July 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes

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July 17, 2023

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Minervino, Mrs. Richardson, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tsadilas, Mrs. Falotico, Mrs. Martin, and Mrs. Tosti

LIASION: Mrs. Delaney was in attendance.

MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Carovillano and Mr. Reilly

Mrs. Tosti called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. with the statement that this meeting follows the Open Public Meetings Act. Regular meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m., at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building located in Middleville, New Jersey. This meeting was held at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building. The flag was saluted and roll call taken.

Approval of Meeting Minutes: Mr. Sylvester made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 5, 2023, meeting, seconded by Mrs. Tsadilas. Roll Call Vote:  Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mrs. Tsadilas, yes, Mrs. Falotico, yes, Mrs. Martin, yes, Mrs. Tosti, yes

 Payment of Bills: Mr. Sylvester made a motion to approve the payment of the following bills totaling $601.01, seconded by Mrs. Martin. Roll Call Vote:  Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mrs. Tsadilas, yes, Mrs. Falotico, yes, Mrs. Martin, yes, Mrs. Tosti, yes

All Industrial-Safety Prod INC (Tailgate Flags) – $61.20

Amazon (Miss Stillwater Supplies) – $129.81

Tri-State Rentals INC (Generator) – $40.00

Septicare – $370.00

Correspondence: Mrs. Richardson reported that we received two donations in the amount of $25.00 each from the Bunco club. Along with the donations, a thank you note was sent for the use of the Community Center.

Open Public Session – Agenda Items Only: The meeting was opened to the public at 7:19 p.m. No one from the public wished to speak during the open public session. The meeting was closed to the public at 7:19 pm.

Amendments to the Agenda: No amendments were made to the agenda.

Old Business:

County Senior Program Update – Two programs that were previously offered are set to begin again in September – “Let’s Go, Walk with Ease” and “Better with Balance.”

A gentleman reached out to Mrs. Tosti in regard to offering a “Paint and Snack.” This is open to anyone who would be interested in attending and paid for by the county. No dates have been set yet, but Mrs. Tosti will reach out to him for further details.

 Collaboration with Hampton and Stillwater Seniors – Chair Yoga Mrs. Tosti reported that the event is still being worked on at this time, however, an instructor has been chosen. Payment is still under discussion, but the attendees will most likely pay a fee to cover the expense.

New Business: No new business to report.

Sub-Committee Reports:

Clean Up Day – Mrs. Tosti 4/22 No updates.

Miss Stillwater, Little Miss and Mr. Stillwater – Mr. Sylvester/Mrs. Minervino/Mrs. Falotico 5/12 Mr. Sylvester reported that Mrs. Kinney from the county had reached out to him twice (he copied some members on the message thread) in regard to the Miss Stillwater contest. According to Mrs. Kinney, an application was not turned in for Mrs. Schneider (for her child). Miss Stillwater confirmed that she did in fact turn in the application. Mr. Sylvester shared the email with Mrs. Schneider in regard to her daughter to clear any confusion.

Stillwater Day/Fall Festival – Sub Committee for 2023 Mrs. Tosti/Mrs. Richardson (Mrs. Minervino/Mrs. Falotico as needed) 10/7 Rain Date: 10/8 Mrs. Martin reported that vendor applications are starting to come in. We have confirmation from the Fire Department that at least two members will be in attendance the day of to provide simple food for the event. The rest of the Fire Department will be attending the Fireman’s Parade. Susan Smith (from Harmony Hill Church) confirmed that they will not be a food vendor this year. Unfortunately, the county requires tedious paperwork and an additional fee (on top of the Fall Festival vendor fee) that deters many vendors from participating. Members are willing to reach out to past vendors as well as some new vendors that we suggested to see if they’re interested in participating. Our vendor fee is $25.00 for a 10×10 space and $40.00 for a double. Our committee supplies cotton candy, popcorn, and snow cones. The flyer is printed/folded and ready to go in the tax bill, which will go out soon. This goes out to all residents – free advertising. The goal is to park the tractors in the church parking lot this year. Parking is an issue – Mrs. Martin mentioned reaching out to the Fire Department in regard to using their parking lot (for us/anyone helping the day of) and shuttling us back and forth to open up more parking for spectator parking spaces.

