July 6, 2022 Regular Meeting

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July 6, 2022 – Regular Meeting

Call to order

Mrs. Delaney called to order the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission at 7:04 pm followed by the Open Public Meeting Statement and Flag Salute at Volunteer Field.

Roll call

Mrs. Gardner conducted a roll call.

Members Present- Mrs. Richardson, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti, Mrs. Delaney

Members Tardy- Mrs. Beshada (7:16pm)

Members Absent- Tim Reilly, Mr. Carovillano

Liaison Absent- Mrs. Rumsey

Approval of minutes from last meeting

Motion to approve Minutes from June 6, 2022 Meeting made by Mrs. Tosti second by Mrs. Richardson. A vote was taken and Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Tosti and Mrs. Delaney are in favor. Mr. Sylvester Abstain

Payment of Bill – Total $355.00 Septicare

Motion by Mrs. Tosti to pay Bills Second by Mrs. Delaney. A vote was taken and all are in favor.

Correspondence- none at this time

Open Public Session I

The meeting was opened to the public at 7:07 pm, Public Session was closed at 7:13 pm

Pavilion Use Application (Veteran’s Memorial Park) from Christina Suyker for a Wedding Ceremony on October 29, 2022 from 2-4pm. Insurance Certificate Holder is Stillwater Volunteer Fire Department (Bill Hughes was in public attendance to confirm). All Paperwork is in order. Mrs. Tosti made a motion to approve Pavilion Use, Second by Mrs. Delaney. A vote was taken and all are in favor. Mrs. Delaney thanked all for attending the meeting.

*Mrs. Tosti will contact all sports to make them aware of no field use on October 29, 2022 from 1-5pm to allow setup, event and cleanup. Mrs. Gardner will contact Country Lawn Care to make sure the lawn is mowed 1-2 days prior to Event.

Amendments to the Agenda – Sub Committee Reports Line 10 moved to Open Public Session, Move Line #3 to #1 and New Business B&C to #2 in Sub-Committee Reports

Open Alternate Positions: Jennifer Minervino submitted a Citizen Leadership Form and application to volunteer on the Recreation Commission in the Alternate #1 position on the Recreation Commission with Township Committee approval. Motion by Mrs. Tosti to accept Jennifer Minervino into Alternate #1 Position with Township Committee approval, Second by Mr. Sylvester. A vote was taken and all are in favor.

