February 5, 2019 Budget Meeting


February 5, 2019

A BUDGET MEETING of the Stillwater Township Committee was called to order by Mayor Chammings at 6:15 p.m. noting the meeting date, time and place were duly published in the New Jersey Herald and posted at the Town Hall and advised those present that this meeting was being held in compliance with provisions of P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 & 13.

Roll Call was taken and the flag was saluted.

PRESENT: Committeeman Morrison, Committeeman Gross, Deputy Mayor Scott, Mayor Chammings, Municipal Clerk Lynda Knott, Attorney Angelo Bolcato.

ABSENT: Committeeman Fisher

Budget Discussion: Recreation Commission (RC)

Chairperson Dave Manser, Secretary Michele Hess and member Dawn Delaney were present.

The Recreation Commission budget was reviewed as follows:

-Port-a-John Rental: Decreased the line item by 15% due to the hiring of a new vendor and lower cost.

-Equipment: Decreased the line item by 55% – everything needed has been purchased at this point including bleachers and tables for the pavilion.

-Field Maintenance Costs: The RC is looking for a turf management program to maintain the fields on a quarterly basis. Two quotes were provided: 1) Farmside – $13,170; 2) Pinnacle – $9,900 (other contractors contacted for a quote did not respond).

Mr. Manser provided an overview of the turf management program. Ms. Hess was not sure if this item would fall under Buildings and Grounds or not. The Committee agreed it should be included in the Recreation Commission budget and did not have an issue with the request.

-Stillwater Day: This line item was increased slightly to reflect expenditures last year, excluding the cost of the fireworks.

The remainder of the budget line items were acceptable to the Committee.

Capital budget request was reviewed as follows:

-Playground: Ms. Hess provided a background history on the playground. Phase I funding – $20,000 – was provided in the 2017 budget. Due to turmoil within the Commission, Phase I was never completed. Some of the equipment requested at that time will not be installed and the cost for Phase I has been reduced to $12,000. Ms. Hess discovered that the cost provided did not reflect the playground base which will cost approximately $15,000. The base will include borders and engineered wood mulch, an ADA ramp, the digging of the 5,000 square foot perimeter, installation of 4 inches of stone for proper drainage and 1-inch of QP with fabric. The proposed playground area will be 125’ x 40’. If the capital request for this year is granted – $40,000, Phase I and Phase II can be completed this year. Ms. Hess would like to work with Play World, which is a state contract company. She has visited their playground sites and they are in great condition, even one that was 18 years old. She provided pricing for approximately $60,000, all inclusive. The playground will be located to the right of the bridge, closer to the road/driveway side, away from the river. The Committee felt a barrier should be placed between the playground and the river. Ms. Hess displayed 3-D pictures of the playground. The Committee discussed the increased use of the park, fencing between the river and the playground and the possibility of the park area becoming too crowded. Mayor Chammings noted if the area disturbed is 5,000 square feet it would require Soil Conservation approval. After further review of the plan, it was determined the size of the area could be decreased to 112’ x 40’. At this point, changes can be made to the proposed layout of the playground.

The Recreation Commission has a full board this year and is excited to move forward.

There being no further business, Mayor Chammings made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m., seconded by Mr. Scott. In a voice vote, all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Wunder


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