Garage Sale Weekend – Mrs. Wunder 10/14 & 10/15 (Fall 2023) October 14th & 15th has been set for our Fall Garage Sale weekend. It will be added to the Township website calendar. October 13th is our last outdoor movie showing for the year, so it was mentioned we could advertise and hand out maps at the event – very helpful! It was previously discussed utilizing the Community Center parking lot (or other available locations such as one of our park parking lots) for those who wish to set up a table to sell items. This may draw attention to those who are either uncomfortable having a sale at their home address or just feel they are too out of the way location wise to participate in the map. Mrs. Delaney will report back to us on whether or not this is a possibility.

Our Herald advertisement needed approval from the committee. The amount was previously set for $350.00, but it was suggested we increase the amount to $375.00. Mrs.Tosti made a motion to pay $375.00 for the advertisement of Stillwater Township’s Garage Sale Weekend, seconded by Mrs. Richardson. Roll Call Vote:  Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mrs. Tsadilas, yes, Mrs. Falotico, yes, Mrs. Martin, yes, Mrs. Tosti, yes

  Summer Camp – Mrs. Tosti 8/7-8/14 Applications are officially out and on our website. Applications are coming in. The deadline to register is July 31, 2023, before a late fee is charged (will be enforced this year). They are in the process of trying to incorporate swim lessons into Summer Camp (Swartswood State Park). Possible busing was discussed, however, busing is not allowed. There are two set programs this year as well as arts and crafts.

County/State Fair – Mrs. Richardson Mrs. Richardson received the theme. This year’s theme for the Municipal displays is “More to see in ’23.” It was asked that the focus be on our Municipality’s local businesses, recreational activities, and schools. Mrs. Richardson is leaning towards doing a map of Stillwater and titling it “Take a Ride” or “Take a Tractor Ride” (to in cooperate the tractors at Fall Festival). It will display stops on the map that focus on our businesses, recreation/activities we offer, and what’s new in 2023. Set up is offered Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday prior to the Fair opening. Mrs. Delaney mentioned taking the display down ASAP once the fair is over, as it can be more difficult to do so since there in no one on the premises.

Decorating ContestsMr. Reilly No updates.

Tree Lighting – 12/1 Snow Date: 12/2 No updates.

Egg Hunt – Mrs. Falotico/Mrs. Martin  2024 date to be determined. Veterans Field. No updates.

Field/Pavilion Application Approvals, Scheduling – Mrs. Tosti Youth Football/Cheer. Veteran’s Park. 7/1-11/15. 9 a.m.- 8 p.m. No days were specified

Mr. Sylvester made a motion to accept the field use application from the Youth Football/Cheer for Veteran’s Park for the Summer-Fall season, seconded by Mrs. Minervino. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mrs. Tsadilas, yes, Mrs. Falotico, yes, Mrs. Martin, yes, Mrs. Tosti, yes

Mrs. Tosti will have an application for the pavilion at Veteran’s Park in September for a celebration of life. Mrs. Tosti sent the application. Once the application is completed and sent back to Mrs. Tosti, she will reach out to Football/Cheer to see if they can schedule their practice around the event that day.

Field Maintenance – Mr. Sylvester/Mr. Carovillano

Paving – Mr. Sylvester reported that the DPW Supervisor met with the Township Engineer about parking lots and paving. Both parking lots have existing impervious surfaces on the parking lot areas. It will be paved – it will be included in the Mt. Benevolence project. Parks shut down 11/1- 4/1. This project should move forward unless unforeseen things happen.

