September 21, 2022 – Regular Meeting

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Stillwater Township Planning Board

Minutes of September 21, 2022

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Planning Board was held at the Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pierce at 7:35 p.m. He announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been given to the public and the press under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, N.J.S.A 10:4-1 et.seq.

Mr. Haggerty provided the oath of office to Jack Branagan and Robert Venezia prior to the meeting.

Members Present: Mr. Barta

Ms. Puccio

Mr. Pierce

Mr. Branagan

Mr. Venezia

Absent: Mr. Donofrio

Mr. Scott

Also Present: Attorney Haggerty

Engineer Golden


Ms. Puccio made the motion to approve the minutes of August 17, 2022. Motion seconded by Chairman Pierce. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Pierce-Yes

Mr. Branagan-Abstain Mr. Venezia-Abstain

Ms. Puccio-Yes


Chairman Pierce opened the meeting up to the public at 7:40 p.m.

Heidi Mountford was present and she distributed a document, which addressed the Township Master Plan, economic growth/development, the number of vacant homes and older homes, and the proposed ordinance restricting short term rentals. She suggested that we all work together to look into these issues and the Ordinances.

With there being no further public comment, the meeting was closed to the public.

BILLS: Dolan & Dolan

Re: Nature Conservancy 148.50

Re: Nature Conservancy 297.00

Re: General 343.75

Re: General 33.00


Re: Nature Conservancy 720.00

Re: Nature Conservancy 360.00

Mr. Barta made the motion to approve the bills, funds permitting. Motion seconded by Ms. Puccio. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Pierce-Yes

Mr. Branagan-Yes Mr. Venezia-Yes

Ms. Puccio-Yes


#22-001 The Nature Conservancy, B 3303, Lot 1 & B 3302, Lot 3

Mr. Haggerty reviewed the noticing issue (receipts with no addresses). He stated that the newspaper notice appears to be valid and can be preserved/carried to the next meeting.

Mr. Barta made the motion to carry/preserve the newspaper notice to the Board’s October 19th meeting, allowing the Applicant to provide notice to the property owners. Motion seconded by Mr. Pierce. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Pierce-Yes

Mr. Branagan-Abstain Mr. Venezia-Yes

Ms. Puccio-Yes

Master Plan Reexamination Report

The Board reviewed and discussed the draft Report that was distributed and the possible scheduling of a hearing. The meeting was opened to the public:

Heidi Mountford commented on short term rentals/long term rentals, registrations, regulations/policies, inspection/fees, and possible revenue for the fire department. She also commented on other possible regulations/ordinances in other municipalities.

Wailin Lee Diaz commented on future regulations/inspections on lead based paint.

Ms. Mountford continued to discuss what transpired at the Township Committee meeting with the introduction of an ordinance and the disconnect in the communication.

The Board continued to discuss short term rentals with the public. The meeting was then closed to the public.

After a brief discussion on the process and the procedure the Board agreed to hold a public hearing on the Master Plan on October 19, 2022.

Barns/Family Farms/Commercial Farms

Discussion Deferred

Liaison Updates-Committee, Mayor, Board of Adjustment, and Environmental

Mr. Branagan provided the environmental commission update which was discussed with the Board: BioChar and recommended ordinance, water testing of 10 different streams by Eurofins, biodegradable plastic bags, and the cleaning of the sign over the bridge at Veterans Memorial Park.

Mr. Barta provided the Committee update, which was discussed with the Board: tax lien update and the possible change at the recycling center.

Ms. Schemm provided the Zoning Board of Adjustment update: hearings scheduled and applications on for completeness.


The meeting was opened to the public. With there being no public comment, the meeting was closed to the public.


With there being no further business, there was a motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. In a voice vote, all were in favor at 8:42 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Alfia Schemm

Board Secretary

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