February 16, 2022 – Regular Meeting

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Stillwater Township Planning Board

Minutes of February 16, 2022

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Planning Board was held at the Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pierce at 7:32 p.m. He announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been given to the public and the press under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, N.J.S.A 10:4-1 et.seq.

Members Present: Mr. Donofrio

Mr. Scott

Mr. Barta

Ms. Puccio

Mr. Pierce

Absent: Ms. Stark

Also Present: Attorney Haggerty


Mr. Donofrio made the motion to approve the minutes of January 19, 2022. Motion seconded by Chairman Pierce. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Donofrio-Yes

Mr. Scott-Yes Ms. Puccio-Abstain

Mr. Pierce-Yes


Chairman Pierce opened the meeting up to the public at 7:33 p.m. With there being no further public comment, the meeting was closed to the public.

BILLS: Dolan & Dolan

Re: Wills $ 33.00

Re: Wills $ 99.00

Re: General $325.00


Re: General $120.00


Re: Dues $185.00

Mayor Scott made the motion to approve the bills, funds permitting. Motion seconded by Ms. Puccio. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Donofrio-Yes

Mr. Scott-Yes Ms. Puccio-Yes

Mr. Pierce-Yes


#20-001 Michael S. Wills & Agnes M. Toccket, Block 4308, Lots 1,2,&3, Extension

Mr. Donofrio made the motion to approve the Resolution. Motion seconded by Mr. Barta. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Donofrio-Yes

Mr. Scott-Abstain Ms. Puccio-Abstain

Mr. Pierce-Yes


#22-005 Land Use Board Ordinance

Mr. Haggerty reviewed the Ordinance that was passed on first reading and his letter of today, which were discussed with the Board. The Board discussed the number of meetings to be scheduled and the work load of both Boards. Mr. Barta stated that Zoning Board Members were present at the Township Committee to state their concerns. Ms. Puccio and Mr. Donofrio stated their concerns over the potential impact to the Board Secretary (work load and compensation). Overall, the Board did not have an issue with a Land Use Board; however, it was noted that the personnel issues should be addressed with the Board Secretary, prior to the adoption of the Ordinance. The Board continued to discuss the potential work load and the merger of the Boards and Board Members. Mr. Haggerty will prepare a recommendation letter.

Liaison Updates-Committee, Mayor, Board of Adjustment, and Environmental

Mr. Barta and Mayor Scott, provided the Committee update, which was discussed with the Board: Lake Plymouth Dam Bond approval, Sheriff patrols, LSRP/Gallagher property, foreclosure properties, Oktoberfest at the School, the Community Center, pavement at Pond Brook and Swartswood, Dog Park, Flag at Veterans Park, and Litigation.

Board Secretary Schemm provided the Zoning Board of Adjustment update: Sylvester Resolution and the Annual Report to be adopted in February.

Board Secretary Schemm stated that Mr. Branagan has resigned from the Planning Board as the Environmental Commission Member and Beth Raff may be replacing him on the Planning Board.


No Public.


With there being no further business, there was a motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. In a voice vote, all were in favor at 8:37 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Alfia Schemm

Board Secretary

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