April 19, 2023 Regular Meeting

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Planning Board Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2023

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Planning Board was held on the above date and was called to order by Mr. Pierce at 7:32 pm by Mr. Pierce.

Roll Call:

Members Present:

Mr. Pierce

Mr.  Donofrio

Mr. Barta

Mr. Venezia

Mrs. Wills

Ms. Chammings

Absent – Mrs. Puccio

Also Present: William Haggerty, Esq. and Joseph Vuich, Engineer

The Board stood for the flag salute and it was announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been given to the public and the press under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, N.J.S.A  10:4-1 et.seq.


Mr. Donofrio made the motion to approve the minutes of February 15, 2023. Motion seconded by Ms. Chammings.

Roll Call:

Mr.  Donofrio – Yes, Ms. Chammings – Yes, Mr. Pierce – Yes, Mr. Barta – Abstained,

Ms. Wills –Yes, Mr. Venezia – Yes


The meeting was opened to the public. As there were no public comments, the meeting was closed for public comment at 7:34 pm.


Dolan & Dolan General Matters/Meeting $344.65

Nature Conservancy 3302/3 $173.25

Nature Conservancy 3303/1 $470.25

Van Cleef Master Plan $330.00

Nature Conservancy 3302/3 $720.00

Nature Conservancy 3303/1 $720.00

Nature Conservancy (3501/1 & 3502/2.02) $278.00

NJ Planning Officials Training – Emily $121.00

Mr. Donofrio made the motion to approve payment of the above bills, seconded by Mr. Barta.

Roll Call: Mr. Donofrio – Yes, Mr. Barta – Yes, Mr. Pierce – Yes, Ms. Chammings – Yes, Ms. Wills – Yes, Mr. Venezia – Yes




Move to Tier A Stormwater Management  – Mr. Vuich provided an explanation of the requirements that will need to be met and incorporated over the next 1-2 years. Education and training will be needed by township employees. It is in the best interest of the Township to get in the habit now of filling out the proper paperwork so we will be in good shape in year 3 when we will need to operate fully under their guidelines. This is a federal mandate that must be adhered to. Will be burdensome, but there is $75,000 in funding available – $25,000 has already been received and another $50,000 can be received once we submit our plan. There could possibly be more funding as we go.

Open Space and Recreation Plan – was updated last in 2006. Now required to update again. Applied through Environmental Commission for a grant to offset the plan. Have updated our Environmental Resource Inventory.

NJ Zoning & Land Use Administration – $169.00 + $10 Shipping – Do we want to renew/order? No

Andy Martin Application – Mr. Martin had a job promotion opportunity arise and has decided to retract this application at this time.

Possible other applicants –

Dimitri Gatanas – Stillwater is a second residence and he is registered to vote in Bergen County. Therefore, he cannot be a Planning Board member. He purchased the church and bank because he was concerned about them being vacant. He will continue to support our town and promote more small businesses. Our town only has a general store, yoga studio, automotive shop, and a music school. The bank, church and liquor store have closed. The lack of commercial interest is a problem.

Dean Voris – Has lived in Stillwater since 1978. Restored and re-opened the General Store. Very interested in the historic preservation of our community. He will fill out the proper application for the Board.

Ms. Chammings suggested a recommendation to the Township Committee to have Mr. Voris appointed.

Mr. Donofrio made the suggestion to have each month’s Agenda posted to the Township’s website 10 days prior to the meeting so the public can be aware of and attend if they are interested in any of the topics. Penny will give them to the Clerk in the future to be posted.

Mr. Pierce made the recommendation to appoint Mr. Voris to the Planning Board pending his application, seconded by Mr. Donofrio.

Roll Call:

Mr. Pierce – Yes, Mr. Donofrio – Yes, Mr. Barta – Yes, Ms. Wills –Yes, Mr. Venezia – Yes, Ms. Chammings – Yes




Mr. Pierce opened the hearing to the public at 8:41pm.

Mr. Martin requested a stone/marker on Millbrook Road be preserved. It is marked on one side with a W (Warren) and the other with an S (Sussex). Ms. Chammings suggested possibly creating a retaining wall to protect it in the future. The stone is one of only a few that still exist.

The meeting was closed to the public at 8:44pm.


Mrs. Wills – Grant applications are still being written/applied for. Mr. Lippencott came to the last meeting to speak about water testing. They will be reevaluating what and how often they are testing moving forward. Water Safety Fair will be held in the next few months.

Mr. Barta – The 2023 Budget was adopted at the 4/18/23 Township Committee Meeting. It is $2,130,006.22 which is an increase of $8440.00.

The Local tax rate increase – 0.9% and will now be 0.5215. An average house worth $200,000.00 would be increased by approximately $.08 per month.

The Audit for 2022 was adopted. Will pursue recommendations from the auditor on how to manage funds moving forward.

13 properties to be looked at for possible foreclosure.

$74,000 appropriated for various improvements – asphalt hot box and a zero turn.

Mt. Benevolence asphalt – Phase 1 was approved last year and Phase 2 was approved on 4/18/23.

$2,200.00 was allotted to hire someone to go through and purge files in the Building Department.

Greenwood Point Cottages – $3,000.00 allotted to assess the taxes on the cottages.




With there being no further business, there was a motion made to adjourn the meeting by Mr. Donofrio, 2nd by Ms. Chammings.


Respectfully Submitted:



Penny Bair/Board Secretary

April 19, 2023


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