October 2, 2023 Meeting Minutes

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October 2, 2023

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Sylvester, Mr. Reilly (8:02 p.m.), Mrs. Minervino, Mrs. Falotico, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Richardson, and Mrs. Tosti

LIASION: Mrs. Delaney was in attendance

MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Carovillano

Mrs. Tosti called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. with the statement that this meeting follows the Open Public Meetings Act. Regular meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m., at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building located in Middleville, New Jersey. This meeting was held at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building. The flag was saluted and roll call taken.

Approval of Meeting Minutes: Mrs. Tosti made one correction to the September 6, 2023, meeting minutes. The tree lighting date was incorrect – it is 12/1/2023 with a snow date of 12/2/2023. It will be corrected before public posting.

Mrs. Richardson made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 6, 2023, meeting, seconded by Mrs. Minervino. Roll Call Vote:  Mr. Sylvester, abstain, Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Falotico, yes, Mrs. Martin, abstain, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mrs. Tosti, yes

 Payment of Bills: Mrs. Martin made a motion to approve the payment of the following bills totaling $945.46, seconded by Mrs. Tosti. Roll Call Vote:  Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mrs. Minervino, abstain, Mrs. Falotico, yes, Mrs. Martin, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mrs. Tosti, yes

Jennifer Minervino (Reimbursement for POW/MIA event) – $77.46

Tri-State Rentals Inc. (Fall Festival) – $868.00

 Correspondence: A donation in the amount of $25.00 was received from the Bunco group – thank you!

Open Public Session – Agenda Items Only: The meeting was opened to the public at 7:13 p.m. No one from the public wished to speak during the open public session. The meeting was closed to the public at 7:14 p.m.

Amendments to the Agenda: Mrs. Tosti moved Item #7 from Sub-Committee Reports down to #17 to accommodate Mr. Reilly.

Old Business:

County Senior Program Update – Collaboration with Hampton and Stillwater Seniors (Chair Yoga) There are several events currently happening. New events for 2024 are available – we need to ensure dates are available and approval is needed for the use of the Community Center.

New Business: Covered in Old Business.

Sub-Committee Reports:

 Clean Up Day – Mrs. Tosti There will be no Fall Clean Up Day. It will be offered again in Spring (April) 2024. Date to be determined.

Miss Stillwater, Little Miss and Mr. Stillwater – Mr. Sylvester/Mrs. Minervino/Mrs. Falotico 5/12/2023 Mrs. Tosti contacted winners for the Fall Festival. Miss. Stillwater will be present for the parade only – she has a prior commitment. Little Miss Stillwater is unable to attend. Little Mr. Stillwater will be in attendance.

Stillwater Day/Fall Festival – Sub Committee for 2023 Mrs. Tosti/Mrs. Richardson (Mrs. Minervino/Mrs. Falotico as needed) 10/7/2023 Mrs. Martin – There are 52 vendors to date. Boy scouts will be in attendance. Girl scouts will be contacted. There will be one Sheriff’s officer in attendance – he/she will need to be utilized wisely. Mrs. Martin is considering utilizing the officer on Maple Ave to block/direct traffic, but she is open to any other suggestions. There are 19 tractors – if anyone knows any participants interested, please contact Mrs. Martin. The weather does not look promising. There is no technical rain date, however, the event can be moved to Sunday if need be. Before further discussion on moving the event, Mrs. Martin is waiting to ensure there will be no insurance issues. If the event is moved, many adjustments would have to be made, it is not ideal for vendors (non-refundable if new date does not work for them), there are other events offered on Sunday that may conflict with vendor and community attendance (Newton Day). The Fall fest committee will make a decision closer to the event.

Mrs. Delaney – reported that Ed Caffrey confirmed that all equipment will be delivered on Friday by 4:00 p.m. Equipment will be left in the cafeteria area and the bounce house will be secured and anchored. We are just responsible for blowing it up on Saturday morning. If anyone has additional outdoor extension cords, please bring them as a back up source. Bring extra chairs for yourself (it’s a long day). All vendors are responsible for their own supplies – this is clearly stated in the application.

Mrs. Tosti – listed which tables/tents/attractions needed volunteers (Recreation Tent, Activity Club Table, Food Tent, Bounce house, etc.). We will need additional clothing and accessories for the scarecrow making contest – Mrs. Richardson will be getting the prizes for this event. There was a lengthy discussion regarding who would be willing/available to help in designated areas of the festival. This will be finalized at the Fall Festival meeting.

Garage Sale Weekend – Mrs. Wunder  10/14/2023-10/15/2023 The Herald will run our banner advertisement on 10/8, 10/12, 10/13. We are waiting for the final billing from the Herald. The application deadline was 9/29 however, we accepted applications through 10/2. The maps will be completed/printed/available by the end of this week online and at Town Hall. There are 22 applicants’ total.

