A BUDGET MEETING of the Stillwater Township Committee was called to order by Mayor Chammings at 8:10 a.m. noting the meeting date, time and place were duly published in the New Jersey Herald and posted at the Town Hall and advised those present that this meeting was being held in compliance with provisions of P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 & 13.
Roll Call was taken and the flag was saluted.
PRESENT: Committeewoman Rumsey, Committeeman Morrison, Committeeman Fisher, Deputy Mayor Scott, Mayor Chammings, Municipal Clerk Lynda Knott.
Budget Discussion – Fire Department, EMS, OEM:
Dana Mooney, CFO and Tammy Leonard, Finance Clerk were also present.
Fire Department:
Chief Steve Sugar, Deputy Chief Dwayne Banghart, Steve Carbone, First Responders, Pat Bodensieck, EMS Captain were present.
The following items were reviewed:
Page 8-a-1:
Engine, tanker, utility and UTV at Stillwater Fire Department – all owned by Stillwater; $5,000 per vehicle for rent.
UTV will be moved to Swartswood and ambulance will be housed at the Stillwater department.
Total Rent and Aid to remain at $35,000.
Page 8-b.1:
First Aid Squad will be dissolved and will become a division under the fire department. Ms. Mooney recommended leaving the First Aid Squad budget page separate for this year. She will clarify the best procedure for moving forward with the auditor.
Total for Turnover and Training line items to remain at $20,000.
8-c-1 Fire Department:
The following line item adjustments were made:
Air bottle testing: increased to $100.00 from zero
Fire Police Gear: increased to $200.00 from zero
Foam: decreased from $1,000 to $800
Equipment: decreased from $2,000 to $1900
Total budget to remain the same at $25,850.
8-c-1 First Responders
No changes, will remain the same at $5,000.
Page 10-b-1 Vehicle Maintenance (First Aid Squad/Fire Department)
Vehicle preventative maintenance and repairs were discussed. It was noted that quotes would only be required up to a threshold of $40,000 as the municipality has a QPA. This would need to be tracked between all the township vehicles including the DPW if one vendor is used. If a vendor participates in the co-op no quotes are required. Ms. Mooney requested that maintenance be done prior to December to over expenditures at the end of the year.
Replacement of Ambulance #42-53: Request for funding will be placed in the five-year Capital Plan under 2022
Page 10-b-1 Vehicle Maintenance (Fire Department)
No issues; approved as requested.
A LOSAP cost comparison for the fire department and squad was reviewed. A one-time increase or an increase every couple of years could be provided without adopting an ordinance. A continued annual increase would require an ordinance. There has been no cost of living increase since the LOSAP ordinance was established in 2002.
The Committee agreed to leave the LOSAP at $54,000, including a cost of living increase. A resolution will be adopted reflecting the increase effective for the 2019 award year forward.
2020 Capital Requests: Fire Department
New Pumper: Requested for 2023
The new pumper will replace Engine 42-62; 42-62 will hopefully be sold and the department will keep 42-61 (which just received a new transmission); each pumper will hold 1,000 gallons of water.
Mr. Morrison recommended selling both 42-61 and 42-62 and replacing both with a new pumper in 2020/2021, drafting specifications at this time. An estimate of $650,000 was given and Ms. Mooney will research the best way to fund the purchase. Mr. Sugar will form a truck committee and specifications will be provided.
Turnout Gear Replacement (5): $18,907.70 requested
The gear is necessary for new members and to replace gear that is no longer serviceable to current members. The Committee expressed concern with there being a shortage of gear. Mr. Sugar will determine the actual number needed and provide the information to the Committee for accurate budgeting.
A five-minute recess was taken at this point and the meeting resumed.
RAM 3500 Utility Body Truck: A quote was provided for $36,540.80 (without utility body) from Jeep Beyer of Morristown (ESC Co-op). A second quote was also received for $48,449.06 (with utility body).
Request documentation indicated the new truck will be utilized to carry equipment and towing the technical rescue trailer and UTV, rescue boat, technical rescue ropes and equipment for low angle rescue, and active shooter task force vests. The truck will be paired with the trailer for all specialized calls. Mr. Scott suggested using the new truck to replace the existing ambulance utility vehicle, which could be sold. Mr. Sugar stated during a storm the existing utility truck is the main one used but the new truck and the trailer could be used in the same manner. After reviewing other capital items, Ms. Mooney determined there would be approximately $19,000 in capital funding that could be put toward the purchase, and an additional $3,700 from a maintenance line item. Mr. Sugar stated fundraising could be done for the truck lettering, radios, lights and other incidentals for a total of approximately $10,000 towards the purchase cost. The existing utility truck could also be sold for additional funding, approximately $5,000. The Committee agreed to fund $19,000 in addition to the capital funding available ($19,000) and the fire department would be responsible for the balance to cover the body and other items they deem necessary.
Ms. Mooney will provide an itemization of the funding for the purchase and a resolution to transfer the capital funds.
Defibrillators (AEDs):
The Committee discussed installing debrillators at the town hall, DPW building, CERT and in the sheds at the township parks. Ms. Rumsey suggested contacting Heart and Soul at Newton Medical Center to place a request for AEDs as they have a fundraising program and have donated AEDs to organizations. The Committee discussed CPR/AED training for all employees to be held at the Community Center. Ms. Rumsey will discuss the training at the February 20th Public Safety Meeting.
Office of Emergency Management:
Mayor Chammings, OEM Coordinator, will not be taking a salary. The coordinator salary line item was moved to Deputy Coordinator to cover the possible hiring of a second deputy. A line item was added under OEM for the Office of CERT for $1,000.
The following line item adjustments were made:
-Miscellaneous: to remain at $200
-New radios: increased to $600 from zero
-Fuel Reimbursement: increased to $200 from zero
-Portable Generators: decreased to $500 from $1,000
-Dues line item will be changed to Gear: decreased to $700 from $1,000
-CERT: $1,000
Total budget to remain the same at $3,200.
There being no further business, Mr. Fisher made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ms. Rumsey. In a voice vote, all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Wunder
Stillwater Township offers residents a Recycling and Convenience Center for household trash and recycling.
Residents are able to view property tax information and make payments through the online system. You may find a property by entering the property’s location or block, lot and qualifier.
Stillwater Township posts all information about bids and proposals for township projects on a dedicated page.
The Stillwater Rec Summer Camp will be August 12-16 and August 19-23, 2024
Visit the Office of Emergency Management page for links and the latest information