March 7, 2023 Regular Meeting

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Tuesday March 7, 2023

A REGULAR MEETING of the Stillwater Township Committee was called to order by Mayor Chammings at 6:04 p.m. noting the meeting date, time and place were sent to the New Jersey Herald and posted at the Town Hall, on the Township’s website and advised those present that this meeting was being held in compliance with provisions of Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231 P.L. 1975 P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 & 13.

Roll Call: PRESENT: Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Barta, Mrs. Rumsey, Mr. Scott, Mayor Chammings

EXECUTIVE SESSION: held in Town Hall

After the reading of the following Resolution to enter into Executive Session, a motion was made by Mrs. Rumsey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and carried by roll call vote to adopt the resolution permitting the Committee to go into Executive Session at 6:05 p.m.

WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting under certain circumstances; and

WHEREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, in the County of Sussex and State of New Jersey as follows:

1. The public shall be excluded from that portion of this meeting.

2. The general nature of the subject matter to be discussed is as follows: Personnel, Contract, Attorney Client.

3. As nearly as can now be ascertained, the matter or matters to be discussed at this time will be disclosed to the public when such matters are resolved.

A motion was made by Mayor Chammings to suspend executive session and return to public session at 7:04 p.m. seconded by Mr. Scott. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Delaney, yes, Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes

The flag was saluted.


The CFO, Tammy Leonard, presented the budget to the township committee. Mrs. Leonard explained the budget process started in October of 2022. There were three budget workshop meetings held which created the budget. After the presentation the CFO presented the Township Committee with a few areas of the budget that could be reduced slightly to reduce the overall budget. The Township Committee discussed the options and chose the cuts they felt best served the Township. The CFO agreed with their decisions and will make the final changes to the budget. The 2023 budget will be introduced at the March 21, 2023 regular Township Committee meeting.

MINUTES: Budget Meeting Minutes February 4, 2023

A motion was made by Mrs. Rumsey to adopt the minutes as presented, seconded by Mrs. Delaney. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Delaney, yes, Mr. Barta, abstain, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes

MINUTES: February 21, 2023 Executive and Regular Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Mr. Scott to adopt the minutes as presented, seconded by Mr. Barta. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Delaney, yes, Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes

BILLS LIST #04 $923,723.79

RESOLUTION 2023-62 Authorizing Payment of Bills

WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has certified that funds are available in the proper account; and

WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has approved payment upon certification from the Township Department Heads that the goods and/or services have been rendered to the Township;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Stillwater that the current bill lists, dated February 21, 2023 and on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief Finance Officer and approved by the Chief Finance Officer for payment, be paid.

Mr. Scott pulled PO#13516, which is mileage reimbursement for Mrs. Delaney. Mr. Barta questioned the cost of the Knox boxes on if it was the cost of one or two. The Clerk explained Mr. Sugar was able to find the boxes cheaper so the cost of the bill is for the two of them.

A motion was made by Mr. Scott to adopt Resolution 2023-62, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Delaney, yes, Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes

A motion was made by Mr. Scott to pay PO#13516, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Delaney, abstain, Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes


