April 2, 2024 Regular Meeting

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APRIL 2, 2024

A REGULAR MEETING of the Stillwater Township Committee was called to order by Mayor L. Chammings at 7:02 p.m. Mayor L. Chammings stated that this meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of P.L. 1975, Ch. 231, Secs. 4 & 13 the Sunshine Law and that adequate notice of the meeting has been published in the New Jersey Herald as to the time, place, and date of meetings, and is posted in the usual location of posted notices in the municipal building as well as electronically on the township website.

ROLL CALL: Committeeman D. Manser, Committeewoman D. Delaney, Committeewoman V. Rumsey, Mayor L. Chammings, Committeeman G. Scott

Also Present: Township Attorney E. Bernstein


FLAG SALUTE: Mayor L. Chammings led the Flag Salute.


Mayor L. Chammings Proclaimed April as Child Abuse Prevention Month and read the following:



WHEREAS, child abuse and neglect is a complex and ongoing problem in our society, affecting many children in Sussex County, and


WHEREAS, every child is entitled to be love, cared for, nurtured, feel secure and be free from verbal, sexual, emotional and physical abuse and neglect; and


WHEREAS, child abuse and neglect not only directly harms children, but also increases the likelihood of criminal behavior, substance abuse, health problems, and risky behavior; and


WHEREAS, the effects of child abuse are felt by communities as a whole and need to be addressed by the entire community; and


WHEREAS effective child abuse prevention programs succeed because of partnerships among families, social service agencies, schools, religious and civic organizations, law enforcement agencies and the business community.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater does hereby proclaim April 2024 as

Child Abuse Prevention Month

And calls upon all citizens, community agencies, faith groups, medical facilities, and businesses to increase their participation in our efforts to support families, thereby preventing child abuse and strengthening the communities in which we live.

Mayor L. Chammings stated she will sign the proclamation and have it posted in the Municipal Building. She also noted that Mandy Coriston and her daughter put pinwheels outside of the Municipal Office for “Pinwheels for Prevention” for child abuse prevention month.

Leap Grant Discussion

Mayor L. Chammings stated that Karen King from the Division of Senior Services attended the meeting that night to discuss the leap grant so she asked if they could move the leap grant discussion from Discussion to the beginning of the meeting.

Ms. King explained that the County has been given the opportunity to apply for a hefty grant totaling $400,000 to work with municipalities within the county. This year they’re starting a pilot program with five municipalities. Stillwater Township was chosen as 1 of the 5 municipalities selected to be in the pilot program for this leap grant. She will be the one in charge of this and it is mostly geared toward social, recreation and evidenced based programs for seniors. The other municipalities do not put any money in, however they contribute in kind matches. There is no money given to the municipalities either, the supplies and extras are purchased by the County of Sussex then delivered to the municipalities. The other municipalities that will be participating are Vernon, Frankford, Franklin, Lafayette and Stillwater.

Township Attorney E. Bernstein read the following Resolution:




WHEREAS, the State of New Jersey has appropriated $7.5 million for Shared Services and School District Consolidation Study and Implementation Grants to assist local units with the study, development, and implementation of new shared and regional services; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Government Services (DLGS) is tasked with administering these grant funds through the Local Efficiency Achievement Program (LEAP); and

WHEREAS, LEAP Implementation Grants exist to support costs associated with shared service implementation to ensure that meaningful, efficiency generating initiatives are not hindered by short term transitional expenses; and

WHEREAS, the County of Sussex and Township of Stillwater propose to enter into a shared services agreement, but face certain expenses associated with implementation that present a burden to the local units; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of this shared services agreement is to provide social, recreational, and evidence-based programs for seniors, which will benefit the residents of all participating local units; and

WHEREAS, the County of Sussex has agreed to be the lead agency in this program and will submit the application to DLGS on behalf of all participating units; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Township of Stillwater that the Township of Stillwater does hereby join with the County of Sussex in applying for a LEAP Implementation Grant in the amount of $533,333.33 to support implementation of this shared service.

A MOTION was made by Committeeman G. Scott and seconded by Committeewoman V. Rumsey, to adopt Resolution 2024-52.

