May 7, 2018



The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on May 7, 2018 at 7:05 pm at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman David Manser with the statement read that this meeting is in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the flag salute.

Members Present: Mrs. Connelly; Mrs. Delaney, Ms. Hess, Mr. Manser, Mr. Sylvester

Members Absent/Excused:

Members Suspended: Mr. Ashley; Ms. Richardson


Motion by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Manser, that the minutes from the regular meeting on April 2, 2018 be approved. Motion carried.


The following bill was presented – A Royal Flush $ 254.87. Motion by Mrs. Delaney, second by Mrs. Connelly to approve the bills. Motion carried.


There was a letter received from the Sheriff’s office (from the Fire Marshal) regarding a fire permits required for Stillwater Day. There will be no charge for the permits this year. Ms. Hess will get the form for Mrs. Connelly for the application.

OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – Agenda Items Only – 7:11 – none


Ms. Hess added under new business two (2) applications for members; Mr. Sylvester added under new business – open positions on the Commission.


1. Clean Up Day – 10 groups participating paid out $3,000.00 at $300 per group. Trash collected was 268 lbs.; recyclables was 420 lbs.; 45 tires collected; metal approx. 100 lbs.; and approx. 500 lbs of shredding. Mr. Manser mentioned that he heard a lot of good feedback from people that saw people out cleaning and what a good job everyone did.

2. Stillwater Day – Pageant – Judges – Dawn is working on that; the sashes are in for pick up and the tiara’s were donated this year. The applications have been distributed to the different schools. b. The fireworks application is in. Ms. Hess will contact the company we used for the entertainment and get that in the works.. Vendors – Mrs. Connelly will handle all the vendors now. She has emailed all the ones she had from last year. She has several contacts she is working on. She has one in so far. The applications are on the website. Mrs. Delaney has taken care of the advertising. Other: – Mr. Sylvester has made the arrangements for the stage with All Access. They will set up on Friday and Pick Up on Monday. He took care of Tri-State Rentals for the tent rental. Set up will be by us of our own tent. Mrs. Delaney will get the signs from the trailer and get patches made for the older Stillwater Day signs so that they can be put out asap. Ms. Hess mentioned that she purchased a new lock for the trailer and that the key was given to the Town. Mayor Chammings said that she feels that each Commission member should have a key to the lock. We can have Josh from DPW make duplicates for us.

3. Garage Sale Weekend – Date: July 21 & 22. Mrs. Delaney will update the application and get it on the website.

4. County/State Fair – Mr. Sylvester wants to contact the Historical Society to work on our display. Ms. Hess mentioned that Teri Martin is now working with the Historical Society and he should contact her.

5. Decorating Contests (Halloween & Holiday) nothing now. We will discuss later.

6. Tree Lighting – nothing now

7. Field Use/Maintenance – magnetic bases – Ms. Hess looked up the rule on the bases. After much discussion, we feel that the bases we currently have are compliant and see no reason to upgrade to the bases at this time unless Little League wishes to purchase them; Ms. Hess would like to get the latest copy of the punch list items so we can update it. Mr. Sylvester mentioned that there is a tree leaning that should be addressed. He also mentioned that the brush machine was down and the DPW was waiting for a part for it; Ms. Hess placed the order for the bleachers for Stillwater Park. Mr. Sylvester mentioned that they had contacted him regarding the delivery. He forwarded this information to the Clerk. When they arrive, we will need to have an assembly day. The clay is now down and spread at Veteran’s and Stillwater Parks.



  1. Field Use Applications –
  • No applications were received. There was a lot of discussion regarding the use of the fields. There seems to have been a conflict on the Tues. evening application we approved vs. Little League. It was reminded that Mr. Choma was here the night the team brought in their application and he agreed that Tues. evening would be no problem and he would take care of it. It was also brought up that we didn’t have our March meeting when they would have come in, therefore it was brought in for the April meeting. Mr. Sylvester will create a field use calendar for next year so that we can keep track of who wants the fields and when.

2. Reassign duties of the sub-committees – most of them are covered with the exception of the Halloween and Holiday decorating contests and we will take care of assigning them later.


1. New Member Applications – we have applications from two people. They are Stephen K. Start and Joanne (Tanya) Stark. The applications were read aloud. It was discussed that we invite them to come to our meetings and perhaps get to know them. Also, it was mentioned that we have 7 regular members and 2 alternates. We need 2 alternates as we have none. Ms. Hess will send a letter to them inviting them to attend to see if the Rec. Commission is a “good fit” for them. There were a couple of other potential residents that may be interested. Mr. Manser and Mr. Sylvester will contact them and ask them to get their applications in.

2. We need to approve the following: Rates for Tara Tosti ($20.00/hr) and the counselors for summer camp ($9.00/hr). Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mr. Sylvester to approve these rates. Motion carried.

3. Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Delaney to pay Miss Stillwater $200.00, 1st Runner up $50.00; Little Miss Stillwater $25.00 and Little Mr. Stillwater $25.00. Motion carried.

4. We need to come up with a rain date or we would lose our money. After much discussion, it was discussed to have the Sat. of Garage Sale weekend as the rain date. Motion by Mr. Manser, seconded by Mrs. Delaney to have this date as the fireworks raindate. Motion carried.

OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – 8:09 pm – none closed at 8:10 pm



Ms. Hess – In light of everything going on, we have a great working group right now and hope we can continue to pursue the goals of this commission and have while doing so.

Mr. Sylvester – Memorial Day celebration at Veteran’s Park will be on May 28 at 10am. While discussing this, Mr. Manser mentioned that he will make sure the monument area is cleaned up; the lights on the flag pole were discussed again and the chains. These items are on the punch list and we are hoping to get these items taken care of quickly.


Mayor Chammings read the letters for Mr. Ashley and Ms. Richardson regarding their suspension from the Commission due to the recent criminal charges filed against them. Also, the Town is listed with the SC office of Victims Advocacy and will be notified of any change in status or any proceedings and are welcome to attend any proceedings. Also, our budget was approved with $20,000 in the budget for the playground and $5,000 for repairing of the parking lot (this will be QP). This year, create the base with the QP.

Mr. Sylvester mentioned Nathaniel with the Wallkill River Watershed is looking into grants. There is about $30,000 available. This is a pilot program under SC Open Space grant. The Mayor is waiting for information for the pilot program for trails and grounds. Mr. Sylvester discussed the walkways and handicap access/boardwalks, etc. We need to concentrate on the active side, not so much the passive side for now. Mayor Chammings also discussed that they are interviewing for a new DPW worker as we are down one worker in town.





There being no further business, motion by Mr. Sylvester, second by Mr. Manser to adjourn the meeting at 8:40pm. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Michele Hess, Secretary


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