Planning Board
The reorganization and regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Planning Board was held via Zoom and was called to order by William Haggerty at 7:30 p.m. He led the Board in the flag salute and he announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been given to the public and the press under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, N.J.S.A 10:4-1 et.seq. Attorney Haggerty administered the oath of office to Mayor Chammings, Mr. Scott, and Ms. Stark.
Members Present: Mr. Donofrio
Ms. Chammings
Ms. Stark
Ms. Puccio
Mr. Scott
Mr. Pierce
Mr. Branagan
Mr. Barta
Also Present: Attorney Haggerty
Engineer Golden
Election of Chairman
Attorney Haggerty called for a nomination for Chairman. Mr. Scott made the motion to nominate Ms. Puccio as Chairman. Ms. Puccio declined and she made the motion to nominate Mr. Pierce. Motion seconded by Mr. Donofrio. Attorney Haggerty asked if there were any other nominations. With there being no further nominations, the nominations were closed. Roll call vote:
Mr. Barta-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes
Mr. Donofrio-Yes Mr. Scott-Yes
Ms. Puccio-Yes Ms. Stark-Yes
Mr. Pierce-Abstain Mr. Branagan-Yes
Election of Vice-Chairman:
Chairman Piece made the motion to nominate Ms. Puccio as Vice Chairman. Motion seconded by Mr. Donofrio. Roll call vote:
Mr. Barta-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes
Mr. Donofrio-Yes Mr. Scott-Yes
Ms. Puccio-Yes Ms. Stark-Yes
Mr. Pierce-Yes Mr. Branagan-Yes
Mayor Chammings thanked Ms. Puccio for her years of service as Chairwoman and she welcomed Mr. Pierce in the Chair position.
Appointment of Board Professionals:
Mr. Scott made the motion to appoint Mr. Haggerty as the Board Attorney. Motion seconded by Ms. Puccio. Roll call vote:
Mr. Barta-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes
Mr. Donofrio-Yes Mr. Scott-Yes
Ms. Puccio-Yes Ms. Stark-Yes
Mr. Pierce-Yes Mr. Branagan-Yes
Mr. Scott made the motion to appoint Mr. Golden as the Board Engineer. Motion seconded by Ms. Puccio. Roll call vote:
Mr. Barta-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes
Mr. Donofrio-Yes Mr. Scott-Yes
Ms. Puccio-Yes Ms. Stark-Yes
Mr. Pierce-Yes Mr. Branagan-Yes
Appointment of Board Secretary:
Mr. Scott made the motion to appoint Alfia Schemm as the Board Secretary. Motion seconded by Mr. Donofrio. Roll call vote
Mr. Barta-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes
Mr. Donofrio-Yes Mr. Scott-Yes
Ms. Puccio-Yes Ms. Stark-Yes
Mr. Pierce-Yes Mr. Branagan-Yes
Mayor Chammings thanked the Board Professionals and the Board Secretary.
Designation of Meeting Date, Time and Place
Ms. Puccio made the motion to designate the 3rd Wednesday of the month as the Regular Agenda Meeting (including 1/19/22), at 7:30 p.m., via Zoom until further notice. The meetings will resume back at the Stillwater Municipal Building once the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Motion seconded by Mayor Chammings. Roll call vote:
Mr. Barta-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes
Mr. Donofrio-Yes Mr. Scott-Yes
Ms. Puccio-Yes Ms. Stark-Yes
Mr. Pierce-Yes Mr. Branagan-Yes
Designation of Official Newspapers:
Mr. Scott made the motion to designate the NJ HERALD and the SUNDAY NJ HERALD as the Official Newspapers. Motion seconded by Mr. Donofrio. Roll call vote:
Mr. Barta-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes
Mr. Donofrio-Yes Mr. Scott-Yes
Ms. Puccio-Yes Ms. Stark-Yes
Mr. Pierce-Yes Mr. Branagan-Yes
Mr. Donofrio made the motion to approve the minutes of November 18, 2020. Motion seconded by Mr. Barta. Roll call vote:
Mr. Barta-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes
Mr. Donofrio-Yes Mr. Scott-Yes
Ms. Puccio-Yes Ms. Stark-Abstain
Mr. Pierce-Abstain Mr. Branagan-Yes
Chairman Pierce opened the meeting up to the public. With there being no public comment, the meeting was closed to the public.