Mayor L. Chammings stated that Municipal Clerk V. Ingles will be the contact person for the Leap Grant.

ROLL CALL: Committeeman D. Manser; yes, Committeewoman D. Delaney; yes, Committeewoman V. Rumsey; yes, Committeeman G. Scott; yes, Mayor L. Chammings; yes. Motion carried with all in favor.

MINUTES: March 19, 2024 Regular & Executive Session Meeting Minutes

A MOTION was made by Committeewoman V. Rumsey and seconded by Committeewoman D. Delaney to adopt the meeting minutes as presented.


ROLL CALL: Committeeman D. Manser; yes, Committeewoman D. Delaney; yes, Committeewoman V. Rumsey; yes, Committeeman G. Scott; yes, Mayor L. Chammings; yes. Motion carried with all in favor.


  1. Herbicide Application On PSE&G Right-of-Way Request B3502 L1.99

A MOTION was made by Committeeman G. Scott and seconded by Committeewoman V. Rumsey to approve the herbicide application on B3502 L1.99.

ROLL CALL: Committeeman D. Manser; yes, Committeewoman D. Delaney; yes, Committeewoman V. Rumsey; yes, Committeeman G. Scott; yes, Mayor L. Chammings; yes. Motion carried with all in favor.

  1. Coalition Against Bigger Trucks E-mail

An email was received by Rob Bielunas, Regional Director for the Coalition Against Bigger Trucks requesting a quick meeting to discuss the proposals in Congress allowing heavier tractor-trailer trucks on our roads, and the negative impact to infrastructure, traffic, and public safety. Committeeman G. Scott agreed to call Mr. Bielunas to see what he has to say and report back to the Township Committee at the next meeting.


Committeeman David Manser

Board of Education

Committeeman D. Manser stated that he didn’t have an update on the Board of Education since he reported about their budget meeting at the last Township Committee meeting. Their next meeting will be on April 15th for a workshop meeting.

Recreation Commission

Committeeman D. Manser stated that the recreation commission has a lot of good stuff going on. The next event is Clean Up Day on Saturday April 20th starting at 9am at the Recycling Center. The planning for Stillwater Day is moving forward; there will be a talent show for children and adults, a comedian/magician, bounce houses, vendors, food etc. They will have another workshop meeting on April 15th to finish finalizing the Stillwater Day plans. Jenn Minervino is organizing the Veteran’s programs and some senior events as well. The next Senior’s event is on April 11th on home burglary put on by the Sheriff’s Department. She also registered two Veteran’s programs in September & November as well. The Easter Egg Hunt went great, the Fire Department and Recreation Commission worked together very well and it was a good turnout for being cold & windy and after all the rain from the day before. He stated that there was some vandalism at Veteran’s Park. The two bollards were taken off the bridge, the bench, a sign and two of the barrel trash can lids were thrown into the brook. The Fire Department made it into a practice drill and retrieved what items they could find out of the brook. The solar lights from the bridge and the garbage lids are still missing. They are working on measures to keep a better eye on the park.

Committeeman D. Manser stated that lacrosse, baseball and softball have started. They are planning a bus trip to a Yankees game mid-summer sometime as well as a Miner’s baseball game.

Committeewoman D. Delaney added that there is a water safety event coming up on May 5th at the Fairview Lake YMCA Camp from 1-4pm. It’s a free event and all are welcome to attend.

Mayor L. Chammings stated that the Clean Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 20th. It was advertised that the paper shredding event would take place at the Recycling Center however they are going to change the location to be at the Municipal Building. She stated that it will be easier for residents to pull in and out of the municipal parking lot and for the office to be able to do their document destruction. The Municipal Clerk will be there to oversee the document destruction from 9am-12pm. She also asked for it to be advertised on the sign in front of the Municipal Office as well as the Community Center sign. The Municipal Office will also be closed to the public on Wednesday, April 10th for an in service purge event.

Recycling Center

Committeeman D. Manser stated that he visited the Recycling Center and that they’ve been very busy, as usual.

Committeewoman Dawn Delaney

Planning Board

Committeewoman D. Delaney stated that the Planning Board meeting was a quick meeting; there were no Resolutions or hearings and they paid the bills.

