The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on June 4, 2018 at 7:18 pm at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman David Manser with the statement read that this meeting is in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the flag salute.
Members Present: Mrs. Connelly; Mrs. Delaney, Ms. Hess, Mr. Manser
Members Absent/Excused: Mr. Sylvester
Members Suspended: Mr. Ashley; Ms. Richardson
Motion by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mrs. Connelly, that the minutes from the regular meeting on May 7, 2018 be approved. Motion carried.
The following bill was presented – A Royal Flush $ 318.88; Ben Shaffer Recreation (bleachers) $3,879.50; Tri-State Rentals (tent) $ 495.00; Partac Peat (2 invoices) $3,026.69 for a total of $7,721.07. Motion by Mrs. Delaney, second by Mr. Manser to approve the bills. Motion carried.
Other than magazines, the Secretary sent letters on May 15 (in the same envelope) to Mr. Kenneth Stark and Mrs. Joanne Stark inviting them to attend recreation commission meetings to see if it’s a good fit for them. They submitted applications to the Township listing the Rec. Commission as one area of interest for them.
OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – Agenda Items Only – 7:24p – none
Ms. Hess added under sub-committees – Summer Camp.
1. Clean Up Day – nothing to report.
2. Stillwater Day – Pageant – Judges – Mrs. Delaney has secured Joan Currant and Bob and Nancy Woods as judges. Currently we have 3 Little Miss, no Little Mr. and 1 Miss applications in. Deadline is the 10th so on the 11th we shall see what comes in. Tiara’s in, sashes in, and Ms. Hess will order the flowers. The gift bags are donated by Ms. Hess’s company. Fun Services is all set for the entertainment. Since we have a vendor interested in bringing a petting zoo, that has been eliminated and we will have extra bounce houses. They also will have the caricaturist as well. Just need to check the status of generators. Mrs. Connelly is waiting to hear on several of the vendors but the firehouse is going to do food. Ms. Hess will give her the file of old vendors to follow up with. The sheriff is lined up with lights, the sign (if working) and parking help. Ms. Hess will order the added port-a-johns; The stage and tent are ordered. We will need to put ours up ourselves. Ms. Hess will make sure we have the Mayor there for the opening ceremony and include the Star Spangled Banner. Sounds like all is good. We will decide later when to be there but probably between 10 & 11 so we can set up the tent.
3. Garage Sale Weekend – Date: July 21 & 22. Mrs. Delaney the application is on the website. We have our first application in.
4. County/State Fair – Mr. Sylvester wants to contact the Historical Society to work on our display. Not here to update us.
5. Decorating Contests (Halloween & Holiday) nothing now. We will discuss later.
6. Tree Lighting – nothing now
7. Field Use/Maintenance – The bleachers are in for Stillwater Park. We will need to set up a date to put them together. Ms. Hess is trying to get a copy of the “punch list” from Josh so it can be updated. He is having trouble getting the lights for the flags at Veteran’s Park. He is continuing to work on it. Mr. Manser will contact SLAP regarding clean up at the fields
8. Summer Camp – Ms. Hess has verified with Tara Tosti that she is still going to run the camp. She has everything lined up and the letter has gone to the Park. The applications are done and on the web-site. They will be delivered to the School by grade as soon as they get us the numbers they need.
No new business
OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – 8:09 pm – none
Mr. Manser is working on several people who have expressed an interest in being on the Commission. He hasn’t been pushing trying to get through Stillwater Day. It sounds like we are in good shape for Stillwater Day.
Ms. Hess said she is looking forward to a successful and stress-free Stillwater Day.
No report
There being no further business, motion by Mr. Sylvester, second by Mr. Manser to adjourn the meeting at 8:10pm. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Michele Hess
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Stillwater Township posts all information about bids and proposals for township projects on a dedicated page.
The Stillwater Rec Summer Camp will be August 12-16 and August 19-23, 2024
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