January 9, 2021 Special Budget Meeting


January 9, 2021 – Budget Meeting #2

A SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING of the Stillwater Township Committee was called to order by Mayor Chammings at 9:00 a.m. noting the meeting date, time and place were sent the New Jersey Herald and posted at the Town Hall, on the Township’s website and advised those present that this meeting was being held in compliance with provisions of P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 & 13.

The flag was saluted.

Roll Call: PRESENT: Mayor Chammings, Committeewoman Rumsey, Committeeman Fisher, Deputy Mayor Scott, Committeeman Morrison, Municipal Clerk Lynda Knott, CFO Tammy Leonard, DPW Supervisor Josh Raff and Municipal Engineer Michael Vreeland.

DPW Supervisor Josh Raff went over his budget request. Most of the requested budget remained the same as 2020 with the following exceptions:

The school/training line is increased from $2,500 to $3,750 ($1,250) to cover the costs for the DPW supervisor to complete the certified public works manager training.

Department Supplies line is increased from $1,200 to $1,500 to cover cost increases.

The road stipe line is decreased from $2,500 to $1,000.

The 2012 Case 85U Tractor maintenance line is increased from $1,000 to $1,500 due to the age and condition of the tractor.

The line in building and grounds for playground mulch is increased by $2,000 to cover the cost of mulching both Veteran’s Park and Stillwater Park this spring.

The maintenance line for the 2002 International is re-established at $7,000 in the budget after being deleted in error.

The 2010 International, 2015 Freightliner 4, 2015 Freightliner 7 and 2019 Roll-off maintenance lines were increased by $500 each to cover cost of maintaining the aging vehicles.

The 2021 lawn maintenance contract has been awarded to Country Care LLC who submitted the lowest bid at $13,975.

The governing body agrees with all the above changes as presented.

Mayor Chammings asked the CFO to research a hand washing station for the recycling center.

Mr. Raff discussed his capital requests for 2021 beginning with resurfacing Old Foundry Road – phase 2 from Five Points to Mount Benevolence and presented the township committee with the following memo dated January 6, 2021:

This is a continuation of the effort between Stillwater Township and the Department of Transportation to resurface Old Foundry Road in 2020. Old Foundry Road, from Fairview Lake Road to Five Points, was resurfaced last year.

The balance from Mr. Vreeland’s estimated DOT project cost of $210,145 and the monetary amount of $151,300 is $58,845 to go from Five Points to Anne Road.

The township would pay to continue from Anne Road to Mount Benevolence without DOT funding. This represents 3,100′ of road or .58 miles.

3,100′ long x 24′ wide= 930 tons

410′ x 12′ leveling course on crown of road = 100 tons

Total for 1030 tons = $74,366

Total 10% padding to cover oil premium = $81,802.60


(*Represents additional DOT side milling required)

Mill keyway at Mount Benevolence intersection 90’x4′ (360ft)/( 40yd)

Mount Benevolence towards dead tree at 909 Old Foundry 1050’x25′ (26,250ft)/(2,917yd)

Town Side (26,610ft)/(2,957yd)

This is a continuation of the effort between Stillwater Township and the Department of Transportation to resurface Old Foundry Road in 2020. Old Foundry Road, from Fairview Lake Road to Five Points, was resurfaced last year.

The balance from Mr. Vreeland’s estimated DOT project cost of $210,145 and the monetary amount of $151,300 is $58,845 to go from Five Points to Anne Road.

The township would pay to continue from Anne Road to Mount Benevolence without DOT funding. This represents 3,100′ of road or .58 miles.

3,100′ long x 24′ wide= 930 tons

410′ x 12′ leveling course on crown of road = 100 tons

Total for 1030 tons = $74,366

Total 10% padding to cover oil premium = $81,802.60


(*Represents additional DOT side milling required)

Mill keyway at Mount Benevolence intersection 90’x4′ (360ft)/( 40yd)

Mount Benevolence towards dead tree at 909 Old Foundry 1050’x25′ (26,250ft)/(2,917yd)

Town Side (26,610ft)/(2,957yd)

* 931 Old Foundry towards Five Points 1,400’x24′ (33,600ft)/(3,734yd)

* Turn around to state parking lot 860’x24′ (20,640ft)/(2,294yd)

* Portions to reprofile past 957 Old Foundry 1950’x24′ (46,800ft)/(5,200yd) DOT side (101,040ft)/(11,227yd)

Total Square 127,650ft / 14,184yd

Town side milling= $8,131.75

DOT side milling= $30,874.25

Milling total = $39,006


Rebuild 3 existing basins & replace rings/grates Build 6 new basins to resolve water issues

