November 2, 2020 Regular Meeting


11/02/2020 – Regular Minutes

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on November 2, 2020 at 7:01 pm at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ and via Zoom. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman Dawn Delaney with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the flag salute.

Members Present: Ms. Hess, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti, Mrs. Delaney

Alternates Present: Mrs. Gardner

Members Absent/Excused: Mrs. Connelly, Mr. Reilly, Mrs.Stark


Motion by Mr. Sylvester, second by Mrs. Tosti, that the minutes of the October 3, 2020 meeting be approved. Motion carried (Note – Mrs. Gardner voted in Mrs. Connelly’s absence)


The following bill(s) were presented –Septicare (Oct.) $ 165.00. Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Delaney to approve the bills. Motion carried. (Note – Mrs. Gardner voted in Mrs. Connelly’s absence)


The copy of the letter sent to the teams regarding their “Wish List” items; copy of ad for zoom meeting


OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – Agenda Items Only – 7:05 pm – none

AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA – Mrs. Delaney added under new business – Field Use apps.


1. Clean Up Day – no report

2. Stillwater Day – No report – Mr. Sylvester requested to have the CFO encumber the fireworks money for next year – verify the amount

3. Garage Sale Weekend – no report

4. Summer Camp – no report

5. County/State Fair – No report

6. Decorating Contests – The following residence’s were chosen to be the winners – Scariest was Brian Cassera, 963 Old Schoolhouse Rd.; Most Interactive was Donald Thoenig, 909 Owassa Rd.; and Most Creative was Bartlett/Young, 950 Edgewood Dr. Holiday forms will be out shortly.

7. Tree Lighting –The Community Center will be the location. It is Dec. 11The tree has been donated, as has the installation. We were made aware that Mr. Manser donated the installation of the tree and an anonymous donor purchased the tree. Ms. Hess is to send letters to both parties (Mayor Chammings will see that the letter gets to the anonymous donor) thanking them for their contribution. Mrs. Tosti and Mrs. Gardner will be having prior craft sessions to make the ornaments. They will have Santa (Ms. Hess will contact the Fire Dept. for this). They would like to include a variety of activities that night – Storytime – “The Night Before Christmas”, Ugly sweater contest, Guess the # (some items in a jar), Carols, coloring contest. There will be candy canes and refreshments. We need to get a use form from the Clerk for the bldg.

8. Field Use / Maintenance – Mr. Sylvester asked about the reseeding and aeration. Mr. Scott will verify with the DPW if done. Mr. Scott mentioned that the fertilizer wasn’t done yet, it will be done in the coming week. Mr. Sylvester is to collect, label and store in the pod, the bases, etc. All new purchases are to be labeled, etc. property of Stillwater Twp. Lou will get a list of the equipment. At Veteran’s there was an issue regarding lights. It seems lights with generators were moved from Hampton to our field for use without anyone’s permission. This has been resolved and they have been returned to Hampton. Kittatinny Midget Football has no field use form. This is to be looked into by Mrs. Delaney as Chair. The gate will get a new lock and should have minimal number of keys or a combo lock. There must be a town representative to let someone in. We need to change our application to include special needs which must be approved by the Township Committee. The copies of the Field Use forms must be kept at the Town Hall.


Field Use Applications – none

  1. POD relocation – This will stay at the Town Hall
  2. Lock on the Shed – Lock on the shed at the Community Center – Mrs. Gardner purchased a lock. It will go to Josh at the DPW
  3. Line Striping for Pickle Ball – Mayor Chammings will follow up with Mr. Pierson to get quote on the line striping.


  1. Ms. Hess has distributed copies of our budget. According to Mrs. Chammings, money cannot be encumbered. Mr. Sylvester asked if it’s the Town’s position that we will not be improving the parks as per our Capital Plan, then are we wasting our time? The parking lot was supposed to be next in the plan. Mayor Chammings is going to have Tammy, CFO, send us a clarification of why we cannot encumber monies. Our parks are becoming run down. There may already be money in the Capital plan towards parking lot. It should be approx. $5,000 set aside. There are ways to get this done with other funds that shouldn’t affect taxes, etc. It was suggested by the mayor to just submit our budget as we want it. The proposed parking was millings not QP that just gets pushed around with paving in the winter. Capital Budget will be submitted next month after we can get the pricing necessary to submit the parking lot. This will be up to Josh or the town. Tammy will email Mrs. Delaney tomorrow. As for the remainder of the budget, we will leave it as is at $16,600.00 and to resubmit past Capital Plan with emphasis on parking lot. Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Delaney to approve budget as unchanged from last year. Motion carried (Mr. Sylvester left at 8:30 and voted yes prior to leaving).
  2. Field Use applications – Just a note that copies of the field use forms are to be filed at the Town Hall. Also, the applications need to be reworked with new verbiage. Old field use apps need to be removed from the Township website. Mrs. Delaney appointed the following: Mrs. Delaney, Ms. Hess and Mayor Chammings.

OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – 8:36 pm – none

COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS – Mrs. Gardner mentioned that she would be willing to attend the Town meetings if we want her to.


Mr. Scott has no report. Mayor Chammings mentioned that they are cleaning out the offices/file rooms, etc. She mentioned that the Rec. Commission has a file cabinet. Make sure we follow all COVID Guidelines at the tree lighting.



There being no further business, motion by Mrs. Gardner, second by Mrs. Tosti to adjourn at 8:43 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Michele Hess



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