  • Committeewoman Delaney
    • Recreation – The backstop project at Stillwater Park is now completed. They did an incredible job. This project was completed by a grant. Mrs. Delaney thanked the DPW for going in and cleaning up afterwards. The fee rates were approved at the last meeting. There was one increase, summer camp is going from $45 per child to $50 per child. Mr. Scott questioned if there was a family with multiple children if there was any type of discount. Mrs. Tosti, Recreation Chair, explain at this time there wasn’t. Mr. Scott also questioned if there were provisions in place for people who can’t afford to go, and Mrs. Tosti explained there were options in place, if needed. There were three field-use applications approved. The Recreation Commission is holding a craft event on Sunday March 19, 2023 for the DPD. There will be a workshop meeting on March 20, 2023 at 7pm to focus on Fall Festival items. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday April 2, 2023 at Veterans Field at 12pm. The Recreation Commission is working with the Fire Department on this event. Clean up day is scheduled for April 22, 2023.
    • Zoning Board of Adjustment – Eileen Borne was present in the absence of Mr. Haggerty, board attorney. There were two resolutions passed. A recommendation was made for the township committee to accept the application of Andy Martin to the Zoning Board. A better procedure to return escrow balances was discussed. Mrs. Bair and the CFO are going to come up with a better process for the return of escrow balances. Mrs. Bair was officially sworn in as Zoning Board Secretary.
  • Committeeman Barta
    • Board of Education – the state reduced aid to our schools for 2023-24 school year. For KRHS the cut is$624,000.00 and the cut for Stillwater School $160,000.00 budget cuts from the schools. They are having plans from the architect drawn up for phase three of the masonry repairs and for the gymnasium bathroom renovation. This cost is about $10,900.00 which they are hoping to use a grant for. The preschoolers took a trip to Home Depot. The third graders are taking a trip the Franklin Mineral Museum. The annual 2022 audit was approved. The PTA is trying to do a lot more events, such as skating nights.
  • Committeewoman Rumsey
    • Emergency Services – Fire and EMS have both been running smoothly. There have been a few difficult calls they have attended. The RTV has been out a few times on hiker calls.
    • Community Center – The community center is being used quite often by the public. The lights are still not fixed, but Paul the DPW supervisor guaranteed they would be fixed this week sometime.
    • Architect – Mr. Wykoff indicated he will have a report to the committee by the end of the month with specs and will be able to move forward with the roof project come spring.
    • Personnel – no report
  • Committeeman Scott
    • DPW – Mr. Scott met with the whole DPW on Friday March 3, 2023 and for a safety meeting regarding use of Recycling Center equipment. Mr. Scott is very pleased with the men who work up there and feel it is a very good team. Mr. Scott reminded the public if they see trees down or limbs in the road to notify someone right away so it can be taken care of. The DPW is currently working on getting together a list of equipment which can be gotten rid of at auction.
    • Engineering – no report
  • Mayor Chammings
    • Planning Board – There was quite a bit of discussion at the planning board meeting about pending applications coming to the planning board. The Planning Board will meet with Andy Martin, and then a discussion on which board he will become a member of will take place.
    • Environmental Commission – The Environmental Commission would like Lake Communities to be made aware of the newly adopted Biochar Ordinance. The Clerk will send letters to the communities from the Township Committee.
    • Legal – no report
    • Engineering – The Engineer, Mayor Chammings, and Mr. Barta are planning to meet prior to the next Planning Board Meeting to discuss the Stormwater Management packet he had sent to the committee.
    • CERT – CERT held their meeting on February 22, 2023. The Committee would like to send a thank-you letter to Paul Mole for his service as Assistant Program Coordinator. NJEPA conference being held in Atlantic City April 17-21, 2023. If members of CERT were interested in attending they were given instructions on how to register. There is a Mass-Care demonstration on April 1, 2023 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds.
    • OEM – Over three weekends from January to February local OEM took the 200-400 ICMS classes. Chief Hawkins and Mayor Chammings attended a Step Up and Lead Conference on Sunday March 5, 2023, which was a great conference. Mayor Chammings and Paul Hawkins met with Blanca, from the state, in regards to the ingress/egress road, top of Jasmine to Tulip. There were a few requirements they asked for and the township is amendable to those.
    • ADR Environmental reported to Mayor Chammings there has been progress on 992 Fairview Lake Road. In order for a complete site investigation the building must be demolished. The time frame for the investigation is a year out so if the township chooses to proceed there is enough time to properly budget for the buildings’ demolition. Habitat for Humanity is interested in helping the town with this property. The township is moving forward in a positive manner to remediate the property.

AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA: There were no amendments to the agenda.


Lou Sylvester expressed his concerns on the budget capital line not showing paving for two parks, Stillwater and Veteran’s, and having pickleball lines painted on them. Mr. Sylvester stated it would be very minimal upkeep from the township once the parking lots are paved. It was explained these costs were already a part of the capital plan.

Heidi Mountford expressed her concerns for the RUT (reserve for uncollected taxes). Mayor Chammings explained the township was following the recommendations of our CFO and Auditor in regards to the RUT. Mayor Chammings referenced a resolution which for the Fund Balance Policy in 2022.