9 Type “E” double basin ring and grates = $6,246 200′ of 15″ diameter pipe= $1,476

4 pallets of catch basin block = $1,500

Drainage improvement total = $9,222 Rebuild 3 existing basins & replace rings/grates Build 6 new basins to resolve water issues

9 Type “E” double basin ring and grates = $6,246 200′ of 15″ diameter pipe= $1,476

4 pallets of catch basin block = $1,500

Drainage improvement total = $9,222

Traffic Stripes:

3,100′ x 2 = 6,200′ of yellow center stripes

3,100′ x 2 = 6,200′ of white fog lines

Cost for 12,400′ of epoxy stripes = $3,596

Thermoplastic stop bar at Mount Benevolence Road = $204 Total cost to stripe = $3,800

Totals required:

$58,845 obligation for township to pave DOT side

$81,802.60 to pave township side

$39,006 to mill portions

$9,222 for drainage improvements

$3,800 for stripes

Project total for completion: $192,675.60

Mr. Raff also discussed these capital requests:

Sickle Bar Mower (John Deere Frontier SB3108 – 7’8”) $5,220.00 through state contract. This attachment converts a single use tractor into a multi-purpose machine when the roadside mower is out of service or a second road mower is needed to cover additional ground.

Backhoe (2020 John Deere 310SL) $103,553.80 through ESCNJ State Contract pricing to replace a 1987 John Deere front end loader and 2003 New Holland backhoe both nearing the end of their lives. Mr. Raff recommends replacing the backhoe instead of the front-end loader (also not dependable) because the backhoe has the ability to dig.

Mason Dump (2021 Ford F550 Mason dump with a 9’ Western snow plow and tailgate spreader) $83,133.00 from Route 23 Auto Mall through Morris County Co-op pricing. Frequently used passengers’ vehicles like pick-up trucks and mason dumps should be replaced every 10 years for safety precautionary measures as they are used seven days a week. The 2010 Ford F550 has not been replaced and is still in decent condition but the township can not afford to be without this type of vehicle. The truck will also be equipped with a low band radio installed by Atlantic Communications for $2,200 and lettering will cost $200 for a total price of $85,533.00

The governing body agrees with budgeting for these capital items.

Mr. Raff discussed his five-year capital plan with the governing body:

Stillwater Township Department of Public Works Acting Supervisor: Josh Raff

Five Year Capital 2022 through 2026

This is merely a prediction based on current observations and scheduled service expectancies. These estimates are based on current prices to the best extent possible.

• Mount Benevolence Phase 1 (521 to Stillwater Road intersection) $246,500 without DOT funds. I believe this project will end up costing more because of milling sections of the roadway and replacing 20-year-old guardrail. I would assume this road would have the best odds of receiving the grant due to its location and volume of traffic to alleviate the additional costs.

• Single axle dump truck equipped with regular snow removal equipment $155,000. This would replace the 2002 International. While the truck shows its age, 20 years is absolutely pushing the life expectancy of a municipal truck that “lives” in salt.

• Mount Benevolence Phase 2 (Stillwater Road to just past Owassa Road) $231,150 without DOT funds. Once again, the above from Phase 1 holds true.

• Mount Benevolence Phase 3 (IF WE DO NOT GET A DOT GRANT). This would just divide the two-phase project into three phases to offset some costs.

• Otherwise the roads to be resurfaced would be Stillwater Road (from Five Points intersection to Mount Benevolence) $165,000 and a short road such as (but not specifically) Five Points Lane$67,000.

• Middleville Road (521 to Fairview Lake Road) $155,125

• Woodlands $120,000 to mill and pave. This development is full of curbing and water runoff sensitive properties that would require the township to mill prior to paving.

• Tractor mower? $110,000

• Cedar Ridge $121,500

• Little Crandon Lakes $100,000

• Single axle dump truck??? This would eventually replace the 2010 International which is currently in rather good condition but attempting to predict six years down the road can be a bit tricky. I would expect this truck to be replaced somewhere between 2026 and 2028 though.

Oil & Stone over the next five years to preserve roads until pavement:

– Old Tannery

– South Shore

– Middleville Road (Fairview Lake Road to Mount Holly)

– Twin Oaks

– Duck Pond

– Dove Island

– Stone Bridge

– Hardwick Road

Mayor Chammings thanked Mr. Raff and Mr. Vreeland for their presentation.

Additional budget discussion dates discussed and agreed upon are: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. for other department capital budget requests and Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. for discussion of 2021 salaries. The clerk will notify employees of the salary discussion date.

There being no further business, Mrs. Rumsey made a motion to adjourn the budget meeting at 10:12 a.m., seconded by Mr. Scott. In a voice vote, all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynda Knott, RMC


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