March 1, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes – March 1, 2021

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on March 1, 2021 at 7:02p.m. at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ and via Zoom. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman Dawn Delaney with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the Flag Salute. (Zoom participants: One public participant: Mr. Volpe (Kittatinny Lacrosse).

Members Present: Mrs. Beshada, Mrs. Stark, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti, Mrs. Delaney

Alternates Present: Mrs. Gardner

Members Absent/Excused: Mr. Reilly, Ms. Hess

A moment of silence held for Dave Van Gorden Jr. 8/1/1961-2/28/2021 Rest In Peace

Approval of minutes from last meeting – January 4, 2021 Note: February meeting cancelled due to weather. Motion/2nd Mrs. Beshada/Mrs. Gardner Motion Carried. (note: Mrs. Gardner voted in Mr. Reilly’s absence)

Payment of Bills – Presented bills: BSN $333.43, Septicare (Jan) $165.00, Septicare (Feb) $165.00, Alicia Gardner $50.00, Winning Teams $37.84

Motion/2nd Mrs. Tosti/Mrs. Beshada Motion Carried. (note: Mrs. Gardner voted in Mr. Reilly’s absence)

Correspondence – NONE

Open Public Session – Agenda items only open: 7:06 p.m.

Mrs. Delaney addressed our Covid restriction struggles last year and rough winter. The public (sports coordinators) were asked to keep us posted on any field condition concerns so they may be corrected and kept in the highest standards possible. We are hoping for a busy and eventful Spring and Summer. Josh Raff, DPW Supervisor was in attendance and discussed the field maintenance situation regarding maintenance and fertilizing. Mrs. Stark asked Mr. Raff about the overgrown trails at Veterans Field. Both are contracted out- Maintenance to Country Care Lawn Service (Mowing of fields including trails) and Fertilizing to Pinnacle (4 applications are done in the Fall when fields are not being used). Mr. Raff stated about 2 years ago the DPW opened up the trails to be maintained by Country Care Lawn Service and unless the DPW is told they usually do not walk fields to check maintenance/services performed. He also looked into and received a quote to rent equipment to better open the trails at Veterans (if approved to rent equipment that is something for Oct/Nov months) Mr. Scott requested to be sent an email from Mrs. Gardner with concerns to be presented to Country Care Lawn Service and review contract details. Mr. Raff also noted clay was not purchased last year because of lateness in allowing fields to be used and to not waste the money at that time with a chance of restrictions to arise being unknown. He also noted clay is placed at most needed field each year not all fields. In addition: Mr. Sylvester addressed concerns with no intent to direct at any one person or group regarding over the last at least 2 years maintenance is lacking at fields. We should be better organized like surrounding towns with what needs to be done to keep up on maintenance so all fields are ready to go at the start of season. Such as, top soil at Volunteer Field, clay at all fields not only Swartswood (which has been the only field receiving clay) and trees over bridge and river at Veterans Field. Mr. Sylvester stated having a lot of older residents we should be able to provide things to do safely within our community, where they live. Mr. Sylvester requested advice and help from Rec Sport Coordinators regarding where to purchase needed equipment for Veterans Field (Aluminum Benches and Drags for maintaining fields.) Mr. Ragazzo stated he has in the past maintained Volunteer Field with his own funds due to unsafe playing conditions (ruts etc.) and also asked about Flag system responsibility for fields. Mr. Scott and Mr. Sylvester stated that Mr. Ragazzo would not be responsible for Flag System that the Township would handle that also Mr. Reilly had noted in the past the questionable condition of Volunteer Field. KLL and Kittatinny Travel Baseball Coordinators would like to help with preparing the fields before the start of the season. Mrs. Delaney asked Mrs. Weeks to email what day would be good for KLL families to participate in Field Maintenance Day. Mr. Sylvester stated equipment purchased by Stillwater is marked with red paint and KLL has some equipment still in the shed (not marked). Pet concerns at fields: Rec Sports Coordinators were asked to pass on to families to follow Ordinance for Pets on Leash Law as signs posted at parks state or to report lack of following to Stillwater township clerk. ALL submitted Field Use applications were approved pending schedules. Kittatinny (Hampton) Softball, contact Anna Pascarella, Kittatinny Youth Lacrosse, contact Jon Volpe, Kittatinny Little League, contact Michael Carovillano, Kittatinny Travel Baseball, contact Carrie Weeks, Stillwater Recreation Soccer League, contact Rob Ragazzo, Kittatinny Soccer Club (Travel), contact Oscar Fernandez. Recreation Commission again encouraged an open line of communication with Recreation sports, Township and Recreation Commission. With no other discussion Mr. Raff was thanked by all for attending the meeting, for all he and the DPW do for our community and helping to clarify and answer concerns/questions. Public Session closed: 7:50 pm

