January 5, 2022 Regular Meeting

Recreation Commission

Meeting Minutes

January 5, 2022 Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom/j/88284381381

  1. Call to order

Mrs. Delaney called to order the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission at 7:18pm.

  1. Roll call

Mrs. Gardner conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Mrs. Delaney, Mrs. Gardner, Mr. Reilly, Mrs. Stark, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti and Alternate#1 Gina Richardson (note: Mrs. Beshada is still trying to join via zoom.)

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Motion to approve Minutes from December 6, 2021 Meeting made by Mrs. Tosti second by Mrs. Delaney. A vote was taken and all are in favor, with Mrs. Richardson voting in place of Mr. Reilly’s absence.

  1. Payment of Bills
    1. Motion to approve $265.00 for Septicare made by Mrs. Gardner second by Mrs. Tosti. A vote was taken and all are in favor, with Mrs. Richardson voting in place of Mr. Reilly.
    2. Motion to approve $74.55 Reimbursement to Mrs. Delaney for Reimbursement for Tree Lighting Refreshments made by Mrs. Tosti second by Mrs. Gardner. A vote was taken and all are in favor, with Mrs. Richardson voting in place of Mr. Reilly and Mrs. Delaney Abstained.
    3. Motion to approve $50.00 for Santa at Senior Tea with funds from the Recreation Activity Account made by Mrs. Gardner second by Mrs. Stark. A vote was taken and all are in favor, with Mrs. Richardson voting in place of Mr. Reilly and Mrs. Tosti Abstained.
  2. Correspondence
  3. No Correspondence
  4. Open Public Session I
  5. The meeting was opened to the public at 7:24pm, with no public in attendance, Public Session was closed at 7:24pm
  6. Amendments to the Agenda
  7. Mrs. Delaney added line d) Alt #2 Advertising and line e) Monthly Report to New Business
  8. Appointment of Sub Committee Chairs
  9. Appointment of Committee Chairs as follows and will be confirmed at February 7, 2022 meeting
  10. Clean Up Day- Mrs. Gardner, Community Center Activities- Mrs. Richardson,
  11. County/State Fair- Mrs. Stark, Field Maintenance- Mr. Sylvester and Mr. Reilly,
  12. Field Use/Scheduling- Mrs. Tosti, Garage Sale Weekend- Mrs. Delaney, Holiday
  13. Events/Contests- Mr. Reilly, Ms. Stillwater- Mrs. Beshada, Plant Exchange- Mrs. Stark,
  14. Stillwater Day/Fall Fest- Mr. Sylvester/Board, Summer Camp- Mrs. Tosti, Tree Lighting- Board
  15. Sub Committee Reports
  16. With Chairperson for Holiday Decorating Contest, Mr. Reilly, absent the commission will vote at February 7, 2022 meeting for winners. Mrs. Gardner will contact the applicants to let them know. Dates for Events will also be set at February 7, 2022 meeting.
  17. Old Business
  18. Field & Pavilion Applications: Approvals if needed- Need to update form and Secretary to send notice to Leagues as per requested by Mr. Sylvester that they comply with time restraints for approvals.
  19. Equipment Wish List Items & Location: Pitching Cage Net Installation and Batting Mat, Soccer Goals & Nets- Mrs. Gardner reported Pitching Net and Soccer Goals and Nets have not shipped yet. CFO has been following up with the Company.
  20. Veteran’s/Stillwater & Volunteer Parks: Updates, Tennis Court Maintenance- None at this time
  21. Grant: Update on Rec Improvement Grant & Sussex County Trails Grant- Mrs. Delaney announced the Rec Improvement Grant was issued for $30,000 to Stillwater Recreation. Many thanks to Mrs. Beshada (who was still trying to log into zoom) unfortunately deadline was not met for the Sussex Co. Trails Grant to be submitted.
  22. New Business
  23. Winning Teams Invoice: Pro Line $164.99- Our CFO received an invoice from Winning Teams by error. Mr. Ragazzo of the Stillwater Recreation Soccer League was the Recipient of this Bill. No action needed by Recreation Commission. Mr. Sylvester noted that Mr. Ragazzo was given the opportunity to price out needed equipment etc and he has not submitted any requests other than the Soccer Goals and Nets.
  24. Mailing Insert for July Tax Bills: List from Aug-Dec 2021- Tentative or Commission approved events and dates will be printed and mailed with tax bills in July.
  25. Field Use Application: Update- Mrs. Delaney will work on updated the current Application and will be discussed at February meeting.
  26. Alternate #2 Advertising- Mrs. Delaney requested for Advertisement of the Alternate position to start ASAP. The clerk was notified and stated all advertising for openings would be posted in January.
  27. Monthly Report- Mrs. Delaney stated at each meeting a monthly report on Financials will be presented at each meeting.
  28. Open Public Session II
  29. The meeting was opened to the public at 7:48pm, with no public in attendance, Public Session was closed at 7:48pm (note: Mrs. Beshada successfully entered the zoom meeting)
  30. Committee Member Comments
  31. Mrs. Delaney thanked Former Mayor Chammings for all her work as Mayor. Mrs. Delaney thanked Mr. Scott for working with the Rec Commission as Liaison and whether agreeing or disagreeing we were still able to get a lot accomplished. Ms. Chammings thanked the Rec Board for all we do within and with the Community. She stated the Rec Commission is actually the face of the Township and doing very well being so. The Community Center is such a huge benefit to our town. Intentions of upgrading are being discussed.
  32. Mrs. Delaney thanked Mrs. Beshada for her hard work with the Improvement Grant she went above and beyond, many thanks to Mrs. Beshada from all members.
  33. Liaison Report- Mr. Scott reporting as Liaison until 2022 Liaison is set by Township Committee
  34. Mr. Scott announce his appointment to Mayor, Mr. Fisher’s appointment to Deputy Mayor. Mayor Scott stated big changes will be taking place, appointment of Liaisons will be at the next meeting held. Mr. Scott thanked the Recreation Commission for all the hard work each year. The shed for Kittatinny Little League will be located by the basketball court in the wooded area. Mayor Scott wished every well and to be safe and be careful.
  35. Executive Session-Not at this time
  36. Executive Session Actions-No action taken
  37. Adjournment
  38. Motion made by Mr. Sylvester second by Mrs. Beshada to Adjourn Meeting at 7:56pm. A voice vote was taken and all are in favor.
  39. Next meeting Monday February 7, 2022 / Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87925202973


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