Marica Bradley thanked Paul Mole for all of the work he did for CERT and how sad they are to see him resign. Paul created a clear outline called Steps for New CERT Members. He also administered the Facebook page for Stillwater CERT. The Sussex County CERT Basic course has been postponed until the Fall. CERT is currently looking for other avenues to take the course before the Fall.


Township’s Tax Lien Update:

The advertisement of the foreclosures will be in the Sunday February 26, 2023 New Jersey Herald. Forty-five (45) days after the advertisement we will be able to foreclose on the first set of properties. At the next meeting there will be a resolution to authorize the next set of properties to start the foreclosure process on. Mr. Vex is going to start the title search on the next set of properties to be foreclosed on.


WHEREAS, the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater wishes to improve the Township Noise Ordinance to ensure that its provisions can be efficiently enforced when necessary.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, that the Township Code shall be amended as follows:


The Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater hereby amends Chapter 272 of the Township Code entitled “Noise” to add a new subsection to § 272-2 (Prohibited Acts) as follows:

  1. Discharging unlawful explosive devices or discharging unlawful firearms and/or unlawful magazines or utilizing legally obtained firearms or explosives in a manner that causes or makes loud, unnecessary or unusual noise of a repetitive nature which does or is likely to annoy, disturb, injure or endanger the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of others.


The Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater hereby amends Chapter 272 of the Township Code entitled “Noise” to add a new Section § 272-5 as follows:

§ 272-5 Enforcement, Violations and penalties

This Chapter shall be enforced by the New Jersey State Police or any law enforcement agency serving Stillwater Township. Any person who fails or refuses to comply with any lawful order or direction of a member of the State Police or any law enforcement agency serving Stillwater Township to cease and desist from making noise believed to be in violation of this Chapter, or who violates this Chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to the penalties provided in Chapter 1. Article III of the Code of the Township of Stillwater (§ 1-17 et seq.)


The Township Clerk shall take all necessary action to assure the Code is promptly updated to accurately reflect the current law, policies and practices of the Township of Stillwater.


This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage.

A motion was made by Mr. Scott to open the discussion of the ordinance to the public, seconded by Mr. Barta.

Mr. Joseph Doherty read a letter of thanks into the record:

“I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to council for amending the township noise ordinance and to Attorney Howard Vex for crafting the wording to acknowledge, in part, in legalese, my sentiment on extreme and incessant noise activity. I see it as a victory for the people, whose voice was heard and heeded by their elected representatives. It is a classic example of the peoples’ government at work. Vox Populi – Well Done!”

Mr. Steve Sugar questioned the wording of the ordinance limiting enforcement to the New Jersey State Police. Mr. Vex suggested adding “or any local law enforcement agency” to allow for any law enforcement agency to enforce the ordinance as it reads.

Mr. Lou Sylvester just thanked the committee for taking the time to amend this ordinance. Mr. Sylvester expressed his concerns about not having the Zoning Officer listed as an enforcer of this ordinance.

Mayor Chammings expressed she would not want to put our Zoning Officer in an area which could become contentious when you are talking about firearms.

After the discussion from the public a motion was made by Mr. Scott to adopt Ordinance 2023-03, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Delaney, yes, Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes, with the changes to the ordinance.



BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, as follows;

Section 1. The Township of Stillwater shall pay it municipal officers and employees for services rendered as shown below. Figures shown represent annual salary, unless otherwise noted.


