place and will let him know Mr. Carovillano will be available.

A new metal bench at Volunteer Field was damaged and legs are broken/missing. Mr. Sylvester will

contact Mr. Raff regarding the bench to be removed.

Winner of the Blanket Raffle from the Sussex County Day Fair is Helenanne Keenan. Mrs. Gardner will contact her to let her know she won.

Motion by Mr. Sylvester and Second by Mr. Carovillano to Adjournment at 7:20 pm. A vote was taken and all are in favor.


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