February 21, 2018

Stillwater Township Planning Board

Minutes of February 21, 2018

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Planning Board was held in the Municipal Building, Middleville, New Jersey and was called to order by Chairwoman Puccio at 7:31 p.m. She led the Board in the flag salute and she announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been given to the public and the press under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, N.J.S.A 10:4-1 et.seq. Attorney Haggerty administered the oath of office to Mr. Pierce prior to the meeting.

Members Present: Mr. Pierce

Ms. Chammings

Mr. Branagan

Ms. Puccio

Mr. Morrison


Absent: Mr. Donofrio

Mr. van der Haeghen


Also Present: Board Attorney Haggerty

Board Engineer Golden


Mayor Chammings made the motion to approve the minutes of January 17, 2018. Motion seconded by Mr. Morrison. Roll call vote, to adopt the minutes:

Mr. Morrison-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr. Pierce-Abstain Mr. Branagan-Abstain

Ms. Puccio-Yes


Chairwoman Puccio opened the meeting up to the public. With there being no public comment, the meeting was closed to the public.


Golden & Moran

Re: General $660.00

NJ Herald

Re: Notices 13.80

Dolan & Dolan

Re: General 80.35

Re: General 160.00

Re: Rodriguez 64.00

Mr. Pierce made the motion to approve the bills, funds permitting. Motion seconded by Branagan. Roll call vote:

Mr. Morrison-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr. Pierce-Yes Mr. Branagan-Yes

Ms. Puccio-Yes


#18-001 Thomas D. Rodriguez/Susan Doyle, Block 1101, Lots 26 and 29

Kevin Hyche, Esq. was present on behalf of the Applicant. He noted that the incorrect proof of publication was attached to the submitted proof of service. He certified that the legal notice was published on 2/6/18 and he can provide a hard copy of the correct notice once he obtains it from the NJ Herald. He then went on to provide a brief summary of the proposed lot line adjustment.


Gary Wohrle was sworn in as a Surveyor and he provided an overview of the proposed lot line adjustment.

Board Engineer Golden noted that he prepared a 2/11/18 report and he recommended that the application be deemed complete. Mr. Morrison made the motion to deem the application complete. Motion seconded by Mr. Pierce. Roll call vote:

Mr. Morrison-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr. Pierce-Yes Mr. Branagan-Yes

Ms. Puccio-Yes

Board Engineer Golden asked about lot consolidation. The Applicants stated that they do intent to merge the lots and the Board discussed making it a condition of an approval. The Board discussed any future improvements. Attorney Hyche stated that a garage might be constructed in the future.

The hearing was opened to the public.

John Torregrossa representing the Lake Plymouth Community Association and the Road Association was present and he brought up the mandatory lake membership, the dam assessment, and the parking complaints made about parking on the road.

With there being no further public comment, the hearing was closed.

Board Attorney Haggerty reviewed the possible conditions of an approval. Mr. Morrison made the motion to approve the application. Motion seconded by Mr. Pierce. Roll call vote:

Mr. Morrison-Yes Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr. Pierce-Yes Mr. Branagan-Yes

Ms. Puccio-Yes

Fee and Escrow Schedule

Board Attorney Haggerty stated that he will prepare a draft Ordinance for the next meeting.

Accessory Apartments-Conditional Use

The Board reviewed and discussed the January 22, 2018 correspondence received from Board Attorney Haggerty. Board Secretary Schemm stated that she can also provide a copy of Elder Cottage Housing Opportunity Ordinances for the Board to consider.

Lakefront property regulations

Mr. Morrison questioned this issue and if it still needed to be addressed. Board Secretary Schemm stated that this issue was brought up in the 2014 Annual Report from the ZBOA. It was agreed that this topic can be removed from the Agenda.

Barns/Family Farms/Commercial Farms

The Board discussed whether this topic still needs to be addressed, the Right to Farm, and the 1000 square feet standard being changed to 5000 square feet.

Commercial Recreational Zone-#240-112


Tuohy Subdivision

Mr. Branagan commented on the clear cutting of trees. It was noted that the matter is being reviewed.


Liaison Updates-Committee, Mayor, Board of Adjustment, and Environmental

Mayor Chammings and Mr. Morrison reviewed: the Budget Meetings that were held and the in rem tax foreclosure.

Board Secretary Schemm stated that the Zoning Board of Adjustment met in December to grant a variance for a portico; however, they did not meet in January and they will meet in February.

Mr. Branagan, Environmental Liaison, stated that they did not meet this month; however, he noted that the American Toads are out on the roads and he went on to invite any interested parties to volunteer for the amphibian migration.

Mayor Chammings mentioned the vacancies on the various Boards and she thanked everyone for their condolences on the passing of her father.


ADJOURNMENT: With there being no further business, there was a motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. In a voice vote, all were in favor at 8:28 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Alfia Schemm

Board Secretary


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