Township Committee Member $4,500.00 – $6,000.00

Township Clerk $50,000.00 – $90,000.00

Deputy Clerk $18.00 – $25.00 per hour

Municipal Registrar $6,000.00 – $8,500.00

Clerk 1 $40,000.00 – $60,000.00

Deputy Municipal Registrar $3,000.00 – $4,500.00

Receptionist $15.00 – $20.00 per hour

File Clerk $15.00 – $20.00 per hour

Chief Financial Officer $50,000.00 – $90,000.00

Clean Communities Coordinator-Stipend $1,000.00

Qualified Purchasing Agent-Stipend $3,000.00

Tax Assessor $25,000.00 – $45,000.00

Tax Collector $25,000.00 – $45,000.00

Tax Collector-Extra Hours $25.00 – $40.00 per hour

DPW Supervisor (Provisional) $58,000.00 – $65,000.00

DPW Supervisor (CPWM) $70,000.00 – $90,000.00

Recycling Coordinator $1,750.00 – $2,500.00

DPW Laborers As Per Contract

Solid Waste Worker $15.00 – $20.00 per hour

Solid Waste Cashier $15.00 – $20.00 per hour

Recycling Supervisor $20.00 – $30.00 per hour

Recycling Worker $15.00 – $25.00 per hour

Zoning Officer $20,000.00 – $40,000.00

Construction Code Official $10,000.00 – $25,000.00

Plumbing Sub-Code Official $7,500.00 – $15,000.00

Electrical Sub-Code Official $7,500.00 – $15,000.00

Fire Sub-Code Official $2,500.00 – $5,000.00

Fire Inspector $2,500.00 – $5,000.00

Smoke Detector Certifications $25.00 per Certification

Smoke Detector Re-Certifications $20.00 per Certification

Electrical Inspector/Sub-Code Official-Vaca Coverage $35.00 – $50.00 per hour

Emergency Mgmt Coordinator $2,000.00 – $5,000.00

Deputy Emergency Mgmt Coordinator $1,000.00 – $3,000.00

Animal Control Officer $7,500.00 – $12,000.00


Zoning Board Secretary $5,000.00 – $9,000.00

Planning Board Secretary $5,000.00 – $9,000.00

Environmental Commission Secretary $2,500.00 – $5,000.00

Recreation Commission Secretary $2,500.00 – $5,000.00


Crossing Guard $15.00 – $18.00 per hour

Section 2. Specific salaries or wages established by the Ordinance shall be made retroactive to January 1, 2023 unless otherwise noted.

Section 3. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as making mandatory the payment of annual salary increments to any officer of employees of the Township of Stillwater. Salary or wage increases shall be contingent upon availability of funds.

Section 4. All former ordinances or parts thereof conflicting or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.

Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect after publication and passage according to law.

A motion was made by Mr. Scott to introduce Ordinance 2023-05, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Delaney, yes, Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes



WHEREAS the following Raffle Application with required fees have been submitted for Township Committee approval;

Raffle # Applicant Date Type of Game

RA-23-02 Domestic Abuse Services Inc. 03/24/2023 Raffle

(Event to be held at the Stillwater Area Volunteer Fire Company)

WHEREAS said Raffle Applications have been provided to the Township Committee and New Jersey State Police for their review;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, the following:

  1. The appropriate officials are hereby authorized to execute the findings and determination for the above application and shall forward same to the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission (LGCCC) for review.
  2. That the above license shall be issued pending LGCCC approval, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13.1 et seq.

A motion was made by Mr. Scott to adopt Resolution 2023-63, seconded by Mrs. Delaney. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Delaney, yes, Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, they do hereby concur with the OEM Coordinator’s Appointments of James Cantelmo for a three-year term as Deputy OEM Coordinator effective March 8, 2023.

A motion was made by Mrs. Delaney to adopt Resolution 2023-64, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Delaney, yes, Mr. Barta, abstain, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Scott, abstain, Mayor Chammings, yes. Mr. Scott and Mr. Barta abstained due to wanting to meet with Mr. Cantelmo prior to accepting him as Deputy OEM Coordinator.


WHEREAS, the Township of Stillwater is required to submit a Certified Recycling Tonnage Report to NJDEP for the year 2022; and

WHEREAS, the Township of Stillwater does not employ a Certified Recycling Professional required to file the Recycling Tonnage Report; and

WHEREAS, the Uniform Shared Services and Consolidation Act (N.J.S.A. 40A:65-1, et seq.) (hereinafter, “the Act”) provides that local units of government may enter into a contract to provide or receive any service that either local unit participating in the Agreement is empowered to provide or receive within its own jurisdiction, including services incidental to the primary purposes of any of the participating units (N.J.S.A. 40A:65-4); and

WHEREAS, Stillwater Township will prepare the 2022 Stillwater Township Recycling Tonnage Report; and

WHEREAS, Stillwater Township wishes to request the services of the SCMUA in the form of the District Recycling Coordinator as a Certified Recycling Professional to certify and submit the required 2022 Stillwater Township Tonnage Report to NJDEP by April 30, 2023; and

WHEREAS, SCMUA has the qualified staff to certify the Recycling Tonnage Report prepared by Stillwater Township and electronically submit it to NJDEP on behalf of Stillwater Township under the terms and conditions set forth in the Shared Services Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater as follows:

1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a Shared Services Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, with SCMUA for the provision of Certified Recycling Professional Services to certify and submit the 2022 Recycling Tonnage Report to NJDEP.

