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August 28, 2023

A REGULAR MEETING of the Stillwater Township Zoning Board of Adjustment was held on Monday, August 28, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lippencott in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act. The flag was saluted, and roll call taken:

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Lippencott, Mr. Wykoff, Mrs. Draghi, Mr. Kochenthal, Mrs. Mountford, Mr. van der Haeghen


ALSO PRESENT: William Haggerty, Esq., Joe Vuich, Engineer and Committee Liaison, Dawn Delaney


Mrs. Mountford made the motion to approve the minutes of June 26, 2023, seconded by Mrs. Draghi.

Roll Call vote in favor:

Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mr. Wykoff – Yes, Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes




23-004 McDonough – Block 1801, Lot 22

Mr. van der Haeghen made the motion to approve the completeness of the above matter, seconded by Mr. Kochenthal.

Roll Call vote in favor:

Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mr. Wykoff­ Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mrs. Draghi – Yes


23-004 McDonough – Block 1801, Lot 22

This matter was presented by Engineer, Robert J. Brown of Careaga Engineering, Inc. on behalf of the applicant, McDonough. The Variance is requested to seek approval to demolish and replace a one story attached garage. The reason for replacement is because there was an above ground oil tank which was leaking, causing contamination underneath the existing garage.

The replacement garage will maintain the current 6.3-foot side yard setback requiring variance relief from the required minimum side yard setback of 30 feet. The garage will also maintain the existing 40.8-foot front yard setback requiring relief from the required minimum setback of 75 feet.

Applicant, Jacquelyn McDonough was sworn in by Mr. Haggerty to testify regarding the placement of the new above ground oil tank.

The matter was opened to the public at 7:41 pm. There being no public comment, it was closed to the public at 7:41pm.

Mr. van der Haeghen made the motion to approve the application, seconded by Mrs. Mountford.

Roll Call vote in favor:

Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mr. Wykoff­ Yes, Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes.

Mr. Brown requested a Waiver of the Resolution conditions so the applicant can immediately apply for building permits.

Mr. Kochenthal made the motion for a Waiver of the Resolution conditions, seconded by Mrs. Draghi.

Roll Call vote in favor:

Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mr. Wykoff- Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes.


Mrs. Draghi made the motion to pay the following bills, seconded by Mrs. Mountford.

Dolan and Dolan:

Giannantonio, Block 3804, Lot 1.03

Van Cleef Engineering

Armenante, Block 3603, Lot 233



Roll Call vote in favor:

Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mr. Wykoff – Yes, Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes



The Board gave a favorable recommendation for the appointment of William Doolittle to the Zoning Board.

  • Resolution Authorizing Release of Escrow Accounts

Mrs. Mountford made the motion to approve the release of Escrow funds, seconded by Mr. Kochenthal.

Roll Call vote in favor:

Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mr. Wykoff – Yes, Mr. van der Haeghen – Abstained, Mrs Draghi – Yes

-Armenante – 941 Emmons Lane/Block 3603, Lot 23

The Board made the recommendation to allow the application to be placed on the September Agenda for Completeness and have the applicant re-notice prior to the scheduled hearing.

Mr. Kochenthal made the motion to carry the application for completeness to the September hearing, seconded by Mr. Wykoff.

Roll Call vote in favor:

Mr. Kochenthal – Yes, Mr. Wykoff- Yes, Mr. Lippencott – Yes, Mrs. Draghi – Yes, Mrs. Mountford – Yes, Mr. van der Haeghen – Yes

Escrow accounts – Mrs. Mountford requested confirmation from Mr. Vuich that future escrows will be released in a timely manner. Mr. Vuich assured that there is now a procedure in place.




The session was opened to the public at 8:01pm. There being no public comment, the session was closed to the public at 8:01pm.


The August Committee Meeting was held on August 22, 2023, and the following summary was provided by Mrs. Delaney:

Community Center roof project was awarded to MAK Group, LLC in the amount of


The Regular Meeting was held on August 15, 2023:

Resolution to appoint Gerry Lehman as acting Supervisor for the DPW Resolution to appoint Joe Fernari as Assistant Acting Supervisor of the DPW

Future Ordinances that are up for discussion and possible adoption:

  • Prohibition of spilling and/or disposing of improper of materials other than stormwater
  • Liam McPeek was appointed as a Volunteer on the Fire Department
  • Connor Logan was appointed as Assistant Part Time Recycling Waste Attendant
  • Resolution #2023-157 – Installation of Fiber Cabinet on Possum Hill ROW
  • Resignation of Robert Venezia from the Planning Board


With there being no further business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. In a voice vote, all were in favor.

Penny BaiV,(Board Secretary August 28 023


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