January 22, 2024 Regular Meeting

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January 22, 2024 @ 7:30 pm

A REORGANIZATIONAL MEETING of the Stillwater Township Zoning Board of Adjustment was held on the above date and time. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Bair in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act. The flag was saluted, and roll call taken:


Mr. Lippencott, Mrs. Draghi, Mrs. Mountford, Mr. van der Haeghen, Mr. Kochenthal, Mr. Doolittle


ALSO PRESENT: William Haggerty, Esq., Deputy Mayor, Vera Rumsey

SWEARING IN OF BOARD MEMEBERS: George Lippencott and Robert Kochenthal were sworn in by attorney, Haggerty.

Appointment of Board Secretary:

Mrs. Draghi made the motion to appoint Penny Bair as the Zoning Board Secretary for 2024, seconded by Mr. van der Haeghen.

Roll Call: Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mr. Doolittle – Yes

Appointment of Chairperson:

Mrs. Mountford made the motion to appoint George Lippencott as the Zoning Board Chairperson for 2024, seconded by Mr. Kochenthal.

Roll Call: Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes, Mr. Doolittle – Yes

Appointment of Vice Chairperson:

Mrs. Mountford made the motion to appoint Kathy Draghi as the Zoning Board Vice Chairperson for 2024, seconded by Mr. Kochenthal.

Roll Call: Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes, Mr. Doolittle – Yes

Appointment of Board Professionals:

Mr. Lippencott made the motion to reappoint Dolan & Dolan as attorneys and VanCleef Engineering as Engineer for the Zoning Board for 2024, seconded by Mr. Kochenthal.

Roll Call: Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes, Mr. Doolittle – Yes

Designation of Meetings – Date, Time and Place

Mr. Kochenthal made the motion to approve the meeting dates, time and place (subject to changing the meeting for May from May 27th to May 20th), seconded by Mrs.


Roll Call: Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes, Mr. Doolittle – Yes

Designation of Official Newspaper

Mr. van der Haeghen made the motion to approve the New Jersey Herald and the Township Journal as the official newspapers for the Zoning Board, seconded by Mr. Kochenthal.

Roll Call: Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mr. Lippencott- Yes, Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. Doolittle – Yes


Mrs. Draghi made the motion to approve the December minutes, seconded by Mrs. Mountford.

Roll Call: Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. Lippencott -Abstained, Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mr. Doolittle – Abstained

RESOLUTIONS: Zelinsky- Block 203, Lot 30

Mr. Kochenthal made the motion to approve the above Resolution (subject to a change on page 6 correcting the lot area from 75 square feet to 7.5 square feet), seconded by Mrs. Mountford.

Roll Call: Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes, Mr. Doolittle – Yes




Mrs. Draghi made the motion to pay the following bills, seconded by Mr. Kochenthal.

Dolan & Dolan – General Matters $821.30
Dolan & Dolan – Armenante 3603/23 $297.50
Dolan & Dolan – Armenante 3603/23 $272.00
Dolan & Dolan – Zelinsky 203/30 $212.50
Dolan & Dolan – Fisher 2401/53 $ 74.25
Dolan & Dolan – McDonough 1801/22 $ 68.00

NJ Planning Officials Membership Dues $185.00

Roll Call: Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mr. Lippencott- Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. van derHaeghen – Yes, Mr. Doolittle – Yes.



Annual Report on Applications

Mrs. Mountford made the motion to approve the Annual Report on Applications for 2023, seconded by Mr. van der Haeghen.

Roll Call: Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. van derHaeghen – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mr. Doolittle – Yes.

New Jersey Planner Membership Renewal

Mrs. Draghi made the motion to approve the renewal of the NJPO Membership for 2024, seconded by Mr. Lippencott.

Roll Call: Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mr. Lippencott- Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. van derHaeghen – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mr. Doolittle – Yes.


OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: The session was opened to the public at 7:45 pm. There being no public comment, the session was closed to the public.

COMMITTEE LIAISON REPORT: The Committee Liaison report was provided to the Board by Deputy Mayor, Vera Rumsey.

The annual Budget Meeting will be held on January 27, 2024 at 9:00am.

Mr. Manser replaced Mr. Barta on the township committee. All liaisons have been appointed.

The Community Center continues to be worked on and the rental fees will be increased in the near future.

The Committee is continuing to work on grants for funding.

ADJOURNMENT: With there being no further business, at 7:53 pm a motion was made to adjourn the meeting. With a voice vote, all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,


Penny Bpir,\ Board Secretary January -2-!2024


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