August 23, 2021
A regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Zoning Board of Adjustment was held on Monday, August 23, 2021, at 7:31 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lippencott in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act. The flag was saluted and roll call taken:
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Lippencott, Mrs. Draghi, Mr. Sarni, Mr. Wykoff, Ms.
Mountford, and Mr. Kochenthal
MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Straub and Mr. van der Haeghen
ALSO PRESENT: Board Attorney Haggerty and Board Engineer/Planner Golden.
Mr. Kochenthal made the motion to approve the minutes of July 26, 2021, seconded by Mr. Sarni. Roll call vote, in favor: Mr. Lippencott-Yes, Ms. Mountford-Yes, Mr. Wykoff-Abstain, Mrs. Draghi-Abstain, Mr. Kochenthal-Yes, and Mr. Sarni-Yes
#612 Brandon Morgan, Block 1801, Lot 35-Variance Application
Ms. Mountford made the motion to adopt the Resolution. Motion seconded by Mr. Sarni Roll call vote, in favor: Mr. Lippencott-Yes, Ms. Mountford-Yes, Mr. Wykoff-Abstain, Mr. Sarni-Yes, Mrs. Draghi-Abstain, and Mr. Kochenthal-Yes
#614 Brian Pfeifer, Block 4104, Lot 14-Variance Application
Mr. Golden reviewed his completeness report of August 15, 2021 and the incompleteness items. He stated that the submitted plans are not clear. Mr. Pfeifer stated that he does have some additional information to submit this evening and the Board continued to discuss the incompleteness items. It was noted that any questions regarding the resubmission should be directed to Mr. Golden.
Mrs. Draghi made the motion to deem the application incomplete. Motion seconded by Mr. Sarni. Roll call vote, in favor: Mr. Lippencott-Yes, Ms. Mountford-Yes, Mr. Wykoff-Yes, Mr. Sarni-Yes, Mrs. Draghi-Yes, and Mr. Kochenthal-Yes
#615 Larry Condit, Block 2201, Lot 13-Variance Application
Board Engineer Golden reviewed his completeness report of August 16, 2021. He stated that he has no objection to the requested waivers and he would recommend that the application be deemed complete. The Board discussed the proposed shed and whether the Applicant needs to or wishes to amend his application to include the proposed structure.
Ms. Mountford made the motion to deem the application complete. Motion seconded by Mr. Sarni. Roll call vote, in favor: Mr. Lippencott-Yes, Ms. Mountford-Yes, Mr. Wykoff-Yes, Mr. Sarni-Yes, Mrs. Draghi-Yes, and Mr. Kochenthal-Yes
#616 Taffy L. Banghart, Block 2701, Lot 9.01-Variance Application
Mr. Haggerty reviewed the Ordinance that limits the number of garages and the need for a Use Variance. Board Engineer Golden reviewed his completeness report of August 22, 2021 and the incompleteness items. He stated that the survey is an old survey and perhaps a new survey is needed that correctly reflects the structures on the property. Mr. Banghardt stated his concern over the process and procedure. He stated that the existing structure is more of a shed than a garage as you cannot fit a vehicle in it. The Applicant and the Board discussed the best way to move forward.
Mr. Wykoff made the motion to deem the application incomplete as a checklist was not supplied and an updated survey is needed. Motion seconded by Mrs. Draghi. Roll call vote, in favor: Mr. Lippencott-Yes, Ms. Mountford-Yes, Mr. Wykoff-Yes, Mr. Sarni-Yes, Mrs. Draghi-Yes, and Mr. Kochenthal-Yes
#613 Nicholas & Devin Stolzenberg, Block 1605, Lot 2.12-Variance Application
Nicholas Stolzenberg was sworn in. Board Engineer Golden reviewed his revised report of August 22, 2021. Mr. Stolzenberg went on to describe the proposed location of the proposed building and he stated that he is removing the existing sheds. He stated that he spoke with Pioneer Buildings and was told that the building will be 14 1/2 feet high and he stated that the structure will be used for storage. The Board discussed the proposal with the Applicant.
The hearing was opened to the public. With there being no public comment, the hearing was closed to the public.
Mr. Sarni made the motion to grant the variance requested. Motion seconded by Mr. Wykoff. Roll call vote, in favor: Mr. Lippencott-Yes, Ms. Mountford-Yes, Mr. Wykoff-Yes, Mr. Sarni-Yes, Mrs. Draghi-Yes, and Mr. Kochenthal-Yes
#615 Larry Condit, Block 2201, Lot 13-Variance Application
Larry Condit and Jason Dunn were sworn in and Mr. Dunn displayed the drawing and described the proposal for variance for disturbance in slopes to allow for an improved driveway and parking area. He stated that they do have County approval. The Board continued to discuss the proposal, the septic field, the retaining wall, the tree removal, the area of disturbance, sidewalk, well, the proposed storage structure, and the impervious coverage.
The hearing was opened to the public. With there being no public comment, the hearing was closed to the public.
Board Secretary Schemm noted that Mr. Wykoff is within 200 foot list and needs to recuse himself.
Mr. Kochenthal made the motion to grant relief requested. Motion seconded by Mrs. Draghi. Roll call vote, in favor: Mr. Lippencott-Yes, Ms. Mountford-Yes, Mr. Sarni-Yes, Mrs. Draghi-Yes, and Mr. Kochenthal-Yes
The Board discussed the existing procedure and checklists.
Ms. Mountford made the motion to pay the following bills, seconded by Ms. Mountford.
Dolan & Dolan Re: Condit 82.50
Dolan & Dolan Re: Stolzenberg 74.25
Dolan & Dolan Re: Pfeifer 41.25
Dolan & Dolan Re: General 49.50
Dolan & Dolan Re: Morgan 305.25
Golden Re: Stolzenberg 330.00
Golden Re: Morgan 330.00
Roll call vote, in favor: Mr. Lippencott-Yes, Ms. Mountford-Yes, Mr. Sarni-Yes, Mrs. Draghi-Yes, Mr. Wykoff, and Mr. Kochenthal-Yes
NJ Planner
Chairman Lippencott opened the meeting to the public at 8:43 p.m. With there being no public comment, the meeting was closed to the public at 8:44 p.m.
Mayor Chammings stated that she spoke with the Bangharts outside and she was able to review the matter with them. The Board discussed who is responsible to review tree removal. Mayor Chammings provided an update on the following: the hiring of a Planner, Tax Certificate/Public Auction, Capital Ordinances for road improvements and purchases, job descriptions, masks, and review of documents for the Gallagher property. Board Attorney Haggerty also touched on the tree removal ordinance.
With there being no further business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at
9:06 p.m. In a voice vote, all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
_________________________________ _______________________________
Alfia Schemm, Board Secretary George Lippencott, Chairman
Stillwater Township offers residents a Recycling and Convenience Center for household trash and recycling.
Residents are able to view property tax information and make payments through the online system. You may find a property by entering the property’s location or block, lot and qualifier.
Stillwater Township posts all information about bids and proposals for township projects on a dedicated page.
The Stillwater Rec Summer Camp will be August 12-16 and August 19-23, 2024
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