December 9, 2021 Meeting Minutes



December 9, 2021

Regular Meeting Zoom Option:


Mrs. Branagan, Mr. Dvorsky, Ms. Raff, Mr. Svendsen, Mrs. Tracey, Mr. Branagan


Mrs. Emmetts, Ms. Kral


LIASION PRESENT: Mayor Chammings

Mr. Branagan called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. with the statement that this meeting is in-compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. This was a regularly scheduled meeting of the Stillwater Township Environmental Commission. Regular meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m., at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building located in Middleville, New Jersey.

The flag was saluted and roll call taken.


Mrs. Branagan made a motion to approve the minutes of 12/9/21, seconded by Mrs. Tracey.

Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Branagan, yes, Mr. Dvorsky, yes, Ms. Raff, yes, Mr. Svendsen, yes, Mrs. Tracey, yes, Mr. Branagan, yes.


Mr. Branagan made a motion to approve the following bills, pending availability of funds, seconded by Mrs. Tracey

Secretary: $240.00

Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Branagan, yes, Mr. Dvorsky, yes, Ms. Raff, yes, Mr. Svendsen, yes, Mrs. Tracey, yes, Mr. Branagan, yes.

At this point, this portion of the meeting was opened to the public at 7:17 p.m.

There being no further members of the public wishing to speak, this portion of the meeting was closed at 7:17 p.m.

Correspondence: (added to new business Mr. Svendsen’s resignation)

Old Business

  • Fishing Line Collection:

Mr. Dvorsky brought in fishing line. He collected quite a bit. Little Crandon- Baldwin, Swartswood Lake, Volunteer Park and East Shore Trail. Mrs. Branagan will do Keens Mill

  • Biochar approval by NJDEP and all Water Test Results which include Blair Creek below Fairview Lake / Watershed Fairview Lake concerning Biochar

Mark Koch reached out to Ms. Chammings to pick up Samples for her students to test. Ms. Chammings will report findings to EC once completed.

New Business

  • Environmental Commission/ Volunteer Recognition

Mr. Dvorsky recognized Mr. Branagan for all his continued hard work. He also recognized and thanked Mr. Svendsen for his knowledge he brought to the commission.

  • Endangered/Threatened Species Sightings
  • Recycling Shed/Bear proof cans at VMP

Mrs. Brangan stated concerns of residents not recycling properly and was crushed to find out the recycling is being contaminated causing the town to pay SCUMA to reload and dump as garbage. At the next meeting Mrs. Gardner stated the old and new recycling coordinators will be present and further discussion can take place then.

Mr. Gardner, leaving the Recycling Coordinator position, and Mr. Hawkins, entering the Recycling Coordinator position, will both be attending next the meeting

  • Site Survey Review

Commission members reviewed site survey and discussed EC part of it. Will reach out to Alfia and find out who made site survey form and background of it.

  • Annual Report Draft

Mrs. Emmetts submitted the 2021 annual report for review in November, upon discussion some correction/changes were added/made.

  • Eurofins vs HCESC Water Testing Services (Co-Op)

Mr. Branagan will contact Eurofins to verify costs for water testing. He has not had contact with anyone and has not received a phone call back. Mr. Branagan stated Eurofins tests for phosphorus. Ms. Raff stated she would like to do more research. Discussion of emails from FVL took place. Mr. Svendsen stated he feels the state is responsible for not providing proper guidance with the Biochar testing/disposing. Mr. Branagan will reach out to Nathaniel S. regarding his knowledge of used Biochar.

  • Reminder to Renew Terms that expire in 2021- Jack Branagan and Greg Dvorsky
  • Correspondence: Resignation of Mr. Svendsen

Mr. Branagan made a motion to regretfully accept the resignation of Mr. Svendsen, second by Mrs. Tracey, with regrets

Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Branagan, yes, Mr. Dvorsky, yes, Ms. Raff, yes, Mr. Svendsen, abstain, Mrs. Tracey, yes, Mr. Branagan, yes. All thanked Mr. Svendsen for all his time and effort put forth to the Commission.

General Discussion:

Mr. Branagan will verify with the Clerk in reference to advertising for open positions and secretary

Mr. Branagan requested Secretary to write a letter to Ms. Kral in reference to her status on the Commission.

At this point, this portion of the meeting was opened to the public at 8:32p.m.

There being no further members of the public wishing to speak, this portion of the meeting was closed at 8:32p.m.

Planning Board Liaison Report: Mr. Sylvester registered another appeal on December 27 regarding stump removal at 947A Old Schoolhouse Rd.

Township Liaison Report: Mayor Chammings

-Zoning Board approved a few applications

-Old Sharp farm subdivided 2 houses

-Passed Ordinance for Recreation Commission fees for blanket sales, vendor fees, garage sale application fees

-Passed Ordinance for fees at Community center (6 months will revisit and make any changes necessary)

-HR Debbie Carter will work with employees and job descriptions

-Nepotism Ordinance

With no further business to come before the Commission, Mrs. Branagan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:52p.m., seconded by Mr. Branagan. In a voice vote, all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Alicia Gardner, Secretary


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