May 24, 2021 Regular Meeting



May 24, 2021

A regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Zoning Board of Adjustment was held on Monday, May 24, 2021, at 7:35 p.m. via Zoom  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lippencott in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act.   The flag was saluted and roll call taken:

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Mr. Lippencott, Mrs. Draghi, Mr. van der Haeghen, Ms. Mountford, and Mr. Kochenthal (arriving at 7:38 p.m.)

MEMBERS ABSENT:     Mr. Sarni, Mr. Wykoff, and Mr. Straub

ALSO PRESENT:            Board Attorney Haggerty and Board Engineer/Planner Golden.


Mrs. Draghi made the motion to approve the minutes of April 26, 2021, seconded by Ms. Mountford.  Roll call vote, in favor: Mr. Lippencott-Yes, Ms. Mountford-Yes, Mrs. Draghi-Yes, and Mr. van der Haeghen-Yes


#610   Newhouse, Block 2001, Lots 6 & 14-Variance Application

Mr. van der Haeghen made the motion to approve the Resolution.  Motion seconded by Ms. Mountford.  Roll call vote, in favor- Mr. Lippencott-Yes, Ms. Mountford-Yes, Mrs. Draghi-Yes, Mr. Kochenthal-Yes, and Mr. van der Haeghen-Yes

   #611   Geydoshek, Block 3701, Lot 11 -Variance Application

Mr. van der Haeghen made the motion to approve the Resolution.  Motion seconded by Ms. Mountford.  Roll call vote, in favor- Mr. Lippencott-Yes, Ms. Mountford-Yes, Mrs. Draghi-Abstain,  Mr. Kochenthal-Yes, and Mr. van der Haeghen-Yes


Ms. Draghi made the motion to pay the following bills, seconded by Ms. Mountford.

Dolan & Dolan              Re:  Burton                           90.75

Dolan & Dolan              Re:  Geydoshek                   445.50

Dolan & Dolan              Re:  Newhouse                    396.00

Dolan & Dolan              Re:  General                        325.00

Roll call vote, in favor- Mr. Lippencott-Yes, Ms. Mountford-Yes, Mrs. Draghi-Yes, Mr. Kochenthal-Yes, and Mr. van der Haeghen-Yes


NJ Planner


The Board discussed having in person meetings beginning in July.


Chairman Lippencott opened the meeting to the public at 7:43 p.m. With there being no public comment, the meeting was closed to the public at 7:44 p.m.


Mayor Chammings was in attendance and she asked if Mr. & Mrs. Geydoshek wished to request an extension.  Mrs. Geydoshek asked if they should request an extension, at this time, as they may not begin in 9 months.  The Board discussed what the definition of starting construction might be and suggested that they wait to see where they are in a few months. The Board congratulated Mr. & Mrs. Geydoshek as their daughter was chosen as Ms. Stillwater.

Mayor Chammings then updated the Board on the following: Ms. Stillwater was chosen and the runner ups; July in person/hybrid meetings; Town hall is open following CDC guidelines; Budget approve; purchase of fire apparatus; commercial internet; introduction of marijuana prohibition ordinance; hiring of Zoning Officer; thanking Board Engineer Golden; update on Gallagher’s property;  the resignation of William Morrison and retirement of Kathy Wunder.  She also stated that there will be a County Fair and the Township is holding hybrid meetings.

The Board Secretary stated that she is not available for the June meeting and she asked if the Board would authorize Board Engineer Golden, to do a completeness determination, if an application were to be submitted.  She stated that she does not want to run afoul of the 45 day completeness clock.  She stated that we may get the Stillwater Church, non-conforming application lot line adjustment application.  Mr. Golden stated that the Board can then confirm completeness and start a hearing, in July, so that no time is lost.  The Board agreed to authorize Board Engineer Golden to determine completeness.


With there being no further business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at

8:05 p.m.  In a voice vote, all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________            _______________________________

Alfia Schemm, Board Secretary                                        George Lippencott, Chairman


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