July 8, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes


 Regular Meeting

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Emmetts, Mrs. Tracey, Mr. Szabo, Mr. Dvorsky, Mrs. Branagan, Mr. Svendsen, Mr. Branagan

MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Blanchard, Mr. Nause

Mr. Branagan called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with the statement that this meeting is in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. This was a regularly scheduled meeting of the Stillwater Township Environmental Commission. Regular meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m., at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building located in Middleville, New Jersey.

The flag was saluted and roll call taken.


Mr. Branagan made a motion to approve the minutes of 5/13/19, seconded by Mrs. Emmetts.

Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Emmetts, yes, Mrs. Tracey, yes, Mr. Szabo, yes, Mr. Dvorsky, abstain, Mrs. Branagan, yes, Mr. Svendsen, yes, Mr. Branagan, yes


Mrs. Emmetts made a motion to approve the following bill, pending availability of funds, seconded by Mr. Branagan:

Secretary: $ 225.91

Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Emmetts, yes, Mrs. Tracey, yes, Mr. Szabo, yes, Mr. Dvorsky, yes, Mrs. Branagan, yes, Mr. Svendsen, yes, Mr. Branagan, yes

At this point, this portion of the meeting was opened to the public at 7:04 p.m.

There being no members from the public wishing to speak, this portion of the meeting was closed at 7:04 p.m.


NJ Food Council: Phasing Out Single Use Disposable Plastic and Paper Bags

Following discussion, this item will be added to the August EC agenda to allow members time to review and consider sending a letter of support to Linda Doherty of the NJ Food Council. The EC will consider whether or not it is in favor of plastic and paper or just plastic.

Recreation Commission: Letter received re: handicap accessible trails at Veteran’s Memorial Park (VMP)

Following discussion, it was determined Mr. Branagan, Mr. Szabo and Mrs. Branagan would attend the next Recreation Commission (August 5th) meeting to provide input and obtain additional information about the proposed handicap accessible trails.

The EC agreed with addressing trails on the active side only. The EC reviewed a map of the park noting there is a two-part loop on the active side. They suggested developing only the first loop and not the second loop which extends into the wetland areas. The following input (concerns, questions) will be presented to the Recreation Commission:

-location of the trails

-material to be used (not impervious)

-no macadam

-no trail (boardwalk) on the passive side

-maintenance and responsibility for the maintenance

-estimated number of handicap persons using the park and would a boardwalk be necessary.

-handicap codes and meeting the NJDOT regulations for walkways.

-trail located in buffer zone

Mrs. Emmetts made a motion authorizing Mr. Branagan, Mrs. Branagan and Mr. Szabo to attend the August 5, 2019 Recreation Commission to present comments and concerns provided by the EC with respect to the proposed handicap accessible boardwalk at VMP, seconded by Mr. Dvorsky.

Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Emmetts, yes, Mrs. Tracey, yes, Mr. Szabo, yes, Mr. Dvorsky, yes, Mrs. Branagan, yes, Mr. Svendsen, yes, Mr. Branagan, yes

2019 Clean Communities Grant: $16,463.29 received by Stillwater Township

Old Business

Spotted Lantern Fly and Tree Removal at Veteran’s Memorial Park:

Mr. Branagan checked the trees at VMP, there was no spotted lantern fly noted and no eggs observed. This item will be removed from the agenda.

Tree Restoration/Invasive Removal Project:

The project will commence in the fall with Nathaniel Sajdak in conjunction with Stillwater School.

Fishing Line Collection: All line is to be cleaned of litter/leaves, hooks and lead sinkers. Lead sinkers are to be provided at the meeting for recycling. Mr. Dvorsky suggested modifying the existing receptacles using a plug with a slot to avoid trash disposal.

New Business

Zoning Board Site Survey: Block 3701, Lot 16 – application to tear down and rebuild a shed.

Mrs. Emmetts made a motion to accept the site survey, seconded by Mrs. Branagan.

Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Emmetts, yes, Mrs. Tracey, yes, Mr. Szabo, yes, Mr. Dvorsky, yes, Mrs. Branagan, yes, Mr. Svendsen, yes, Mr. Branagan, yes

Volunteer/Member Recognition:

-Mr. and Mrs. Branagan for plastic bag collection. It was noted that Jeff Gardner, DPW, has been overseeing appropriate disposal and it has greatly improved. Mr. Dvorsky reported the funnel for oil disposal is damaged and it cannot be poured into the drum properly. Mayor Chammings will inform the DPW.

Endangered and Threatened Species:

-Wood turtle; box turtle “of special concern”

At this point, this portion of the meeting was opened to the public at 8:05 p.m.

There being no members of the public wishing to speak, this portion of the meeting was closed 8:05 p.m.

Planning Board (PB) Liaison Report: Mr. Branagan

June 19th Meeting:

-Discussed ordinances from Vernon, Hardwick, Fredon and Knowlton regarding soil importation to prevent contaminated soil from being brought into the municipality.

Township Liaison Report: Committeewoman Chammings

-Awarded the bid for the Old Schoolhouse Road project to River View in the amount of $183,294, including drainage.

-Lengthy discussion was held with the public regarding zoning violations.

-Discussed contacting the Sheriff’s Department and State Police to address speeding, tailgating and drunk driving in the municipality, increasing patrols.

-Working on the co-borrower agreement for the Plymouth Lake Dam repair project.

-Land sales and land donations were discussed.

-DPW vacancy (October 2019) will be advertised. Applications are available on the township website and town hall.

-A minor amendment was made to the employee manual.

-Acquisition of the Swartswood Fire Department is moving forward.

Mayor Chammings provided an article entitled, “Margate Introduces Bag It Forward.” Mrs. Wunder will email the article to the EC.

The EC briefly discussed the use of millings. NJDEP regulations have been less restrictive recently.

Mr. Branagan recommended the following book to the EC: “The Uninhabitable Earth – Life After Warming.”

Mrs. Emmetts reported she attended a recent COLA meeting There were two additional Lotus locations noted – Lake Telemark and a lake in South Jersey.

With no further business to come before the Commission, Mrs. Emmetts made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m., seconded by Mr. Dvorsky. In a voice vote, all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,


Kathy Wunder, Secretary


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