February 3, 2020 Regular Meeting


The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on February 3, 2020 at 7:01 pm at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman Dawn Delaney with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the flag salute.

Members Present: Mrs. Connelly, Ms. Hess, Mr. Manser, Mr. Reilly, Mrs. Stark, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Delaney

Alternates Present:

Members Absent/Excused:


Motion by Mr. Sylvester, second by Mr. Manser that the minutes of the 01/06/2020 meeting be approved. Motion carried.

Motion by Mr. Manser, second by Mr. Reilly to approve the Executive Session minutes. Motion carried.


The following bills were presented – Septicare. – Dec & Jan. – $330.00 Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mr. Manser to approve the bills. Motion carried.


The following correspondence was read: Copy of the NJ Herald notice of our meetings, dates and officers; Resolution 2020-001 stating Township meetings and workshop dates for 2020; Resolution 2020-012 stating Township Holiday schedule; Resolution 2020-026 accepting the resignation of Lea Davenport as 2nd Alternate; Resolution 2020-027 accepting the resignation of Dave Manser effective 2/29/2020; Resolution 2020-028 appointing Joanne (Tanya) Stark as a Commissioner for 5 years ending 12/31/2024; Resolution 2020-029 appointing Terry Beshada as 1st Alternate ending 12/31/2023; Resolution 2020-035 appointing Township Liaison’s (Recreation will again be George Scott); copies of the letters to the Holiday Decorating winners; letter from Stillwater PTA regarding their tricky tray (to be taken up under new business); letter from Alicia Gardner re: 6th Grade Class of 2020 (to be taken up under new business)

OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – Agenda Items Only – 7:11 pm none



1. Clean Up Day – Ms. Hess will get Mrs. Connelly the copies of the letters and the list of emails so she may get them out.

2. Stillwater Day – Michele would like permission to go ahead and order the Fireworks with Garden State Fireworks and Fireworks. All approved. Mrs. Connelly will begin working on the vendors in March.

3. Garage Sale Weekend – Mrs. Delaney and Ms. Hess work on it and will make sure it’s handled.

4. Summer Camp – Letter needs to go to the Park for the permission. Ms. Hess will send it to Lynda to send.

5. County/State Fair – nothing at this time.

6. Decorating Contests – nothing at this time

7. Tree Lighting – location, etc. will be updated as time goes along

8. Field Use / Maintenance – Mr. Sylvester was requesting copies of the bills from Pinnacle for the information regarding what was done. He is trying to get things coordinated for the upcoming year. Josh is getting quotes. If Dave or George knows of any others, please reach out and let him know.

9. Playground – nothing at this time. Possibly doing the dedication at Stillwater Day




  1. Field Use Applications –we have 3 applications Kittatinny Youth Lacrosse, Stillwater Rec. League – Youth Soccer, Kittatinny Softball, Sussex County Bombers.

a. Jeff Gardner – 921 Millbrook Rd. – Sussex County Bombers – Veteran’s

b. Carrie Weeks – 911 Millbrook Rd. – Little League – Veteran’s & Stillwater Park

c. Robert Rogazzo – Youth Soccer – Volunteer Field

d. Kittatinny Youth Lacrosse – Veteran’s Lacrosse Field

e. Kittatinny Softball – Veteran’s

Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Connelly to approve Stillwater Rec, Youth Soccer. Motion carried. Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mr. Sylvester to approve Kittatinny Youth Lacrosse. Motion carried.

There was some discussion regarding the other 3 applications and the various fields. Mr. Sylvester and Mr. Reilly will set up a meeting with the other 3 applicants to work out a schedule agreeable to all and will bring this back to the next meeting. Applications were given to Mr. Reilly.

Mrs. Weeks asked about the contents in the sheds as to ownership of the various equipment. It was felt that this is not our property and that Stillwater/Fredon no longer exists so she can discard anything they see fit. Mr. Gardner discussed the fencing.

Mr. Sylvester discussed the flag system. It had been previously discussed that DPW would do it. Mr. Rogazzo stated that he has been putting out the flag at Volunteer.

  1. Election of the V. Chairman – Motion by Mrs. Delaney, second by Ms. Hess to nominate Mrs. Stark. Motion carried.


  1. Fees: Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Connelly to approve the fees as printed on the memo with the exception of item # 4 to be handled separately. Motion carried.
  2. Fees – item # 4 – Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Connelly to approve the fees for the Summer Camp with the following change – Increase summer camp fees based on the analysis provided to $45.00 per week. If a family signs up for both weeks – it would be $80.00 total instead of the $90.00. Also, counselor aides increase per state law to $10.30/hr. Motion carried.
  3. Letter from Stillwater PTA – Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Connelly to donate two (2) 1 week scholarships for the Tricky Tray.
  4. Letter from Mrs. Gardner regarding Insurance for activities for the 6th grade class. After speaking with Mrs. Knott, if we have a Rec. Commission representative supervise the event, we can cover it under the Town’s Insurance. Motion by Mrs. Connelly, second by Mr. Reilly to approve this request. Motion carried.

OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – 7:59 pm – 8:00 pm – none


Ms. Hess would like to thank Mr. Manser for his service. He did a great job and it was a pleasure to work with him. He will be greatly missed.

Mr. Manser mentioned that he will be back. He just needs about 3 years to do things with his family. He will be available to help out.

Mr. Sylvester mentioned that there are some trees down at Veterans and he also thanked Mr. Manser for his service.


Mr. Scott thanked Mr. Manser. He would like to have an attendance list for last year. The building at Swartswood should be ready soon. They are awaiting the C of O. It will probably be called the Stillwater Community Center. The water test has been approved. The fields will be ready in March (weather permitting). He is looking forward to working with us again this year, as has been his pleasure in the past.




Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mr. Manser to recommend to the Township that Mrs. Tosti be appointed to the 2yr unexpired term of Mr. Manser and that Mrs. Gardner be appointed as 2nd Alternate for the 3 yr unexpired term. Motion carried.


There being no further business, motion by Mr. Sylvester, second by Mr. Manser to adjourn at 8:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Michele Hess



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