August 17, 2022 – Regular Meeting

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Stillwater Township Planning Board

Minutes of August 17, 2022

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Planning Board was held at the Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pierce at 7:30 p.m. He announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been given to the public and the press under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, N.J.S.A 10:4-1 et.seq.

Members Present: Mr. Donofrio

Mr. Barta

Ms. Puccio

Mr. Pierce

Mr. Scott

Also Present: Attorney Haggerty

Engineer Golden

Planner Gable

Zoning Officer Dixon


Mr. Donofrio made e motion to approve the minutes of July 20, 2022. Motion seconded by Mayor Scott. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Donofrio-Yes

Ms. Puccio-Yes Mr. Pierce-Yes

Mr. Scott-Yes


Chairman Pierce opened the meeting up to the public at 7:32 p.m. With there being no public comment, the meeting was closed to the public.


Dolan & Dolan

Re: Nature Conservancy 280.50

Re: General 343.75

Re: General 82.50

Re: Nature Conservancy 49.50

Re: Nature Conservancy 33.00


Re: Wills 120.00

Mayor Scott made the motion to approve the bills, funds permitting. Motion seconded by Ms. Puccio. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Donofrio-Yes

Ms. Puccio-Yes Mr. Pierce-Yes

Mr. Scott-Yes


#22-001 The Nature Conservancy, B 3303, Lot 1

Michael Hanafan, Esq. was present on behalf of the Nature Conservancy. Mr. Haggerty summarized his review of the proposal, jurisdiction and whether a use variance is required. He stated that it is a technical major subdivision. Mr. Golden summarized his findings in his August 12th report and he recommended that the application be deemed complete.

Ms. Puccio made the motion to deem the application complete. Motion seconded by Mr. Pierce. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Donofrio-Yes

Ms. Puccio-Yes Mr. Pierce-Yes

Mr. Scott-Yes

#22-001 The Nature Conservancy, B 3302, Lot 3

Michael Hanafan, Esq. was present on behalf of the Nature Conservancy. The Board Professionals reviewed the proposal. Mr. Golden reviewed his August 12th report and he recommended that the application be deemed complete.

Mayor Scott made the motion to deem the application complete. Motion seconded by Mr. Barta. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Donofrio-Yes

Ms. Puccio-Yes Mr. Pierce-Yes

Mr. Scott-Yes

Mr. Hanafan stated that they will notice for the September meeting.

Master Plan Reexamination Report

Ms. Gable reviewed the master plan requirements and then proceeded to review the draft report prepared and the goals and recommendations. The following topics were discussed between the Board, the Board Professionals, and the public : farmland preservation, preserving scenic vistas and new development on ridgelines, recreation/conservation, affordable housing, storm water management plan, open space and recreation plan, land use plan element, Sustainable Jersey Certification, public electric vehicle infrastructure, considering/investigating short term rentals/regulations for rural areas, lot sizes for accessory uses/barns/heights, temporary sheds, minor accessory structures on lake/lake front properties, improved undersized lots, solar farms and maintaining the rural character of the township, and storm water. Ms. Chammings was in attendance and commented about the Environmental Resource Inventory and a concern was raised that there may be a quorum of the Township Committee in attendance this evening if Ms. Chammings participates in the meeting. Ms. Chammings left the meeting. The Board discussed the noticing provisions. Ms. Gable stated that she can update the reexamination report and it can be distributed for the Board’s consideration at the September meeting. A public hearing could then be scheduled for the October meeting. The Board continued to discuss various topics and Mr. Dixon stated that he gets inquiries regarding farm animals and he also addressed the Boat House zoning, and steep slopes/environmental constraints.

Barns/Family Farms/Commercial Farms

Discussion Deferred

Liaison Updates-Committee, Mayor, Board of Adjustment, and Environmental

Mayor Scott and Mr. Barta provided the Committee update, which was discussed with the Board: adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions, grants, weight limits and traffic, resignations and hiring’s, increase funding for asbestos testing , adoption of job descriptions and employee complaint process, and social media policy.

Mr. Pierce then addressed Mr. Golden’s request to not be reappointed in 2023. The Board thanked Mr. Golden for his service and they asked if he had any recommendations. It was agreed to begin the process of requesting proposals for a Board Engineer for 2023.


The meeting was opened to the public. With there being no public comment, the meeting was closed to the public.


With there being no further business, there was a motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. In a voice vote, all were in favor at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Alfia Schemm

Board Secretary

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