2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.

3. All Township Staff and Professionals are authorized to take any and all necessary actions to see to the implementation of this Resolution.

A motion was made by Mr. Scott to adopt Resolution 2023-65, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Delaney, yes, Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes



WHEREAS, Thomas Dixon is temporarily unable to fulfill all duties of his position as the Code Enforcement/Zoning Officer for the Township of Stillwater, effective March 1, 2023 while he recovers from surgery; and

WHEREAS, the Mayor and Township Committee have recommended that Certified Zoning and Code Enforcement Officer, Allison LaRocca, temporarily fill the position as the provisional Township Zoning Officer, until Thomas Dixon can return to his duties; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Mayor and Committee of Stillwater Township in the County of Sussex and State of New Jersey confirms the need of the provisional appointment of Allison LaRocca to the Township Zoning Officer Position, subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. The provisional appointment is for the period of March 1, 2023 through April 30, 2023 as needed.
  2. Ms. Larocca will be paid a stipend of $40 per hour for her services.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that her employment is subject to the usual terms and conditions as set forth in the Township of Stillwater Personnel Policy Manual, as well as New Jersey Court Rules and Civil Service Law.

A motion was made by Mr. Scott to adopt Resolution 2023-66, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Allison thanked the Committee and is looking forward to helping out in the absence of Mr. Dixon. She will be at the town hall Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Delaney, yes, Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes


Peddling and Soliciting Application:

The Township Clerk received an email asking for a peddler’s application. She presented to the committee for approval an application and requirements of the applicant. The Committee approved her recommendations.

Landlord Identity Registration:

The Township Clerk put together the landlord registration cover letter, the landlord registration form, and they are up on the website as a fillable form. Mayor Chammings thanked the clerks department for all of their work on getting all the pieces together to get the mailing out to over 300 landlords.


Mayor Chammings suggested to the Committee to utilize some of the workshop meetings built into the schedule to go over three main topics: the community center, the personnel handbook, and public safety.

The workshop meeting to discuss the Community Center and public safety will be held Tuesday April 11, 2023 at 4 pm at the Community Center.

The workshop meeting to discuss the personnel handbook will be help Tuesday May 2, 2023 at 6pm, prior to the regular meeting, at the Town Hall.


Heidi Mountford expressed her concerns for the non-returned escrow from different projects, not just for herself but for other residents as well. The Committee agreed to come up with a better process to make sure residents get the escrow back after they complete a project at their home. Kathy Draghi questioned what the process of returning the escrow is currently.

Heidi Mountford stated she works with a non-profit called Benny’s Bodega and asked if there was anyway to get a list of seniors who could benefit from the organization. Committeewoman Rumsey informed her to contact The Sussex County Senior Services Department, the office of the Aging, to get the information she is looking for.

Scott Douglas, President of the Paulinskill Lake Association, thanked the clerk’s department for fixing the “Lakes” link on the website. It now goes to the lake page where residents can access information on the different lakes in the community. He also wanted to thank the Stillwater Area Volunteer Fire Company for the recent activity which happened in his front yard, involving a truck and a tree. He stated they were quick to respond, professional, and courteous.

Scott Douglas asked if there was easy access for the solicitation information on the website. The clerk asked him to have the people contact her via email right away, and the link is on the website under forms and applications. Committeeman Scott suggested having something in the bylaws of Paulinskill Lake Association about solicitation.


Mr. Vex reported he had nothing further to report at this time.

The Township Committee resumed Executive Session at 9:00pm and re-entered public session at 9:44 p.m.

There being no further business, Mr. Scott made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m., seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. In a voice vote, all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Beth Martin, Deputy Clerk


Visit the Office of Emergency Management page for links and the latest information