May 3, 2021 Regular Meeting

Stillwater Township


May 3, 2021

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on May 3, 2021 at 7:03p.m. at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ and via Zoom. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman Dawn Delaney with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the Flag Salute.

No Zoom participants

Members Present: Mrs. Beshada, Mrs. Stark, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti, Mr. Reilly, Mrs. Delaney

Alternates Present: Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. McCabe-Richardson

Members Absent/Excused: Ms. Hess

Approval of minutes from last meeting – April 5, 2021 Motion/2nd Mrs. Beshada/Mr. Sylvester Motion Carried.

Payment of Bills – Presented bills: Septicare (Apr) $300.00 & R&R Trophy $1136.64, Motion/2nd Mrs. Tosti/Mrs. Stark Funds Provided, Motion Carried.

Correspondence – NONE

Open Public Session – Agenda items only open: 7:08 p.m.

Mrs. Gardner asked to bring Danni Strong from Kittatinny Youth Football up to discuss Field Use form and additional special requests (lighting and sealed container) Mrs. Strong was asked to submit, in letter form by June meeting, a request to the Township Committee due to ordinance of dawn to dusk, Lights will need to be presented to the public so they may address concerns or support. Kittatinny Youth Football would like to use Lights at dusk to 8pm for the nights from the end of September/beginning of October through November. Specific dates will need to be in this letter. Also requested was to place a nonpermanent portable 20foot sealed container by the current shed they utilize at Veterans. Zoning officer will need to be contacted by Mrs. Strong to see if a permit will need to be issued. The Township Committee will need to Amend the Lighting ordinance, hold a public hearing, introduction on request and public can speak. Township Committee will present the amendment with second reading, then 20 days after that to be adopted officially. (recommend June but no later than July for letter to be submitted to the Township) Lou motioned to approve Field use form, 2nd Mrs. Gardner Motion Carried. With no further discussion Open Public Session closed 7:18pm

Amendments to the Agenda Mrs. Delaney added line to New Business. Item A) Improvement Grant.

Sub-Committee Reports

Clean Up Day 4/10/2021 Chair- Alicia Gardner 577 lbs of garbage. All checks have been sent out to organizations.

Stillwater Day 6/12/2021-CANCELLED

Miss Stillwater- No applications currently submitted. No tent needed.

Garage Sale Weekend 7/17/2021 & 7/18/2021 Chair/Cochairs- Dawn Delaney, Michele Hess, Terry Beshada currently 4 applications

Summer Camp 8/9/2021-8/13/2021 & 8/16/2021-8/20/2021 Chair- Tara Tosti Mrs. Tosti will present list of needed items/supplies at June meeting.

County/State Fair- Confirmation for 2021: As per Lois Kinney, Fair will be held as well as Pageant (no Little Mr. or Miss)

Decorating Contests – Chair- Tim Reilly no update at this time

Tree Lighting @ Community Center 12/10/2021 snow date 12/11/2021 Recreation Board Members no update at this time

Field Use/Scheduling Chair/Cochair- Alicia Gardner/Lou Sylvester Mrs. Gardner & Mr. Sylvester worked together on a simplified schedule with contact info to share with all sport coordinators. A more detailed version was made for Township Clerk.

Field use/ Maintenance Chair- Dawn Delaney with Liaison George Scott Mrs. Delaney thanked the DPW for the additional clay to finish the fields. Mr. Scott reported the DPW will be working on the path.

