January 17, 2024 Regular Meeting

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Planning Board Reorganization Meeting Minutes January 17, 2024

The Reorganization Meeting of the Stillwater Township Planning Board was held on the above date and was called to order by Penny Bair at 7:31 pm.

Roll Call: Members Present:

Mrs. Puccio

Mayor Chammings Mr. Voris

Mrs. Delaney Mr. Lippencott

Members Absent: Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Wills

Also Present: William Haggerty, Esq.

The Board stood for the flag salute, and it was announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been given to the public and the press under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, N.J.S.A 10:4-1 et. seq.

SWEARING IN OF BOARD MEMEBERS: Lisa Chammings, Dawn Delaney and Robert Lippencott were sworn in by attorney, Haggerty.

Appointment of Board Secretary:

Mayor Chammings made the motion to reappoint Penny Bair as the Planning Board Secretary for 2024, seconded by Mrs. Delaney.

Roll Call: Mayor Chammings – Yes, Mrs. Delaney- Yes, Mrs. Puccio – Yes, Mr. Voris – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes

Appointment of Chairperson:

Mayor Chammings made the motion to appoint Karen Puccio as Chairperson of the Planning Board, seconded by Mrs. Delaney.

Roll Call: Mayor Chammings – Yes, Mrs. Delaney- Yes, Mrs. Puccio – Yes, Mr. Voris – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes

Appointment of Vice Chairperson:

Mayor Chammings made the motion to appoint Bob Pierce as Vice Chairperson of the Planning Board, seconded by Mrs. Puccio.

Roll Call: Mayor Chammings – Yes, Mrs. Puccio – Yes, Mr. Voris – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mrs. Delaney – Yes

Appointment of Board Professionals:

Mayor Chammings made the motion to renew the professional contract with Dolan & Dolan for 2024, seconded by Mrs. Delaney.

Roll Call: Mayor Chammings – Yes, Mrs. Delaney- Yes, Mrs. Puccio – Yes, Mr. Voris – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes

Mrs. Delaney made the motion to renew the professional contract with VanCleef Engineering for 2024, seconded by Mr. Lippencott.

Roll Call: Mrs. Delaney – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mrs. Puccio – Yes, Mayor Chammings – Yes, Mr. Voris-Yes

Designation of Meetings – Date, Time and Place

Mrs. Delaney made the motion to approve the proposed 2024 meeting dates, seconded by Mr. Lippencott. Meetings will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

Roll Call: Mrs. Delaney – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mrs. Puccio – Yes, Mayor Chammings – Yes, Mr. Voris – Yes

Designation of Official Newspaper

Mayor Chammings made the motion to approve the designation of the NJ Herald and Sunday Herald as the official newspaper for advertising, seconded by Mrs. Delaney.

Roll Call: Mayor Chammings – Yes, Mrs. Delaney- Yes, Mrs. Puccio – Yes, Mr. Voris – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes


Mayor Chammings made the motion to approve the minutes of December 20, 2023, seconded by Mrs. Delaney.

Roll Call: Mayor Chammings – Yes, Mrs. Delaney – Yes, Mrs. Puccio – Abstained, Mr. Voris – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Abstained




OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: The meeting was opened to the public at 8:17. There being no public comment, the hearing was closed.


Mrs. Delaney made the motion to pay the following bills, seconded by Mr. Voris.

Dolan & Dolan – General Matters $ 855.30
Dolan & Dolan -AF&EJF, LLC 3306/2.04-2.99 $ 705.50
VanCleef Engineering – AF&EJF, LLC 3306/2.04-2.99 $1,181.50
New Jersey Planning Officials Membership $ 185.00
Roll Call: Mrs. Delaney – Yes, Mr. Voris – Yes, Mrs. Puccio – Lippencott – Yes Yes, Mayor Chammings – Yes, Mr.
New Jersey Planner Membership Renewal

Mayor Chammings made the motion to approve the renewal of the NJPO Membership for 2024, seconded by Mr. Lippencott.

Roll Call: Mayor Chammings – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mrs. Puccio – Yes, Mr. Voris – Yes, Mrs. Delaney – Yes



  • Mrs. Delaney provided the Liaison report for the Township Committee.

Ordinance 2024-02 regarding the Vacation of Storm Water Management was presented and will be adopted at the February 6, 2024, meeting.

Ordinance 2024-03 regarding the Vacation of Twin River Drive was presented and will be adopted at the Febn.iary 6, 2024, meeting.

A Resolution was presented to appoint Special Counsel Tax attorney, Robert McBriar. A Resolution was presented to appoint Municipal and Labor Attorney, Eric Bernstein.

  • Mayor Chammings gave the following report for the Environmental Commission.

Mandy Carston was appointed as Chairperson and Dr. David Mattes was appointed as Vice Chairperson. Kathy Wonder was reappointed as Secretary.

The Trex program has collected 270Ibs of the 1000Ibs needed.

The Zoning Board approved the application for Zelinsky, Palmetto Drive, Block 203, Lot 30

Mrs. Delaney was appointed as Liaison for the Planning Board. Mr. Manzer was appointed as Liaison for the recreation Committee.

Discussion was held regarding 919 Fairview Lake Road and the steps required to legally move forward to demolish the building.



Mrs. Puccio opened the hearing to the public at 8:51 pm. There being no public comment, the meeting was closed to the public.


With there being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting with all in favor.

Respec_!fully Submitted:


Penny Bai (EVoard Secretary January 17·,2024


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