January 5, 2022 Reorganization Meeting

Recreation Commission

Reorganization Meeting Minutes

January 5, 2022 Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88284381381

  1. Call to order

Mrs. Delaney called to order the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission on January 5, 2022 at Stillwater Township Municipal Building at 7:08pm.

  1. Flag Salute
  2. Roll Call

Mrs. Gardner conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Mrs. Delaney, Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Stark, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti and Alt#1 Mrs. Richardson (Note: Mrs. Beshada was having trouble logging into zoom)

  1. Purpose of the Reorganization Meeting is to appoint the new officers and set the meeting dates for 2022.
    1. Chairperson: Dawn Delaney was nominated by Mrs. Gardner with a second by Mrs. Tosti. With no other nominations, a vote was taken and all were in favor, with Mrs. Richardson voting in place of Mr. Reilly.
    2. Vice-Chairperson: Tara Tosti was nominated by Mr. Sylvester with a second by Mrs. Delaney. With no other nominations, a vote was taken and all were in favor, with Mrs. Richardson voting in place of Mr. Reilly.
    3. Secretary: Alicia Gardner was nominated by Mrs. Stark with a second by Mrs. Delaney. With no other nominations, a vote was taken and majority voted in favor to recommend to the Township Committee to rehire Mrs. Gardner, Mr. Sylvester Abstained and Mrs. Richardson voted in place of Mr. Reilly.
  2. Meeting Dates
    1. February 7, March 7, April 4, May 2, June 6, July 6 (Wednesday), August 1, September 7 (Wednesday), October 3, November 7, December 5, January 4 (Wednesday) for Reorganization. Workshop meeting dates (as needed) Third Monday of the Month at 7pm at Townhall no zoom option.
    2. A motion made by Mrs. Tosti with a second by Mrs. Stark, a vote was taken and all were in favor, with Mrs. Richardson voting in place of Mr. Reilly.
  3. Adjournment
  4. A motion made by Mrs. Stark with a second by Mrs. Tosti to Adjourn the Reorganization meeting at 7:17pm a voice vote was taken all were in favor, with Mrs. Richardson voting in place of Mr. Reilly.


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