Sub Committee Reports

  1. Clean Up Day- Mrs. Gardner – none at this time. Waiting on funding to schedule for Fall Clean up.
  2. Ms. Stillwater- Mrs. Beshada – none at this time
  3. Stillwater Day/Fall Festival Mrs. Tosti, Mr. Sylvester & Mrs. Delaney– (moved to #1 for discussion) Fall Fest/Stillwater Day meeting was held on Thursday June 30, 4:30pm at Townhall. Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. Tosti spoke on the previously voted on amount of $5,000.00 being given right to the Historical Society to make the purchases for the Event. Beth and Roy spoke on the activities and/or repairs the funds will cover and how in previous years donations are the only funding they have to hold this Event. Mr. Sylvester noted that to his knowledge the Township cannot make a donation to a non-profit any unused funds can be encumbered and made everyone aware that once the threshold is met 3 quotes will be needed to move forward with any purchases. Mrs. Delaney stated she will reach out to the CFO, Tammy Leonard, and get proper guidance on how to move forward with the funds. Mrs. Tosti will be getting more kid friendly activities. Mrs. Delaney thanked Roy and Beth for attending.
  4. Garage Sale Weekend- Mrs. Delaney- none at this time will work on dates and update once a weekend is chosen.
  5. Summer Camp- Mrs. Tosti- Many applications have been submitted and Mrs. Tosti stated she believes adding the $15.00 Late Fee has helped and will ease the staffing process of counselors. The signs will be placed on the road as a caution to drivers during the 2 weeks of camp barring no use within the county is needed. Mrs. Tosti asked if the bricks can be removed from the fire pit. Mrs. Delaney stated she doesn’t see why not as long as its able to be done prior to camp opening. Mrs. Gardner recommended using wooden tops right on the cinder block if they cannot be removed.
  6. County/State Fair-Sub Committee Mrs. Tosti, Mrs. Richardson & Mrs. Delaney- Due to lateness of being able to participate, the sub committee decided to reach out for photos of the historical landmarks on the Stillwater Township Blanket. Mrs. Delaney will scan and enlarge the photos to place on a board for the booth. The birdhouse idea of the landmarks was presented to the boy scouts, girl scouts and 4H and there was no response from the groups as to whether or not they are able to participate.
  7. Holiday Decorating Contests- Mr. Reilly- Patriotic Contest Winner: Devine Family will receive a $25.00 Gift Card as the winner of the Decorating Contest along with a Certificate of Participation.
  8. Tree Lighting- Board- none at this time
  9. Field and Pavilion Use Applications/Approvals/Scheduling- Mrs. Tosti- KYFL submitted field use form for Veteran’s Memorial Park from August through November Monday – Friday from 5pm to 8pm Using Temporary Generator Lighting. Mr. Sylvester made a motion to approve field use form under the condition KYFL secures and maintains the generators during use and off use time as stated in the ordinance, Second by Mrs. Beshada. A vote was taken and all are in favor.
  10. Field Maintenance- Mr. Sylvester and Mr. Reilly – Mr. Sylvester stated Turf Management will take place July 8, 2022. Mr. Sylvester stated he spoke to DPW Supervisor Josh Raff regarding the following: Clay as budgeted in the DPW budget to be spread on both Veterans fields, Ready for August and Rec equipment that was recently purchased can be used to maintain fields. Mr. Raff’s response (as per Mr. Sylvester) was Both Fields are not prepared to accept clay delivery, Township Committee cut DPW Budget therefore clay cannot not be purchased at this time and he is not sure how the equipment purchased by rec will perform on field when they had to use heavy equipment before spring season to bring fields to usable condition. Mrs. Tosti stated Softball and Kittatinny Little League maintained the fields during their season and time of field use. Mulch: Stillwater Park and Veteran’s have been mulched. Mr. Sylvester will email Mr. Raff as a formal request in writing. Mrs. Gardner also noted Mr. Raff was contacted to please bring soccer equipment to Volunteer Field and leave by the shed.
  • Fencing was discussed, the CFO contacted the Recreation Commission regarding a phone call received from a trucking company that would be delivering 300ft of fence. Not aware of any fencing orders made by Recreation Commission the Commission and Recreation Secretary told the CFO it was not a delivery for the Town. The order was delivered to Stillwater Township School and was found to be ordered by Mr. Ragazzo. Currently permission has not been granted to put up additional fencing at any park.
  1. Community Center Activities– Mrs. Tosti/Mrs. Richardson – Community Center Activities- Mrs. Richardson & Mrs. Tosti will be hosting a Dinner Dance late August possibly September. Doing a cover dish was discussed for this Event. Mrs. Beshada recommended Recreation Commission covers refreshments and desserts. Mrs. Delaney was contacted by Tim Dooley, Mayor of Hampton Twp, regarding the decrease in Hampton Recreation Commission and wanting to know if Stillwater Recreation would welcome Hampton Township Senior Citizens to participate in Senior Activities. Mrs. Delaney stated that Stillwater Twp should receive compensation from Hampton Twp for such events to help endure costs. Motion by Mr. Sylvester to allow Hampton Seniors to participate with Stillwater Senior Events, Second by Mrs. Richardson. A vote was taken and all are in favor.
  2. Plant Exchange/Educational Activities– (2023- Heidi Mountford and Kathy Jacoby have shown interest in chairing. Further discussion will take place at a later date).
  3. Grant Purchase List – Mrs. Beshada – Picnic tables arrived Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Leonard inspected reshipment, sorted and Mrs. Gardner contacted Mr. Raff, DPW Supervisor and asked for tables to be assembled and delivered to parks as noted. This was completed. Remaining balance on grant is $19,070.74
  • Mr. Sylvester would like to have all estimates at the next meeting to move forward with the Stillwater Park fencing for the ball field and with Mrs. Beshada’s quotes on repairing the backstop will the fencing be galvanized or black fencing to match the remainder of the new fencing.

Old Business

  1. Equipment Wish List Items & Location: Mr. Sylvester asked Mrs. Gardner to contact CFO to verify all items purchased have been received.
  2. Veteran’s/Stillwater & Volunteer Parks: No discussion at this time will get update from Mrs. Rumsey at August meeting.
  3. Tennis / Pickleball Court Maintenance Update – Still waiting on Invoice/bill from Mr. Pierson. Amount was approved at May meeting pending receipt of bill.

New Business

    1. Mailing Insert for July Tax Bills: Fall Fest/Stillwater Day Flyers are ready to go out.
    2. Resignation of Terry Beshada Term Expiration 12/31/25. Mrs. Beshada verbally gave her resignation (Formal letter to follow) July 6, 2022 as her Stillwater Home has been sold and she will no longer reside in Stillwater effective July 31, 2022. She thanked everyone for making her time enjoyable on the Commission and she was thanked for all her hard work and dedication with a special compliment from Mr. Sylvester on her Grant writing skills. A motion by Mrs. Tosti to sadly and regretfully accept Mrs. Beshada’s Resignation, Second by Mrs. Delaney. A vote was taken and all, regretfully, are in favor.
    3. Alternate #1 & #2 Position Openings – See Amendments to Agenda

Open Public Session II: The meeting was opened to the public at 8:45pm, Public Session was closed at 8:45pm

Committee Member Comments – None

Liaison Report- Mrs. Rumsey- absent

Executive Session-Not at this time

Executive Session Actions-No action taken

Adjournment: Motion made by Mrs. Beshada second by Mrs. Tosti to Adjourn Meeting at 8:47pm. A voice vote was taken and all are in favor.


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