 Upcoming Applications of Herbicide/Fertilizer – Mr. Sylvester reported that the application of herbicide for the in fields will be scheduled between the DPW supervisor and Farmside. An MSDS will be provided from Farmside that will be broadcast electronically as well as at field entrances. Teams will be emailed as well. Volunteer Field and Stillwater Park will be aerated and seeded – there is a tentative time frame of Labor Day or early Fall. This is on a two-year cycle. No communication on if fields will be shut down, but possibly a few days. It is optimal that no one plays on it. Each field has a drag and diamond digger available for use – which is encouraged to maintain our fields.

Rob Ragazzo Request – Mr. Ragazzo made a request at our previous meeting regarding the fence at Volunteer Field. He had requested adding a bottom piece to the fence to prevent balls from going under them and into the parking lot. This is unsafe for children. The fence has been installed. A thank you will be sent to Rodney Castner for the wood donation and the DPW for installing the fencing on such short notice.

Robert Molinet – Mrs. Tosti reported that Mr. Molinet sent her a message with a report since he would not be able to attend tonight’s meeting. SIF has registered 30 children, 25 being Stillwater residents. SIF donated small turf repairs to Volunteer Field in preparation for the upcoming summer sessions. On June 14, 2023, an SIF Academy member donated materials and labor in the amounts of $150.00 to the Township of Stillwater to repair pre-existing field damage to goalie boxes. A thank you will be sent to Mr. Molinet for their donation. Boards on the fence that have been installed look great. He had asked Mrs. Tosti about wheels for the soccer net. Mr. Sylvester suggested he speak with the DPW supervisor. Mrs. Tosti did review the voucher with our CFO, and it did not show what we purchased comes with that. Mr. Sylvester said they were spray painted red in the Fall, but again it would have to be verified with the DPW. Mr. Molinet also mentioned that any conservation projects that need to be completed the Boy Scouts can assist.

Community Center Activities: 

Seniors – Mrs. Richardson The last senior night was a success – senior game night. A great group of people came out to play games. Raffles were offered and refreshments were served.

Movie Night – Mrs. Falotico Stillwater Park. We have three movies planned: 7/28 Angels in the Outfield. 8/25 Lorax. 10/13 Hocus Pocus. The cost per movie (under 200 viewers) is $450.00-$480.00. However, if you show three movies the cost per movie decreases to $395.00 per showing. This was the deciding factor in choosing to show three movies. The Clean Communities grant will be paying for the 8/25 showing, so we are only responsible for paying for two movies. Mrs. Falotico hopes that concessions will cover the cost. Licensures are secured for all three movies; we just need to get the movies which is relatively inexpensive (under $10 per movie). We are going to start selling concessions around 7:00 p.m. (we can adjust the time to 7:30 p.m. if need be) and show the movie at dusk. Either way, this will give people time to mingle and children time to settle in (community time). A resident who was at the meeting, Stacey Michelman, later offered to sponsor the 10/13 showing. We are so grateful for the generous donation as it allows us to offer new and improved events to our community! The October sponsorship needs to be discussed and needs final approval from the Township Committee on 8/15. Volunteers are needed for set up and concession. This is a free event, but we will be charging for concessions.

Wind Creek Casino Bus Trip – Mr. Reilly 21 or older Must have photo ID. Unfortunately, Mr. Reilly was not able to attend the meeting, but Mrs. Tosti supplied updates in his absence. Mrs. Tosti relayed that Mr. Reilly spoke to someone else regarding pricing and it was more favorable than the first person he had spoken to. For a 5 hour stay (inclusive of the 1.5 hour drive) for 50 people it would be $27.00 per person. Each person receives a $25.00 voucher for the slots. This does not include gratuity. The committee suggested $30.00-$35.00 per person to ensure all costs are covered. This company will also accept money as it comes in (balance must be paid by the day of the event) versus the total cost being due at the initial booking. Being that we are a non-profit, this would have been difficult. Every Sunday in August is available – Mr. Reilly would have liked to set the date for 8/20 or 8/27, but the committee thinks it may not give us enough time to properly advertise the event to fill the bus. September dates were briefly discussed. Mrs. Tosti will follow up with Mr. Reilly and report updates at our next meeting.