Mayor L. Chammings said that there was a good discussion on revitalizing downtown. They are looking to have it match the master plan and open space plan.


Zoning Board of Adjustment

Committeewoman D. Delaney stated that the Zoning Board meeting was also quick; there were no Resolutions or hearings, they paid the bills and the Planner was handed out. Committeewoman V. Rumsey gave a report on the LED lighted sign for the Fire Department at the meeting.



Committeewoman D. Delaney stated that she didn’t have anything to report on finance this month, that she will be meeting with the CFO in May after the budget.

Committeeman George Scott


Committeeman G. Scott stated that the DPW has been very busy. They had a Statewide class on the bucket truck training which 5 of them were present for the class and passed. They’ve been taking dead trees down, checking the roads in the morning for ice, and have been dealing with the outcome of the large amount of rain and raised water levels…


Committeeman G. Scott stated that he will be speaking with the Township Engineer regarding the flooding on Duck Pond Road. He will contact Mike Vreeland and Joe Vuich for recommendations if there is anything that can be done so they aren’t under water there.

Committeewoman Vera Rumsey

Emergency Services

Committeewoman V. Rumsey stated that the department received 31 fire calls and 23 EMS calls for service. These numbers may be off a bit due to the CAD being down at the communications center for an extended period of time. All calls from March 18th are being manually entered into the reporting system. They had multiple tech rescues in March, some in miserable weather and one that had their responders out until 3:00AM. Their UTV’s were the center of attention at the Sussex County St Patrick’s Day parade along with their amazing leprechauns. They assisted NJ Forest Fire with prescribed burns in the Swartswood Park area earlier in the month. The department gave a very professional send off to Ex-Chief of Swartswood and Stillwater member Bill Banghart by performing honor guard and conducting a fireman’s service. Drills consisted of different search techniques and pump/water shuttle training. They also had the impromptu water rescue drill assisting with the recovery of the items that were thrown into the river at Veteran’s Park. Towards the end of the month, they were called into Newton to assist with a stubborn structure fire where they provided command elements and both of their tankers to shuttle water to the scene. Their two new recruits are about half way completed with their initial firefighter training. As always, every member conducted themselves in the utmost professional way even in brutal elements.

Community Center

Committeewoman V. Rumsey stated that she ordered two No Smoking signs and a Smoke Here sign for at the Community Center since she’s seen multiple cigarette butts in the mulch by the front door. She will put the No Smoking signs by the doors of the building and an arrow pointing to the designated smoking area which will be located away from the building.

Committeewoman V. Rumsey stated that the second notice has been sent to the Civic groups stating that their new agreements, insurance and payment are due by April 15th otherwise the front door codes could be disconnected. So far only one organization is in compliance.

Zoning Board of Adjustment

Committeewoman V. Rumsey stated that Committeewoman D. Delaney already went over everything at the Zoning Board meeting.


Committeewoman V. Rumsey stated that everyone is doing a great job and that Statewide will come in to do a 1st Amendment training to the staff and any Township Committee members that would like to attend. She asked Municipal Clerk V. Ingles to let everyone know the date of the training.

Mayor Lisa Chammings


Environmental Commission

Mayor L. Chammings stated that a member on the Environmental Commission expressed concerns about ANJEC and some of the political views. After listening to the members presentation, though they agree with some of his assessments, the Environmental Commission will not be sending a letter to ANJEC discussing those views. They encouraged the member to call ANJEC to discuss his views with them personally.

There was a discussion on when the site plans are submitted to the Planning Board and Zoning Board then the Environmental Commission goes out. There are concerns that they are not able to view the DEP site plans before they do their site plan. They will be in communication with the DEP to see if there is a better way to send things so that they don’t receive them so late.

Mayor L. Chammings said that they have almost 50% of what they need for TREX plastic for their new bench.


Mayor L. Chammings stated that at the County Municipal Coordinator’s meeting, it was discussed that the County notification alerts will be changing again in June. The new notification system is called Regroup and costs less than the previous system, Rave. This system gets information straight from the cell providers and doesn’t require sign up to be included, it will just start sending them. If you don’t want to be part of the alerts just text “Stop”.

Mayor L. Chammings stated that there are going to be training drills on gas leaks around the County.

