April 19, 2022
A REGULAR MEETING of the Stillwater Township Committee was called to order by Mayor Scott at 7:01 p.m. noting the meeting date, time and place were sent the New Jersey Herald and posted at the Town Hall, on the Township’s website and advised those present that this meeting was being held in compliance with provisions of Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231 P.L. 1975 P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 & 13.
Roll Call: PRESENT: Mr. Barta, Mrs. Rumsey, Mr. Fisher, Ms. Chammings and Mayor Scott.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: held in Town Hall
After the reading of the following Resolution to enter into Executive Session, a motion was made by Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Barta and carried by roll call vote to adopt the resolution permitting the Committee to go into Executive Session at 6:33 p.m.
WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting under certain circumstances; and
WHEREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, in the County of Sussex and State of New Jersey as follows:
1. The public shall be excluded from that portion of this meeting.
2. The general nature of the subject matter to be discussed is as follows: Personnel, Real Property, Litigation/Potential Litigation.
3. As nearly as can now be ascertained, the matter or matters to be discussed at this time will be disclosed to the public when such matters are resolved.
By a motion was made by Ms. Chammings, seconded by Mr. Fisher to suspend Executive Session at 7:11 p.m., to resume public session unanimously carried by voice vote.
The flag was saluted.
MINUTES: March 22, 2022 Workshop Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Mr. Fisher to adopt the minutes as presented, seconded by Mr. Barta. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
REPORTS: ACO Report January-March 2022
Recreation Commission Fees March 2022
Building Department Report March 2022
Dog Licensing Report March 2022
Board of Health Receipts March 2022
Registrar Reports March 2022
Fire Department Reports March 2022
DPW Report March 2022
Food Licensing Report March 2022
Tax Collector Report March 2022
A motion was made by Mr. Fisher to adopt the reports as presented seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
BILLS LIST #7: $133,558.86
RESOLUTION 2022-080 Authorizing Payment of Bills
WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has certified that funds are available in the proper account; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Finance Officer has approved payment upon certification from the Township Department Heads that the goods and/or services have been rendered to the Township;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Stillwater that the current bill lists, dated April 19, 2022 and on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief Finance Officer and approved by the Chief Finance Officer for payment, be paid.
A motion was made by Mr. Fisher to adopt the Resolution 2022-080, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
Mr. Fisher read the Fire Chief’s report into the record:
Stillwater Fire has been very busy as usual with a whole range of things. With heartache and condolences for the families we regret to announce the loss of two long time members. Firefighter Kevin knight and past chief and founding member Dave Van Gordan Sr. Their service to the township and its residents will forever be valued by us all. In keeping with their tradition, we will always be ready to do our duty and respond and be prepared for any emergencies that come our way.
To date we have been dispatched to 45 fire calls and 122 ems calls. As you know these calls range from a raging fire to a public assistance pump out. Ems is similar in scope, a cpr or traumatic injury to basic transport in order to assist a resident. The officers and myself are continually impressed with our members ability and determination to go from one extreme to another and deliver the necessary service and professionalism at anytime and anywhere.
As far as continuing education we at Stillwater Fire also are always reaching for higher standards in our craft. Currently we have 6 people in emergency medical responder class and will have close to double that continuing to wilderness rescue response this spring/summer. We also have 3 people currently in fire 1 at the fire academy. The training doesn’t stop there; Chief Gunderman of Hampton has set up many commercial style scenario classes throughout the summer for all of us to participate in. The fire academy also has many lecture and hands on training that we participate in on a regular basis. Keep in mind we also do our own in house training which encompasses driver training, pump training and everything in between.
Unfortunately, 42ENGINE has been suffering from multiple mechanical problems and has been in and out of Campbells. We think all the issues have been addressed but it has been difficult with part delays and the ever increasing cost of everything. Thanks to the hard work of Steven, Bill and others we have been able to stay on top of these issues. Safety is number one for us so as soon as a problem or irregularity is noted we strive to address it immediately. Yesterday we also concluded our annual hose and ladder testing. We lost 3-5” x 100’ lengths of supply hose and 3-3” x 50’ of supply hose as well as 1- 1 3/4” x 50’ attack line. This is not uncommon to have this much loss and will get if ordered and replaced as soon as the budget allows. Thank you to Richard and Steven for taking a day off work to manage this annual test.
I cannot stress enough the commitment these brave volunteers give to our community. We will always strive for a professional and accommodating atmosphere to get the very best out of our members. We will also always work in close coordination with the township committee to keep everyone informed and involved in our ever-growing ranks. Thank you all very much for all your support!!
Chief Paul Hawkins
Mrs. Rumsey added that Mrs. Westbrook had passed away (Sue Rude’s Mother) who had been part of the Ladies Auxiliary of the fire department. Mrs. Rumsey gave the details of Mrs. Westbrook’s services.