Summer Camp – Mrs. Tosti 8/7/2023-8/14/2023 No updates.

Sussex County Day – Mrs. Richardson 9/17/2023 This is the first time Mrs. Richardson has attended this event. She said it was so busy and enjoyable. There were so many nice comments and compliments made to us and what we do for the community. Lafayette won – much deserved as they had a beautiful display. Mrs. Richardson thanked Mrs. Tosti and Mrs. Falotico for coming and helping with the event.

 Tree Lighting 12/1/2023 Snow Date: 12/2/2023 The cookie decorating was such a success last year that it will be offered again this year. Last year, it was extremely difficult to get cookies (specifically sugar cookie mix), but it should be much easier to obtain this year. Mrs. Martin suggested purchasing pre-made dough balls from Costco. This will be a time saver. Hopefully all members can be in attendance for this event.

Field/Pavilion Application Approvals, Scheduling – Mrs. Tosti All schedules are out. The Men’s Softball League  will be making up a few games due to weather. They will be using Stillwater Field on Saturdays to make up these games. This has been cleared by President of KLL – Mr. Carovillano.

Also, Hampton Softball League will be rescheduling a few games due to weather. They will be using Veteran’s Field on Saturdays to make up these games.  They had previously submitted an application to use Veterans Field as a temporary, but Mrs. Tosti communicated to them that a vote would need to be taken to allow them to use it. Insurance is up to date.

Mrs. Tosti made the recommendation to allow the Hampton Softball League to utilize Veteran’s Field temporarily when they are making up a game or when they are in need of a secondary field, seconded by Mrs. Richardson. Roll Call Vote:  Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mr. Reilly, yes, Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Falotico, yes, Mrs. Martin, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mrs. Tosti, yes

Field Maintenance – Mr. Sylvester/Mr. Carovillano

Accomplishments with our Fields in 2023:

Turf Management is complete on all fields

Aeration and seeding complete – Swartswood and Volunteer Fields

Fencing and back stop complete along with fencing protections

Not Complete: (From the Capital Maintenance Plan that was created)

Clay delivery has not been completed – 50% was delivered in October and spread by the DPW. The second half has not be delivered/spread

Bridge at Veterans – dead trees around the bridge (potential hazard)

Veteran’s Field – trees along parking lot are dead

All playgrounds – heavy weeds

Swartswood & Veteran’s – mulch has not been purchased/spread

Paving Veteran’s Parking Lot – there has been no updates regarding this, and it is disappointing. Mr. Sylvester asked that Mrs. Delaney bring this to the attention of all Township Committee Members.

We have worked so hard to get our Fields/Parks to condition they are in now, but we cannot stop here. We need to continue in this direction to ensure that they stay maintained and improve where necessary for our residents. Other discussions took place regarding lighting at Veteran’s Field (we could hold so many more events here if the lighting was improved), utilizing our other parks for pickle ball courts (given the necessary improvements were prioritized and made), and the mowing at Volunteer Field (Mr. Ragazzo brought it to Mrs. Tosti’s attention that he was unhappy with the mowing that has been done – yet another discussion to be had with the Township Committee since we are not responsible for who is hired to mow).

Community Center Activities:

 POW/MIA Dinner – Mrs. Minervino 9/15/2023 4:00-6:00 p.m. Community Center. The event went well. There were about 30 attendees. Mrs. Minervino said that instead of doing a mass mailing for future events, she will be sending a form to better target what our attendees needs/wants. The form will include how they would like to be contacted (by email, text message, phone call), thoughts on our events, would they be willing to participate as a guest speaker. It was suggested that we list possible future events and ask them which of the events they would be interested in attending. A possible event would be having someone from the VA do a presentation on what benefits are offered to Veteran’s as well as the process to obtain them. Unfortunately, a lot of Veteran’s do not realize what they are entitled to!

Mrs. Minervino’s father spoke at the event and asked several times if anyone wanted to speak, which no one wanted to. All members agreed that this can be very emotional for them and may just enjoy conversating and sharing experiences amongst their tables. Seeking public speakers is a priority for Mrs. Minervino for future Veteran Events – if you are a veteran who wishes to speak out or know anyone who may be interested, please reach out.

 Senior Citizen Ice Cream Social – Mrs. Richardson 9/28/2023 6:00-8:00 p.m. It was a nice event with a great turnout. Mrs. Tosti wanted to point out how crucial it is for kids to volunteer at events such as this. She praised our young volunteers for the effort and hard work they put forth. Mrs. Richardson mentioned there were four residents who could not physically attend the event, but she was able to hand deliver ice cream to make these residents feel as though they were there. Mrs. Minervino offered to help deliver in the future.