Mayor L. Chammings stated that CERT is considering doing training in Washington DC and are looking into the pricing. They have $1,000 budget which they could use for the accommodations and training. They would receive a lot of the training that they need.


Mayor L. Chammings stated that she didn’t have anything to report for legal.


Mayor L. Chammings stated that there was a staff meeting with herself, Committeewoman D. Delaney and 3 of the municipal employees. She stated that it was a very productive meeting. There will be a staff meeting once per month with at least one Township Committee member present.

Mayor L. Chammings stated that she will be doing another round of EMMA, the hazard litigation in EOP which is due April 14th. They have an EAP- Emergency Action Plan for Crandon Lakes Dam. There is one change that needs to be made to the address then they can sign off on it. The Crandon Lakes Dam is almost completed, they just need to remove the scaffolding. She also stated that she will be taking The Powers & Duties of the Governing Body class tomorrow.

Broadside Productions has finished filming. They followed all the rules and everything seemed to run very smoothly. The DPW will go inspect tomorrow to make sure that everything looks good. They have been wonderful to work with. She stated that she let the crew park on her property with some overflow to the recycling center. They did compensate for parking which she donated to the Wildlife Animal Center and some to the recycling center.

Township Resident Mr. Noss was present at the meeting and she thanked him for the bear that he made which was sitting in the meeting room and for the other things that he does around the community such as the lettering that he did for free on the DPW trucks.



Committeewoman D. Delaney asked that the Community Center be added to Discussion.

Committeewoman V. Rumsey stated that there were two communications received requesting a committee members attendance. There is also a meeting on April 10th at the Branchville Municipal Building at 9:00am and a meeting on April 12th at the Hampton Diner at 8:30am.

PUBLIC SESSION (Agenda Items Only – 3 Minute Time Limit)

Public Session Open 8:08 pm.

Resident Heidi Mountford and Bill Doolittle stood to discuss the pickleball courts. She handed out a diagram showing how they measured that 4 pickleball courts can fit on the current tennis court at Swartswood. She suggested that if they will be resurfacing the court there then they need to restripe it. She’s asking that when they go to stripe the courts that they follow their measurements to fit 4 pickleball courts. Then the recommend doing the new pickleball/tennis courts at Veterans Park. H. Mountford stated that other location has sign-ups to use the courts. There are platforms online which this can be done, for a nominal fee. People can sign up for tennis or pickleball and it’s a good way, in her opinion, to see how much it is being used. Mayor L. Chammings stated that the engineer is looking into places to put the new court. H. Montford also suggested having benches outside of the fencing for the courts for people that are waiting. Township Attorney E. Bernstein asked if three quotes have been received for the work to be done.

Township Resident B. Doolittle thanked the Township Committee & Clerk for fixing the parking lot light.

Township Resident K. Draghi stated the Mahjong Ladies Group does not have insurance as they aren’t a non-profit organization. She asked how else they could satisfy the requirements of the new community center agreement. The Township Committee & Attorney agreed that the members of Mahjong would need to all sign an individual hold harmless agreement as the group does not have their own insurance. If a member refuses to sign the hold harmless agreement then they will not be allowed to participate. K. Draghi also stated that when they use the Community Center that sometimes the heat has been left on. She stated that Mahjong aren’t the ones that don’t turn it down after use.

Recreation Commission President T. Tosti stated that she wanted to formally thank the DPW for the incredible job spreading the clay on the baseball fields. She also wanted to thank the Fire Department for their help at the Easter Egg Hunt.

Public Session Closed 8:30 pm.


Committeewoman V. Rumsey stated that she had a quick Old Business update, that the DPW will be adding a van handicap accessible parking space at the Community Center. There will be one space to accommodate vans and one regular handicap parking space.









Section 1. The improvements or purposes described in Section 2 of this ordinance are hereby authorized as general improvements to be made or acquired by The Township of Stillwater, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, and there is hereby appropriated therefor the sum of $455,000 to the extent of (a) $17,500 from the Reserve for Park Projects, (b) $52,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund, (c) $105,700 from Capital Fund Balance; (d) $26,800 from Ordinance No. 2021-10 of the Township, (e) $68,000 from the DPW Equipment Reserve and (f) $185,000 from an NJDOT grant.

