August 5, 2019 Regular Meeting


The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on Monday, August 5, 2019 at 7:03 pm at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ. The meeting was called to order by Commission Vice-Chairman Dawn Delaney with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the flag salute.

Members Present: Mrs. Degan, Mrs. Delaney, Ms. Hess,

Alternates Present: Mrs. Stark, Mrs. Davenport

Members Absent/Excused: Mrs. Connelly, Mr. Manser, Mr. Reilly, Mr. Sylvester

SPECIAL PRESENTATION Members of the Environmental Commission were present as per our letter sent at Mr. Sylvester’s request. Since he isn’t here and the rest of the Commission aren’t 100% clear on his intentions, it was decided by Mr. Scott that an email be sent to Mr. Sylvester (cc: to Mr. Branagan, Chair of Env. Comm) requesting that Mr. Scott attend their meeting on Monday, Aug. 12 to discuss the walks and trails.


Motion by Mrs. Davenport, second by Mrs. Stark that the minutes from the July 1, 2019 meeting be approved. Motion carried with 1 abstention (Mrs. Degan)


The following bills were presented: Tri-State Rental – tent for Stillwater Day $ 495.00; Ibranyi is Floral – Pageant flowers $264.50; Pinnacle Lawn Care (Late Spring Treatment) $1,600.00; NJ Herald – garage sale ad $37.40; Swartswood State Park – Summer camp $275.00 for a total of $2,671.90.


The only correspondence was some ads

OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – Agenda Items Only – 7:17pm – None




1. Clean Up Day – No report.

2. Stillwater Day – No report.

3. Garage Sale Weekend – Mrs. Delaney got the signs out (what we have left). We had 61 participants. It was an extremely HOT weekend. Some mentioned seeing a lot of traffic out and about.

4. Summer Camp – the applications are on the Towns website. Aug. 12 & Aug. 19. Tara Tosti is still head counselor. Applications are coming in slowly, but that is typical.

5. County/State Fair – Mr. & Mrs. Stark put the board up at the Fair. It really is beautiful. Stillwater was voted # 1. Many thanks to Mrs. Stark and her husband for a wonderful job.

6. Decorating Contests (Halloween and Holiday) – no report but we will have to discuss next month

7. Tree Lighting – no report

8. Field Maintenance – No report

9. Playground – the playground is being delivered tomorrow, Aug. 6 and installed over the weekend of the 10th and 11th. It will be completed during the week with the installation of the mulch and borders. We also received a quote for the additional bench and picnic table for the playground area for a total of $2,000 delivered and assembled. Ms. Hess mentioned that we still had $1,810 left in Capital so only $190.00 has to come from our equipment budget. Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Degan to approve purchase. Motion carried.


1. Field Use Applications – The following applications for field use were presented:

a. Patriots Path Council, Boy Scouts for 2 dates at Veterans Park. First is 9/29 for BB Practice in self enclosed range and the 2nd is 10/8 for Archery practice. All paperwork is in and approvals received from our insurance agent. Motion by Mrs. Delaney, second by Mrs. Degan to approve. Motion carried.

b. Kittatinny Midget Football for Veterans Park 8/5 – 11/15 Mon-Fri 5:30-8:00pm.

Motion by Mrs. Delaney, second by Ms. Hess to approve. Motion carried.

c. Mr. Scott requested approval for Sussex County Men’s Softball at Stillwater Park. Motion by Mrs. Delaney, second by Mrs. Degan to tentatively approve pending receipt of paperwork. Motion carried.

2. Green Acres – No Report.



1. It is recommended by the Town Committee that our Senior Counselors for Summer Camp have background checks done and be fingerprinted. The cost is $83.00 per person and will come from our Community Events budget. (We have 2 – Tara and Alicia) Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Stark to have this done. Motion carried.




Still no information on the Swartswood building – still in attorney’s hands. They are still waiting on 1 signature. Mr. Scott thanked the Stark’s for their efforts at the Fair. He mentioned that garage sale weekend was a success, he believes. Thanked everyone for their time and for volunteering for everything we do.


We went into executive session at 7:47pm – 8:15pm

After returning to the regular meeting, there was much discussion on the problems being experienced with peoples dogs running loose, doing their business in the parks and on the tennis courts and not being picked up after. Some discussion then began on the possibility of finding a location and possibly putting in a dog park. It was decided to look into this in the future. It needs to go before the Town Committee.


There being no further business, motion by Mrs. Degan, second by Mrs. Delaney to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 pm. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Michele Hess, Secretary


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