Mrs. Richardson does not plan to do any events (aside from a possible game night) for October or November since the Community Center calendar is full. However, she is looking to book either 12/14 or 12/15 for the Christmas Tea depending on availability of Community Center

Movie Night – Mrs. Falotico 10/13/2023 Stillwater Park Hocus Pocus. Concessions (hot apple cider, popcorn, pretzels, hot dogs) open at 6:00 p.m. and the movie will begin between 7:00-7:30 p.m. We are anticipating more of a turnout than last time since more flyers have been circulated earlier. Any Halloween related decorations (glowing/light up) are more than welcome since it will be dark.

Trunk or Treat – Mrs. Falotico/Mrs. Martin 10/22/2023 1:00 p.m. There are eight cars total. Anyone who pre-registers a trunk for the event will be asked to be set up by 12:40 p.m. Pre-registering is not required (anyone can participate in the trunk day of), but it is preferred. There will be a costume parade followed by a costume contest. It will be category based (cutest, funniest, scariest, etc.). Three judges are needed (possibly Mrs. Tosti, Mrs. Falotico, Mrs. Martin). A small budget for prizes will need to be approved by our October meeting. Mrs. Tsadilas offered to assist with the indoor crafts. Light refreshments will be served inside – hot apple cider, hot chocolate, apple cider donuts, etc. Since apple themed refreshments can get pricey, donations from local orchards may be a possibility. Speakers will be set up for music.

Volunteers needed:

Car for our (Recreation) trunk (Mrs. Minervino offered her vehicle)


Crossing guards

Trunk asks (Ambulance Squad, Sheriff’s Department, Fire Department – truck?)

Educational Activities:

Toys for Tots – Steve Ackerman/Mrs. Minervino Steve Ackerman is a contact for the marines for this event. The Stillwater Town Hall will be a collection point for the donation box (during business hours only). However, Mrs. Minervino will also act as a drop off point/pick up person for anyone who cannot make it during business hours. The unwrapped gifts are collected and brought to Picatinny. They are distributed to the necessary locations from there. If there are any residents within our community in need, they will get first pick.

Veteran’s Event – Mrs. Minervino 11/11/2023 2:00-4:00 p.m. Community Center. This event has been offered in the past – it will be similar in nature. Raffle/guest speakers/light refreshments. ALL attendees are welcome and encouraged to speak during the events. Mrs. Minervino will all handle rsvp’s. Advertisement flyer was approved.

Halloween & Holiday Decorating Contests – Mr. Reilly The flyer has been approved and has been sent out. The application deadline is Friday, October 27th. It gives everyone an opportunity to look at the decorations before Halloween. It was suggested members carpool to make it more fun!

Bus Trip Report – Mr. Reilly October and November are booked solid. Mr. Reilly is looking into February for a casino trip since it is a slower time of year. This will be further discussed at a later date. December is available for a New York City Trip. Bryant Park would be the drop off pick up point. This is within walking distance of Rockefeller Center. You are free to plan your own itinerary – the bus provides a hassle-free way to get to and from the city. Mr. Reilly would like to get this booked asap considering dates fill up quickly. A motion is needed for Mr. Reilly to move forward with planning and setting the date since it will need to occur before our next meeting. Once a date is set, flyers must be created, approved, and sent out immediately to ensure we can fill the bus.

Mr. Sylvester made a motion to sponsor the holiday bus trip to NYC and allow Mr. Reilly to research and set a date after communicating with the Commission via email, seconded by Mrs. Tosti. A vote was taken, and all were in favor.

Open Public Session: The meeting was opened to the public at 9:16 p.m.

Mr. Reilly would like to bring back the Cookie Exchange Mrs. Tosti had done in the past. Everyone agreed this would be a great idea. Ornament decorating and gift wrapping were ideas that could be incorporated into the exchange. This will be further discussed at our next meeting.

Public session was closed at 9:21 p.m.

Committee Member Comments: Mrs. Tosti wanted to take this time to revisit what the Recreation Commission is here for. We are here to promote, uplift, and be the face of positivity for these events. We ARE the faces and personalities of Recreation. We need to work as a team and be a united front. If there are any issues, they need to be discussed amongst our group, not privately where this can create a negative atmosphere.

Mrs. Richardson wanted to make sure everyone knows that she never expects or would hold a grudge against anyone who cannot volunteer. She appreciates everyone.

Liaison Report – Mrs. Delaney Nothing new to report. Mrs. Delaney answered Mrs. Tsadilas question regarding the roof for the Community Center, which is set to begin at the end of the month.

Executive Session/Session Actions: None at this time.

Adjournment: Mr. Sylvester made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:21 p.m., seconded by Mrs. Richardson. A vote was taken, and all were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Danielle Wunder, Secretary


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