May 2, 2022 Regular Meeting

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Recreation Commission

Meeting Minutes – May 2, 2022

Call to order

Mrs. Delaney called to order the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission at 7:05pm followed by the Open Public Meeting Statement and Flag Salute.

Roll call

Mrs. Tosti conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Mrs. Richardson, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti, Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Carovillano

Members Absent- Mr. Reilly, Mrs. Beshada

Approval of minutes from last meeting

Motion to approve Minutes from April 4, 2022 Meeting made by Mr. Sylvester second by Mrs. Tosti. A vote was taken and all are in favor.

Payment of Bills – 4- Total $3,446.17 Septicare $302.50, Karaoke Machine $67.99, Alcar Tennis Court Cleaning (will be paid once invoice from Mr. Pierson is received) $600.00, BSN Sports $2,475.68

Correspondence- None

Open Public Session I

The meeting was opened to the public at 7:10pm, No one from the public wished to speak, Public Session was closed at 7:10pm

Amendments to the Agenda – None

Sub Committee Reports

  1. Pavilion Use & Field Use Application Approvals/Scheduling- Mrs. Tosti – Mr. Romeo representative for KLL submitted field use change: requesting Monday/Wednesday/Friday for Stillwater Park. Mr. Sylvester would like written confirmation from KLL President stating facility use changes that were requested leave the open days available (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) for use of other leagues/teams also using that field. Mr. Carovillano will reach out to KLL President to get confirmation as requested. Mr. Romeo was also made aware, if interested, regarding open alternate positions on the Recreation Commission Board. No other applications at this time.
  2. Field Maintenance- Mr. Sylvester and Mr. Reilly – 30 yards of clay was delivered by DPW and the following volunteers helped over a course of 4 hours to edge properly, set field to specs and spread clay. Stephen Dell, Mike from the Moose Lodge Team, Keith Trotter, Tom & Tara Tosti, Gina Richardson and Lou Sylvester. Dave Makarevich brought his machine in to help with manual labor. Mr. Sylvester requested to send a Thank you to Mr. Makarevich for help and using his machine. Mrs. Gardner will send a Thank you card. Mrs. Tosti’s Family member will be donating a cub cadet lawn tractor/mower to use for the field to drag clay. Equip to purchase for field maintenance: (quote from BSN Co-op Diamond Digger Combo, HD Drag Mat, Qty:2 (spray paint) striping machines, Veteran’s Field-Batter’s Box Template: sm $351.00, Stillwater Park Batter’s Box Template: lg $369.00 (Total: $2,790.00) Motion made by Mrs. Delaney not to exceed $3,000.00 for equipment needed for field maintenance. Second by Mrs. Tosti. A vote was taken all are in favor. Mrs. Gardner will give Mrs. Leonard, CFO, the quote printout from Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti will also give quote from Amazon as shared by Mr. Trotter. Mr. Sylvester strongly recommends to have 30 tons clay delivered on each field (2) with a recommendation to the Township Committee & DPW as holders of the responsibility that spreading be done by professionals as other towns do not have volunteers spread clay. This delivery of the clay in Fall is for Veteran’s Park in the Fall with the understanding Mr. Raff’s view is optimal in the Spring, but we do not have the optimal situation and the Commission should move to purchase the equipment to be able to keep the clay fluffy and light and not compacted. Leagues started early this year in the Spring. Mr. Carovillano stated the Season started early last year as well due to everyone wanting to get the kids out and playing as soon as they were able.
  3. Clean Up Day- Mrs. Gardner – 16 Groups participated: Collecting over 1300 lbs!

Kittatinny Little League, Kittatinny Soccer Club, Kittatinny Players Booster Club, Kittatinny Youth Football, Kittatinny Lacrosse, KRHS FBLA, Hampton Softball, GSNNJ Troop 98067, Historical Society of Stillwater Township, 6th Grade Recognition, Stillwater Twp PTA, Stillwater Education Association Philanthropic, CERT, Stillwater Recreation Activity Club, Boy Scout Troop 83 and 4H.

  1. Ms. Stillwater- Mrs. Beshada – Friday May 13, 2022. Little Miss and Mr. and Miss Stillwater Time/Location: 6:00pm at The Community Center. Applications due May 6, 2022 Still in search of candidates/applicants for Miss Stillwater- Please get the word out, still in search of candidates.
  2. Stillwater Day/Fall Fest- Board – Mrs. Delaney – Meeting with HSST Thurs. May 5, 2022 4:30pm at Townhall. Mrs. Gardner will attach notes from that meeting.
  3. Garage Sale Weekend- Mrs. Delaney

Less than 20 Map Applications at this time. Deadline is May 9, 2022. 3 Days of newspaper advertising will run $195.00. Motion made by Mr. Sylvester to advertise the garage sale weekend, Second by Mr. Carovillano. A vote was taken and all are in favor.