Amendments to the Agenda None

Sub-Committee Reports

Clean Up Day 4/10/2021 Chair- Alicia Gardner

Stillwater Day 6/12/2021-Michele Hess, Mrs. Mahler, Rec Board Members to assist

Garage Sale Weekend 7/17/2021 & 7/18/2021 Chair/Cochairs- Dawn Delaney, Michele Hess, Terry Beshada

Summer Camp 8/9/2021-8/13/2021 & 8/16/2021-8/20/2021 Chair- Tara Tosti

County/State Fair- None at this time. Waiting for update on if/what will be taking place.

Decorating Contests – Chair- Tim Reilly

Tree Lighting @ Community Center 12/10/2021 snow date 12/11/2021 Recreation Board Members

Field Use/Scheduling Chair/Cochair- Alicia Gardner/Lou Sylvester

Field use/ Maintenance Chair- Dawn Delaney with Liaison George Scott

Motion/2nd Mr. Sylvester/Mrs. Gardner, Motion Carried

Old Business

  1. Field Use Applications & Waiver Revisions- updated and on website
  2. Field Use Applications (if any)- All approved during open public session pending schedules
  3. Equipment Wish List Items: Mr. Sylvester and Ms. Hess – all Stillwater twp purchased equipment is marked red. Still in search of aluminum benches and drag rakes.
  4. Fertilizer Spreading- Spring? – see notes in open public session Mr. Raff addressed
  5. Pickle Ball Court Striping -George and Dawn- due to resident contacting town regarding a conflict with Tennis players pickleball striping will be put on hold until a resolution can be presented.
  6. Paving Projects for 2021- George/Lisa- Mr. Scott stated Township Committee is holding off paving for this year. Mr. Sylvester brought up and discussed with Mr. Scott the Capital Plan submitted to use funds were to be used from the Green Acres Funds. Mr. Scott will bring up Paving to Township Committee but he stated it was pushed to 2022 budget due to lack of funds and only one field can be done at a time. Mr. Scott was given a copy of estimate provided by Josh Raff with costs for each park parking area. Paving was recommended as the best way to proceed. Mr. Sylvester stated Open Space money has already been collected and needs to be used. He stated he would not affect the tax payers as the Open Space/Green Acres funding is what is asked to be utilized to move forward with the paving.
  7. Community Center Clean Up was completed and items brought to POD by Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. Tosti on Tuesday January 5, 2021. Foosball table was disposed of.

New Business

  1. Plant Exchange Mrs. Stark would like to open this to Stillwater in the Spring and Fall. Mrs. Stark would like to get started and hold the Plant exchange on Saturday May 1, 2021 Rain Date Sunday May 2, 2021 or Saturday May 15, 2021 Rain Date Sunday May 16, 2021 at the Community Center in Swartswood scheduled public time to be 10am-2pm with setup and cleanup one hour before and one hour after. Plans are to advertise as much as possible but probably mostly through social media since then initial feedback was great with mentioning to public to obtain feedback and thoughts. Alicia will get building use information and dates available and reach out to Mrs. Stark once completed
  2. Crosswalk at Community Center – Township committee sent request to freeholders and it is now in review by County engineer to see if that is a place a crosswalk can be placed. We will follow up next meeting for status update.
  3. Alternate #2 Advertising – Mrs. Gardner Posted on Recreation Facebook Page and asked Lynda Knott to advertise where Township does.

Open Public Session open 8:25 p.m. NONE closed 8:26 p.m.

Committee Member Comments -None

Liaison Report Mr. Scott and Mayor Chammings spoke about Dave Van Gorden Jr.’s accomplishments and services to be held. Friday March 5, 2021 1pm-7pm public viewing at the Firehouse. Cemetery Services to be held Saturday March 6, 2021 at 11am. Mr. Van Gorden will be brought in by the Firetruck.

Executive Session None

Executive Session Actions None

Adjournment There being no further business, motion made and seconded to adjourn at 8:28pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alicia Gardner



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