Section 2. The improvements hereby authorized and the purposes for the financing of which the appropriation is made as provided in Section 1 of this ordinance are (a) the acquisition by purchase an enclosed trailer and a vehicle for use by the Department of Public Works ($68,000 from the DPW Equipment Reserve), file cabinets and furnishings for the Municipal Building ($27,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund) and turnout gear, hoses and nozzles for the Fire Department ($65,500 from Capital Fund Balance), (b) the reconstruction and resurfacing of Mt. Benevolence – Phase 3 ($252,000; to the extent of $185,000 from an NJDOT grant, to the extent of $26,800 from Ordinance 2021-10 and to the extent of $40,200 from Capital Fund Balance), (c) the upgrade of the wiring at the bay at the Community Center ($25,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund) and (d) the renovation of the tennis/pickle ball courts ($17,500 from the Reserve for Park Projects), together with for all the aforeaid all equipment, work, materials, apparatus and appurtenances necessary therefor or incidental thereto, all as shown on and in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor on file or to be filed in the office of the Township Clerk and hereby approved.

Section 3. The capital budget or temporary capital budget of the Township is hereby amended to conform with the provisions of this ordinance to the extent of any inconsistency herewith and the resolutions promulgated by the Local Finance Board showing all detail of the amended capital budget or temporary capital budget and capital program as approved by the Director, Division of Local Government Services, are on file with the Township Clerk and are available for public inspection.

Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect after publication after final passage as provided by law.

A MOTION was made by Committeewoman D. Delaney and seconded by Committeewoman V. Rumsey, to Introduce Ordinance 2024-09.

ROLL CALL: Committeeman D. Manser; yes, Committeewoman D. Delaney; yes, Committeewoman V. Rumsey; yes, Committeeman G. Scott; yes, Mayor L. Chammings; yes. Motion carried with all in favor.


First Public Land Sales of Township Owned Properties

Mayor L. Chammings stated that she has looked over the properties and feels that there are 8 properties that may be of interest to people that are on the list. Township Attorney E. Bernstein stated that the Township first needs to declare the properties are no longer needed for a public purpose, they need to be assessed so that a minimum bid amount may be established and they can go up for public auction. The minimum bid must be in place and the township has the right to reject any and all bids. The Township Committee will continue to review the list of properties and will discuss properties at the second meeting in May.

Open Space & Rec Plan Update

The Township Committee discussed the proposals received by the Land Conservancy and Jessica Caldwell. When adding the Community Center and Recreation events, the Land Conservancy’s price stayed the same and Jessica Caldwell’s changed to $13,500; the same price as the Land Conservancy. The Committee discussed which proposal to accept as both are reputable companies that have different visions.

A MOTION was made by Committeewoman V. Rumsey and seconded by Committeewoman D. Delaney, to use J. Caldwell & Associates for the Open Space & Rec Plan with the price not to exceed $13,500.

The Committee agreed that going with Jessica Caldwell as a planner may bring a different perspective.

ROLL CALL: Committeeman D. Manser; yes, Committeewoman D. Delaney; yes, Committeewoman V. Rumsey; yes, Committeeman G. Scott; yes, Mayor L. Chammings; yes. Motion carried with all in favor.

No National Parks Seminar

The Township Committee discussed having Sandy Hull attend the next meeting on April 16th and to add her to the front of the agenda.

Leap Grants

Discussed at the beginning of the meeting.

Community Center

Committeewoman D. Delaney stated that she wanted to clarify the groups & fees using the Community Center. Any and all groups upon completion & payment must have Township Committee approval prior to using the Community Center.

Township Attorney E. Bernstein stated that there should be one Resolution approving all groups at once on an annual basis, everyone else after that meeting must be approved separately. He also noted that he wanted to make sure that it was known that the Committee is allowing Mahjong to have hold harmless waivers signed in lieu of an insurance policy because they are a non-organization. The other groups and organizations using the community center still need to provide their insurance.