  1. Summer Camp- Mrs. Tosti – Mrs. Tosti will be submitting the applications to the school for the newsletter this month.
  2. County/State Fair- Mrs. Stark

None at this time Dates August 5-13, 2022 Due to resignation Mrs. Delaney reached out to Mrs. Stark via email and left voice messages, has not heard back yet, to discuss details for Fair and if a sub-committee will be needed. Will discuss again in June, hoping to hear back from Mrs. Stark by then.

  1. Holiday Events/Contests– Mr. Reilly – None at this time
  2. Tree Lighting- Recreation Board – None at this time
  3. Plant Exchange/Educational Activities– Mrs. Stark – None at this time
  4. Community Center Activities– Mrs. Tosti/Mrs. Richardson – Community Center Activities- Mrs. Richardson & Mrs. Tosti- Teen Night May 7 from 6-8pm Walking Taco Teen Night provided RSVP is 7 Teens or more, would cancel and reschedule if less than 7. Senior Activities May 19 from 6-8:30pm 50’s Dinner Dance. Motion made by Mrs. Tosti not to exceed $200 for DJ Kendell Second by Mrs. Delaney. A vote was taken all are in favor. Motion made by Mr. Sylvester not to exceed $500 for food purchases. Second by Mr. Carovillano. A vote was taken all are in favor. Funds will be used from the Recreation Activity Club.
  5. Grant Purchase List – Mrs. Beshada – Mrs. Beshada placed the order for the picnic tables. Currently estimates are being gathered from Mrs. Beshada and Mr. Sylvester for the fencing at Stillwater Park.

Old Business

  1. Equipment Wish List Items & Location: Pitching Cage Net Installation Mrs. Tosti stated she is going to contact Mr. Raff about QP being put in the cage.
  2. Veteran’s/Stillwater & Volunteer Parks: Mrs. Gardner submitted request list for parks to Mr. McAlister and Mr. Raff and was told they will be working on it as the DPW has time open from other scheduled tasks. Mrs. Gardner will reach out to Mrs. Leonard about delivery of additional port-a-potty at Stillwater Park as voted on last year. Mrs. Delaney mentioned the Emergency sign on the Gate at Veteran’s was not there as of her last visit there. Mrs. Delaney will reach out to Mr. Raff again. Mr. Sylvester made the recommendation to have the shed from Veteran’s to be put at Stillwater Park to house the donated lawn mower if structure is sound enough to do so. Mrs. Rumsey stated she will mention that at the Township Committee meeting Tuesday night during her report.
  3. Tennis / Pickleball Court Maintenance Update – Tennis Court Maintenance- Mrs. Delaney stated cleaning has been completed, Mrs. Gardner stated that Mr. Doolittle stopped in Townhall and Thank the Rec Commission for having the court cleaned and said it looks amazing.

New Business

    1. Mailing Insert for July Tax Bills: A Flyer of upcoming Events and Dates will be sent out in the Tax Bill Mailing.
    2. Alternate #1 & #2 Position Openings – Mrs. Delaney will reach out to the Clerk to Follow up on status after advertising email request from April Meeting.

Open Public Session II

The meeting was opened to the public at 8:04pm, no public at this time, Public Session was closed at 8:04pm

Committee Member Comments – None

Liaison Report- Mrs. Rumsey

Mrs. Rumsey, Mrs. Delaney and Mr. Wright with great honor judged the Pinewood Derby Contest for Troop 83 at the Community Center. Such creative derby cars and was a difficult decision. All judges were happy no one was upset.

Teen night and Senior Activities, Mrs. Rumsey recommends reaching out to local businesses to donate some food.

Kitchen door of Community Center has been found open on multiple occasions. Mrs. Rumsey will contact Mr. Raff and have him check the latch/door knob and see if replacement is needed.

Shed at the community center is going to be cleaned out and used for summer camp due to lack of storage in the closet inside and could possibly hold lawn mower if needed.

With Mrs. Beshada working on the grant with local landscapers to do the gardens around the community center, Mrs. Rumsey will reach out to Troop 83 Anthony Madeira as he would like to do a work drill day to plant and landscape for Beautification in Community.

Executive Session-Not at this time

Executive Session Actions-No action taken


Motion made by Mr. Sylvester second by Mr. Carovillano to Adjourn Meeting at 8:08pm. A voice vote was taken and all are in favor.

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