June 20, 2018 Regular Meeting

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Planning Board was held in the Municipal Building, Middleville, New Jersey and was called to order by Chairwoman Puccio 7:32 p.m. She led the Board in the flag salute and she announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been given to the public and the press under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, N.J.S.A  10:4-1 et.seq.

Members Present:     Mr.Pierce

Ms.   Chammings

Mr.   van der Haeghen

Mr.   Donofrio

Ms.   Puccio

  Absent:                 Mr.   Barta

Mr.  Branagan

Mr.  Morrison

 Also Present:     Board Attorney Haggerty


Mayor Chammings made the motion to approve the minutes of May 16, 2018. Motion seconded by Mr. van der Haeghen.  Roll call vote, to adopt the minutes:

Mr. Pierce-Yes                             Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr.   Donofrio-Abstain               Mr.   van der Haeghen-Yes

Ms.   Puccio-Abstain


Chairwoman Puccio opened the meeting up to the public for non-agenda items. Louise van der Haeghen was present and she stated that she is here to listen to the discussion pertaining to the Commercial Recreational Zone.  Several members of the public were also present to observe.  With there being no additional comments, the meeting was closed to the public.

 BILLS:                                         Golden & Moran

             Re:   General                                                      $110.00

                                                   Dolan & Dolan 

Re:   General                                                       416.00

Re:   General                                                         51.78

Re:   North Shore House                              536.00        

 Chairwoman Puccio noted some additional 2017 vouchers that were never processed:

Golden & Moran

Re:   A T&T                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             220.00

                                                  Dolan & Dolan

                   Re:  General                                                          64.00

                   Re:  General                                                          16.05

Re:  General                                                        160.00

Mr. Donofrio made the motion to approve the bill, funds permitted. Motion seconded by Mr. Pierce.  Roll call vote:

Mr. Pierce-Yes                             Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr.   Donofrio-Yes                        Mr.   van der Haeghen-Abstain

Ms.   Puccio-Yes



Accessory Apartments-Conditional Use

 Board Attorney Haggerty distributed draft documents, which were discussed at great length.  The Board reviewed what was discussed at the May meeting and suggested some modifications: removing the age restriction and researching other definitions for relative/family.  Board Attorney Haggerty will email updated drafts for the Board’s consideration.

   Commercial Recreational Zone-#240-112

Mr. van der Haeghen recused himself.  The Board then went on to discuss, with the public, the permitted uses and making modifications regarding: the number of rooms and adding restaurant/catering facility.

Louise van der Haeghen provided some comments and the Board also discussed the cottages/bungalows and camping, along with the properties in the Zone.  Board Attorney Haggerty summarized tonight’s discussion and will draft something for the Board’s consideration.  Mr. van der Haeghen resumed his position on the Board.

  Barns/Family Farms/Commercial Farms




 Liaison Updates-Committee, Mayor, Board of Adjustment, and Environmental

Mayor Chammings reviewed: the traffic study done for the Five Points intersection, Stillwater Day, Clean Communities Grant, and the transfer of a liquor license. She also gave an Environmental update in regards to the signage at Veterans Park and the Recycling Center Driveway.  Chairwoman Puccio thanked the Sussex County Road Department in regards to the gravel in front of her home.


No public present.



   With there being no further business, there was a motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  In a voice vote, all were in favor at 8:41 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Alfia Schemm

Board Secretary


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