BILLS: Dolan & Dolan
Re: General $325.00
Re: Dingertopadre $ 82.50
Re: Dues $185.00
Mr. Scott made the motion to approve the bills, funds permitting. Motion seconded by Mr. Donofrio. Roll call vote:
Mr. Barta-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes
Mr. Donofrio-Yes Mr. Scott-Yes
Ms. Puccio-Yes Ms. Stark-Yes
Mr. Pierce-Yes Mr. Branagan-Yes
#20-002 Fred & Sharyn Dingertopadre , B 3302, L 14-Completeness/Hearing
Fred and Sharyn Dingertopadre along with Engineer Douglas Dykstra were all sworn in. Board Attorney Haggerty stated that a slopes analysis was submitted, which Board Engineer Golden shared to the screen and he recommended that the application be deemed complete.
Ms. Puccio made the motion to deem the application complete. Motion seconded by Mr. Scott. Roll call vote:
Mr. Barta-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes
Mr. Donofrio-Yes Mr. Scott-Yes
Ms. Puccio-Yes Ms. Stark-Yes
Mr. Pierce-Yes Mr. Branagan-Yes
Mr. Dykstra reviewed the proposed minor subdivision and the variance for lot frontage. He stated that they met with the County to conduct a sight distance analysis and the proposed configuration was what was agreed upon. He stated that they are also proposing a future dwelling in steep/critical slopes, which was addressed by Board Engineer Golden. The Board continued to discuss the proposal and the existing driveway. The Dingertopadres agreed to contact the neighbor regarding the driveway.
The Board noted that there are existing barns on the property and the fish stocking and fisherman’s use of the driveway. Board Secretary Schemm stated that she did receive a telephone call from an adjacent property owner stating that a property owner is not listed on the submitted map; however, she noted that everyone on both the September and the updated December 200 foot list were noticed, as they were slightly different. Mr. Dykstra stated that they did provide notice to everyone on both lists. Board Attorney Haggerty stated that the Applicant is entitled, by Statue, to rely on the 200 foot list provided to them by the Tax Assessor.
Mr. Donofrio made the motion to grant the proposal as discussed and agreed upon this evening. Motion seconded by Mr. Scott. Discussion: The Board noted that there is no public Roll call vote:
Mr. Barta-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes
Mr. Donofrio-Yes Mr. Scott-Yes
Ms. Puccio-Yes Ms. Stark-Yes
Mr. Pierce-Yes Mr. Branagan-Abstain
Board Engineer clarified that the Board granted the variances in addition to the subdivision. Mr. & Mrs. Dingertopadre thanked the Board.
Barns/Family Farms/Commercial Farms
Liaison Updates-Committee, Mayor, Board of Adjustment, and Environmental
Jack Branagan, provided the Environmental Commission update, which was discussed with the Board: water testing; a problem water testing site at Veterans Memorial Park probably due to livestock; beautification project; the sponsored signs which will provide information to the public on the planting of the trees; clearing of trees; and a new Environmental Member.
Mayor Chammings and Mr. Scott, provided the Committee update, which was discussed with the Board: Recycling Coordinator presentation and the prohibition on wet cardboard and a survey on what is being brought in and who is utilizing the Recycling Center; budget meetings and some of the big ticket items; property sales; Environmental Member appointment; and the Recreation Secretary appointment.
Board Secretary Schemm provided the Zoning Board of Adjustment update: No new applications and no scheduled meeting in January.
Board Secretary Schemm stated that she sent out Correspondence and she noted that the Board also received a courtesy copy of the Board of Education’s proposal for a Driveway Gate and Bollards.
No Public.
With there being no further business, there was a motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. In a voice vote, all were in favor at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Alfia Schemm
Board Secretary
Stillwater Township offers residents a Recycling and Convenience Center for household trash and recycling.
Residents are able to view property tax information and make payments through the online system. You may find a property by entering the property’s location or block, lot and qualifier.
Stillwater Township posts all information about bids and proposals for township projects on a dedicated page.
The Stillwater Rec Summer Camp will be August 12-16 and August 19-23, 2024
Visit the Office of Emergency Management page for links and the latest information