PUBLIC SESSION (any subject – 3-minute limit) at 8:46 PM

Township Residents Katie Smith, Herrick expressed that they are having a problem with a neighbor’s rooster crowing between 1am to 4am every morning. They live in Lake Plymouth where the houses are closer together. They spoke with animal control who went out to inspect and to the Zoning Officer and were referred to the Township Committee. They have not spoken to the owner of the roosters.

Township Attorney E. Bernstein instructed them to get a report from the Zoning Officer and Animal Control regarding the issues then sign a complaint in municipal court which they will serve to the owner of the roosters. He stated that this would be the fastest outcome. The other option would be for the Township Committee and Township Attorney to discuss if and how they may help rectify the situation, which would take more time and research.

Township Resident C. Feenstra stated that her property was flooded again with all the recent rainfall and wanted to know if the Township Committee had an update for her. Committeeman G. Scott stated that he is aware of the situation and will be in contact with the Township Engineers to see if there is anything that they can do to reroute the water.

Township Resident H. Mountford asked about the homes that will be going up for sale, if they are the foreclosed properties. The Township Committee replied that the foreclosed properties are still stuck in in-rem with no indication when that will change. The properties that are going for public sale are township owned land.

No further public comment.



Township Attorney E. Bernstein stated that his discussion will take place during Executive Session.

BILLS LIST #06 $1,077,939.81


WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified that funds are available in the proper account; and

WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has approved payment upon certification from

the Township Department Heads that the goods and/or services have been rendered to the


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Stillwater that the current bill lists, dated April 2, 2024, are on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief Financial Officer and approved by the Chief Financial Officer for payment, be paid.

A MOTION was made by Committeeman G. Scott and seconded by Committeeman D. Manser to adopt Resolution 2024-51, funds permitting.

ROLL CALL: Committeeman D. Manser; yes, Committeewoman D. Delaney; yes, Committeewoman V. Rumsey; yes, Committeeman G. Scott; yes, Mayor L. Chammings; yes. Motion carried with all in favor.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: held in the Stillwater Township Municipal Building.

A MOTION was made by Committeeman D. Manser, seconded by Committeewoman V. Rumsey, with all members in favor, to adopt the Resolution permitting the Committee to go into Executive Session at 9:04 p.m.



WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting under certain circumstances; and

WHEREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, in the County of Sussex and State of New Jersey as follows:

1. The public shall be excluded from that portion of this meeting.

2. The general nature of the subject matter to be discussed is as follows: Attorney Client & Public Safety

3. As nearly as can now be ascertained, the matter or matters to be discussed at this time will be disclosed to the public when such matters are resolved.

A MOTION was made by Committeeman G. Scott and seconded by Committeewoman V. Rumsey to go back into Regular Session at 9:48 P.M.

ROLL CALL: Committeeman D. Manser; yes, Committeewoman D. Delaney; yes, Committeewoman V. Rumsey; yes, Committeeman G. Scott; yes, Mayor L. Chammings; yes. Motion carried with all in favor.

Township Attorney E. Bernstein stated to let the record reflect that all members of the governing body present commencing from Executive Session are present to recommence to the open session along with the Township Attorney and Township Clerk. A security matter was raised by our insurance fund, direction has been given to the Township Clerk & Township Attorney. Formal action will not be taken at this time. There is an ongoing issue seeking legal advice for the Township Attorney as to a contractual and employment nature. No formal action for the employment will be taken at this time. After reviewing the proposal his recommendation is that the Governing Body approve a contract with Country Care LLC for the 2024 season at an amount not to exceed $16,275 for the term of the contract and to approve the Deputy Mayor to execute said contract.

A MOTION was made by Committeeman G. Scott and seconded by Committeeman D. Manser to approve a contract for the 2024 season with Country Care LLC in an amount not to exceed $16,275 for the term of the contract.

ROLL CALL: Committeeman D. Manser; yes, Committeewoman D. Delaney; yes, Committeewoman V. Rumsey; yes, Committeeman G. Scott; yes, Mayor L. Chammings; abstain. Motion carried with 4 in favor and 1 abstention.

With that being said, the only appropriate motion is the motion to adjourn.


A MOTION was made by Committeewoman D. Delaney and seconded by Committeewoman V. Rumsey, with all members in favor, to adjourn the meeting at 9:49 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Valerie Ingles

Municipal Clerk


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