April 5, 2021 Regular Meeting

Stillwater Township


Meeting Minutes

April 5, 2021

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on April 5, 2021 at 7:03p.m. at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ and via Zoom. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman Dawn Delaney with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the Flag Salute. (Zoom participants: One public participant: Ms. Hess

Members Present: Mrs. Beshada, Mrs. Stark, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti, Mr. Reilly, Ms. Hess, Mrs. Delaney

Alternates Present: Mrs. Gardner

Members Absent/Excused:

Approval of minutes from last meeting – March 5, 2021 Motion/2nd Mr. Sylvester/Mrs. Tosti Motion Carried.

Payment of Bills – Presented bills: Septicare (Mar) $165.00, Motion/2nd Mrs. Gardner/Mrs. Beshada Motion Carried.

Correspondence – NONE

Open Public Session – Agenda items only open: 7:06 p.m.

Mr. Sylvester made a motion to discuss New Business Line B (Veteran’s Temporary Fencing request from KLL) to open public session. Motion second by Mrs. Gardner (voting in place of Ms. Hess due to technology issues)

Mr. Carovillano requested putting a temporary fence on the baseball field at Veterans Field 210 feet off home plate. Concerns were brought up regarding maintenance in fence area. After discussion it was agreed that KLL will maintain growth in and up to 1 foot either side of fence. Country Lawn Care would be responsible for maintenance one foot outside of either side of temporary fence. Mr. Sylvester made a motion to approve temporary fence with the agreement KLL is responsible for maintaining one foot either side of fence. Mrs. Tosti second. Motion carried.

Mr. Sylvester made a motion to discuss Old Business Line E (Pickleball/Tennis Court) to open public session. Motion second by Mr. Reilly

Mrs. Delaney stated she spoke with Tennis player who presented the concern of court use and confrontation. Mrs. Delaney confirmed with Tennis and Pickleball they would be on their honor with time and use of court. Mr. & Mrs. Doolittle attended on behalf of one of the two pickleball teams who play there and stated they have never been involved in any conflict or confrontation with any others. Mr. Scott confirmed with Mr. & Mrs. Doolittle they have had no involvement of conflict with tennis players. Mrs. Delaney stated she contacted 3 companies to give estimates on lining the Court for pickleball and 2 of three were able to provide estimates. Mr. Pierson will be contacted by Mrs. Delaney to provide a third quote in place of the company that only does roads/parking areas. One company stated a discount of $300 would be applied if they do Stillwater Park Court and Paulinskill Lake Association Court. This will be brought up again at a Township Committee meeting once all 3 quotes are ready to present. Motion by Mr. Sylvester 2nd by Mr. Reilly Motion carried. Public Session closed at 7:23pm

Amendments to the Agenda

Mrs. Delaney made a motion to amend new business add line E Recreation Improvement Grant

Sub-Committee Reports

Clean Up Day 4/10/2021 Chair- Alicia Gardner 12 groups, possibly 2 more. All ready to go rain or shine

Stillwater Day 6/12/2021-CANCELLED Mr. Sylvester made a motion to cancel Stillwater Day 2021 with the option to hold fireworks later in the year. Mrs. Delaney Second. Motion Carried. Miss Stillwater will still be held. Tim made a motion to hold the Miss Stillwater Pageant on Friday May 21 at 7pm at the Community Center and applications are due May 14, No Exceptions. Mrs. Beshada Second Motion, Motion Carried with Ms. Hess abstained. (see notes from discussion below)

Garage Sale Weekend 7/17/2021 & 7/18/2021 Chair/Co-chairs- Dawn Delaney, Michele Hess, Terry Beshada Applications are posted on the website and will copies are located at Town Hall and more copies will be handed out on Clean up day and also left at the Recycling Center to hand out to residents

Summer Camp 8/9/2021-8/13/2021 & 8/16/2021-8/20/2021 Chair- Tara Tosti Mrs. Tosti will be working on the applications.

County/State Fair- None at this time. Waiting for update on if/what will be taking place.

Decorating Contests – Chair- Tim Reilly

Tree Lighting @ Community Center 12/10/2021 snow date 12/11/2021 Recreation Board Members

Field Use/Scheduling Chair/Co-chair- Alicia Gardner/Lou Sylvester

Field use/ Maintenance Chair- Dawn Delaney with Liaison George Scott

Report on Stillwater Day: After much discussion and consideration Stillwater was cancelled. Michele reached out to bounce house they are not taking reservations at this time due to restrictions and sanitizations. Mrs. Beshada requested to still do Miss Stillwater. Michele stated must be before the Fair. Mrs. Delaney reached out to Mrs. Kinney about having the pageant at the Fair. The decision will be made in May. Currently 7 towns are currently a yes. No little Miss/Mr. will take place.