Educational Activities:

 Town History Night – Mrs. Richardson Town History Night. 8/23. 6:30 p.m. This event was sparked by a local resident Mr. Goriscak. Mr. Goriscak resides in a home that is haunted, and he has written several books in the past. He is currently in the process of writing another book and is interested in getting some feedback to include in his findings. Since he is not comfortable with public speaking, it was suggested that Andy Martin be the speaker for this event since this is a topic of interest for him. Mrs. Martin verified that this is something her husband, Andy Martin, would be interested in doing. Mrs. Martin let the committee know that if there were anything anyone would like discussed during this event to please reach out to her and she will relay the information to Mr. Martin to be discussed at the event.

 Sussex County Sheriff’s Office Programs – Community Center/Parks – Mrs. Minervino Mrs. Minervino shared a flyer given to her by Hilary Manser for the 2023 Sussex County Sheriff’s Office Programs. The Recreation Commission would advertise and host the events, but a speaker would oversee the event. Each topic typically takes 20 minutes with time available for Q&A. Mrs. Minervino will determine available dates in August and coordinate accordingly with Mrs. Manser. Mrs. Manser suggested holding the event on a weekday. The topics we were highly interested in include: Home Burglary Awareness/Prevention, Project Lifesaver Program, Emergency Preparedness for your Home, K9 Demonstrations, Neighborhood Safety, and Mental Health Awareness. The committee would like to see Home Burglary Awareness/Prevention, Project Lifesaver, and Emergency Preparedness for your Home be clustered together into one evening since they tie in together. K9 demonstrations will be offered alone since it is a popular program that typically draws a larger audience.

Open Public Session: The meeting was opened to the public at 8:30 p.m. Mr. Barta asked if counselors and volunteers were still needed for summer camp (they are). Mr. Barta has just left a Board of Education meeting and someone in attendance inquired. The message was relayed, and Mrs. Tosti would be reaching out.

Mrs. Tsadilas mentioned a fundraiser for Dan Smith on 7/23 at the Community Center. Mr. Smith is a local retired police officer. She was asked to bring a few questions to the committee’s attention. A 50/50 is not a possibility, being that it’s on such short notice. Door prizes are in need. Mrs. Richardson will be using our tablecloths for the event. Paper products are in need – we cannot deplete our supply being that we would need to replenish them, and we may not have the funds. Public session was closed at 8:40 p.m.

Committee Member Comments:  Mrs. Richardson mentioned that the new sign board (Stillwater Community Center) that was installed does not lock on both sides – moisture is getting in. There are a few flaws, which could lead to premature damage. Being that this is brand new and a large purchase, we may need to touch base with manufacturing to resolve the issues. We are also in need of more symbols and numbers – we do not have enough.

Liaison Report – Mrs. Delaney

  • 22 foreclosure properties with a closing date of 8/25. The second list will be going out asap for 15 additional properties.
  • Wildlife feeding in our parks are not allowed (private property excluded). We will be moving towards an adoption for this in August.
  • Seven lots of property (slivers) have been sold off.
  • Vosper farm will go into farmland preservation.
  • Paul Hawkins has submitted his letter of resignation. Mr. Sylvester mentioned this is not the first time we are losing good people in our departments, especially the DPW (they are responsible for the safe transport of every resident and child in this town). We need to better allocate our tax money to properly pay employees. If you see Mr. Hawkins, please thank him for all his hard work and dedication.
  • Community Center updates – flooring is complete. Tables and chair have been ordered. The main door will be replaced in late July. The roof will be done, date has not yet been scheduled. Due to the increase of rain we have had, some water has gotten in. Please keep an eye on this and report back if you see water/damage.

 Executive Session/Session Actions: None at this time.

Adjournment: Mr. Sylvester made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m., seconded by Mrs. Tsadilas. A vote was taken, and all were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Danielle Wunder, Secretary


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