Old Business

  1. Field & Pavilion Use Applications- Approvals, Updates for 2022- KLL & KTB submitted Field use forms for Summer & Fall League to run 6/15/2021-11/15/2021. Requesting Stillwater park in Swartswood & Veterans 7 days per week. M-F 5-730p Sat/Sun 9a-730p. Mr. Sylvester made a motion to approve Field Use forms pending Sunday Schedule for Softball Team. At that time the schedules will be worked out between the Teams and Mr. Sylvester & Mrs. Gardner then Submitted to Town Clerk. Motion 2nd Mrs. Tosti. Motion carried
  2. Equipment Wish List Items: Mr. Sylvester- Researched items through online BSN Catalog. (CFO will be calling for actual pricing for Township to Purchase) Mr. Ragazzo has also been researching through another company and will pass information to Mr. Sylvester and Township for comparison purposes. Mrs. Delaney made a motion to purchase (4) 15foot, Aluminum, Backless Team Benches for Volunteer Field not to exceed $2,000.00 with approval by CFO and Funds available Motion 2nd Mrs. Tosti Motion Carried. Mr. Ragazzo also stated some concerns about out-of-pocket expenses he endured due to equipment needing attention. He was directed going forward to use the field concern link on the Website and/or attend a meeting to discuss in detail what is needed. Goals, Nets, Benches and actual maintenance/repairs at Volunteer Field. Mr. Ragazzo requested mowing to be done on Thursdays or Fridays for Games on Saturdays. Country Lawn Care will be contacted to try and accommodate Mr. Ragazzo.
  3. Field Maintenance- Ash Tree Removal: Mr. Scott stated the DPW will be working the removal into the schedule.
  4. Turf Management 2020/2021- Pinnacle Schedule- Spring- Currently no applications have been performed on fields. Mrs. Tosti reported on behalf of Pinnacle, the DPW removed Deep Core Aeration from contract and stated that would be done by the DPW. Mr. Sylvester requested dates for current applications to be applied to fields. Mr. Scott will speak with the DPW to get update on what was discussed with Mr. Raff and Mr. Trotter of Pinnacle. CFO has contracts for 2021. During the discussion Mr. Trotter was contacted and first application will take place on all fields on May 12 with a rain date of May 14. Mrs. Gardner will relay that information to all Sports Coordinators with a recommendation of no field use within 24hrs after application.
  5. Field Flag System- Mr. Scott has stopped changing the flags, New flags are ordered
  6. Pickle Ball Court Striping- Mrs. Delaney 3 quotes: 1. $525+tax 2. $700 3. $1129 with discount of $300 if PLA does their court at the same time. Mrs. Delaney made Motion to go forward with Quote from Mr. Pierson for $700 and not to exceed $1,000.00 motion 2nd Mr. Sylvester with Available Funds.
  7. Community Center- Updates: Sign in Book & thermometer are at entrance inside the building. A shed from the school is at the Community center for additional outside storage for Recreation. Mrs. Gardner will be cleaning the shed so it can be utilized as soon as possible. Mrs. Gardner posted Community Center Happenings on outside Sign board.
  8. Paving Projects for 2021- George/Lisa- Mr. Scott stated Township Committee is holding off paving parking lots for this year. Mr. Sylvester brought up and discussed with Mr. Scott the Capital Plan submitted to use those funds. Mr. Scott & Mayor Chammings discussed the increase in taxes at this time due to school funding and stated it was pushed to 2022 budget due to lack of funds and only one field can be done at a time.

New Business

  1. Recreation Improvement Grant- Mrs. Beshada Collected Estimates from other Committee Members and began working on the Grant. List of requested improvements are as follows:
        1. Baseball & Softball Chain link fence with yellow coil capper $7,400.00
        2. Gazebo Octagon Wood $12,000.00
        3. Picnic Tables/Benches for Parks $8,170.43
        4. Pickleball Court Striping $700.00
        5. Flood/Motion Lights for Parks $2,069.00
        6. Green House/Community Garden $900.00
        7. Raised Garden Beds with Deer Fence $2899.99

Totaling $34,139.42. After discussing Pickleball striping was removed from Grant New total $33,439.42

Mrs. Beshada was thanked for her hard work with preparing the Grant.

  1. Plant Exchange Mrs. Stark- Lots of media outreach and response. Flyer is posted on social media printed flyers will be distributed in the community.
  2. Crosswalk at Community Center – Township committee sent request to freeholders and it is now in review by County engineer to see if that is a place a crosswalk can be placed. We will follow up next meeting for status update.
  3. Alternate #2 Advertising – Mrs. McCabe-Richardson was the only applicant and it was resolved by the Township Committee, she is now Recreation Commission Alternate #2.

Open Public Session open 8:33 p.m. NONE closed 8:33 p.m.

Committee Member Comments – Mr. Scott recommended in the future looking into putting up a Pickleball Court at Volunteer Field in the area by the mulch and rock piles.

Liaison Report – None

Executive Session-None

Executive Session Actions-None

Adjournment There being no further business, Mrs. Gardner made a motion and 2nd by Mrs. Tosti to adjourn at 8:38pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alicia Gardner


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