Old Business

  1. Field & Pavilion Use Applications- Still waiting on schedules from soccer, baseball, travel baseball and softball. KLL was emailed in regards to Co-Ed Softball scheduled games on Tuesdays. Mr. Sylvester will reach out to KLL to further discuss scheduling for use of Stillwater Field. The Erickson family requested use of Pavilion at Veterans Sunday May 16 with a rain date of Sunday May 23 with no sports teams to use the field during their ceremony for Eagle Scout who built the Lacrosse wall. Mrs. Delaney made a motion to approve the Pavilion Use on May 16 from 9-3 with a rain date of May 23 and to reference future interest in events being held with no sport conflicts to be held at the community center. Mrs. Gardner second motion. Motion Carried.
  2. Field Maintenance Needs- More clay, Batting Cage net, Scoreboard Repair and Ash Tree Removal: Fields need more clay due to low spots collecting water, Mr. Raff (DPW) is aware and will be spreading more clay. Mr. Sylvester stated clay must be 1 inch above the grass to properly keep water off the infield. Batting cage net requires attention with cleaning and soft top replacement. Mrs. Tosti stated she is getting prices on batting cage top. Also, Mrs. Tosti is working on repairing the Scoreboard Controller. (internal loose connection on circuit board). 4 Ash trees at Swartswood (Stillwater) Park need to be removed due to bark damage. Veterans also has trees that need to be removed by the bridge over the water. This will need to be done by a tree removal company not DPW. Mrs. Delaney, Mayor Chammings and Mrs. Gardner will be meeting at Veterans Field to assess the trail maintenance.
  3. Equipment Wish List Items: Mr. Sylvester and Ms. Hess– Still in search of single team aluminum benches for soccer field and drag rakes. We need to find out who owns the sheds and equipment at the field. Locks will get replaced and keys will have to be signed out and in. Mr. Sylvester made an equipment sign out form and an Inventory list of Rec/Stillwater owned equipment. Mr. Scott stated we should get in contact with Leagues to get equipment set in permanent positions and find out who owns what on the fields.
  4. Fertilizing Parks- Pinnacle Schedule: Mrs. Tosti spoke with Mr. Trotter and he will be making the First application to the parks after the first mow of the season. Mr. Trotter will be given Mr. Chammings contact information to work out schedule.
  5. Pickle Ball/Tennis Court- Striping -George and Dawn- Mr. & Mrs. Doolittle spoke on behalf of one of the pickleball teams and Mrs. Delaney received quotes for the line striping and discussion will resume next meeting. See open public session.
  6. Paving Projects for 2021- For Future Discussion
  7. Community Center- Updates: None at this time

New Business

  1. Plant Exchange Mrs. Stark would like to open this to Stillwater in the Spring and Fall. Mrs. Stark will chair the Plant exchange Saturday May 15, 2021 Rain Date Sunday May 16, 2021 at the Community Center in Swartswood scheduled public time to be 10am-2pm with setup and cleanup one hour before and one hour after. Flyer was made and Mrs. Stark will get it to Mrs. Knott for posting on website and social media.
  2. Crosswalk at Community Center – Township committee sent request to freeholders and it is now in review by County engineer to see if that is a place a crosswalk can be placed. We will follow up next meeting for status update as nothing new arose since last meeting.
  3. Kittatinny Little League Fence Request at Veterans Field- (moved to open public session) See Open Public Session for discussion and approval.
  4. Alternate #2 Advertising – Mrs. Richardson was the only application submitted to fill position. Mrs. Beshada made Motion to approve Application to be presented to the Township for approval. Mrs. Beshada Second Motion carried with Mrs. Tosti abstaining
  5. Recreation Improvement Grant- Mr. Sylvester forwarded email from his daughter. Mrs. Tosti volunteered to work on the grant proposal with assistance from Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. Beshada. The Board will work on getting a list of things for the grant. Finalized grant proposal will be discussed and approved to present to Township for resolution at next meeting. 5/24 Grant application due. 6/11 Grant winners will be announced.

Open Public Session open 9:04 p.m. closed 9:05p p.m. Mrs. Tosti brought a steering wheel from the Stillwater playground and gave it to Mrs. Gardner to give the DPW to reinstall.

Committee Member Comments -Mr. Sylvester stated Memorial Day Service with 6th grade Essay contest will be held on May 31, 10am at Veterans Field.

Liaison Report Mr. Scott is working on flag system and stated Mr. Raff will be getting new flags. Crosswalk was discussed with Mr. Yardley and requested to be done before Summer Camp if it passes.

Executive Session None

Executive Session Actions None

Adjournment There being no further business, motion made by Mrs. Gardner and seconded by Mr. Reilly to adjourn at 9:09pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alicia Gardner



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