Mr. Barta reported the Planning Board was okay with keeping the land use boards separate for 2022.
Mr. Barta also reported the Stillwater Board of Education meeting was very short but noted there has only been one case of COVID in the school since February.
Mrs. Rumsey reported the Community Center is running well and very busy. The security cameras have been installed. Mrs. Rumsey said the Miss Stillwater, Little Miss and Little Mister pageants will be held on Friday, May 13, 2022 and applications are due back no later than May 6th. Mrs. Rumsey noted there will be another Teen Night since the first event was well attended.
Mrs. Rumsey also noted the items the Recreation Commission wanted to purchase with their grant have gone way up so they are out shopping for the best prices.
Ms. Chammings reported the Stillwater Board of Education’s budget meeting for public hearing and adoption is April 25, 2022.
Ms. Chammings said the Environmental Commission welcomed back Kathy Wunder as secretary and thanked Alicia Gardner and Sara Branagan for their time as secretary. Ms. Chammings also reported the Environmental Commission discussed the DEP Bock grant and were thankful for the Preferred Tree List.
Ms. Chammings reported that on April 14, 2022 there was a public safety meeting. Lots of really good discussions including getting some small generators (i.e. Honda 2200) for the township to lend to residents who are on the life support list. The next meeting will be May 19, 2022.
Ms. Chammings is also working on a FEMA grant.
Mayor Scott reported the DPW got a reprieve from the weather last night. Mayor Scott also said the Planning Board meets tomorrow 4/20/22.
Mr. Ed Szabo, County Route 521, updated everyone on the Delaware National Park issue. Mr. Szabo noted there is a lot of support in opposition of creating a park from the recreation area: The NJ Outdoor Man Alliance, Sportsman Alliance of NJ, NRA, Sussex County Commissioners and the Legislative 24 Office.
Mr. Szabo said the Sussex County Tea Party has reorganized and elected new officers. The Tea Party had a speaker Sandy Hull, from Layton, who has organized a big group of people and is opening a 501C(4) to raise funds to get the word out. Ms. Hull gave a handout of 13 questions that should be asked and answered before any change to the recreation area should occur. Mr. Szabo gave the governing body a copy of the handouts and asked if the Township would consider preparing an updated resolution including those questions. The Township Committee thanked Mr. Szabo for his update.
Mr. Charles Tamasaukas, 922 Lower Lake Road East, voiced his concerns about the extremely poor condition of his road and other roads in Crandon Lakes. Mr. Tamasaukas was looking for support from the Township Committee and help in getting the roads repaired because now he is unable to receive deliveries and is afraid emergency vehicles would never reach them during an emergency. Mr. Barta said the members should ask the Association for an audit of where their road dues is being spent. Mrs. Rumsey explained she and her husband lived in Crandon Lakes and had seen the issues. Mrs. Rumsey said some neighbors got together and hired an attorney to act on their behalf with Crandon Lakes Association of Property Owners and got their road repaired. Mrs. Rumsey suggested the Tamasaukas do the same. Mayor Scott said the governing body will write a letter of support to CLAPO on the Tamasaukas concerns.
There being no one else who wished to speak this portion of the meeting was closed.
ORDINANCE 2022-09 Amending Chapter 69 of the General Code of the Township of Stillwater, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, Entitled “Fees” Public Hearing and Adoption
BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, that Chapter 69, entitled “Fees”, by amended to provide as follows:
Chapter 45: Building Construction [Amended 5-5-1988 by Ord. No. 5-88; 9-7-1989 by Ord. No. 9-89; 12-7-1989 by Ord. No. 13-89; 10-1-1991 by Ord. No. 6-91; 8-2-1994 by Ord. No. 4-94; 7-2-1996 by Ord No. 5-96]
A. Construction permit fees. Construction permits. The fee for a construction permit shall be the sum of the Subcode applications, plus all administrative and miscellaneous fees listed below. All fees will be rounded to the nearest dollar and shall be paid before the permits are issued, unless otherwise stated. The minimum construction permit fee shall be $75.00
B. The building subcode fees are as follows:
D. Administrative and Miscellaneous Fees:
Resubmission………………………………..……………..……..$ 91.00
E. Fire Protection subcode fees are as follows:
to 20………………………………………………………………………$ 91.00
21- 100………………………………………………………………….. $168.00
401-1000………….………………………………………………. . . $ 1,150.00
1 to 1000 gallons……………………………………………………………75.00
1001 to 4000 gallons……………………………… …………………….100.00
Over 4000 gallons………………………………………………………….150.00
The fire protection subcode fee shall be a minimum of $75.00 for single-family dwellings; and $100.00 for all other structures.
F. Electrical subcode fees are as follows:
G. Photovoltaic
H. Elevator Sub-code Fee
The Elevator Sub-code fees shall be established by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23-4.20
I. The fee for mechanical inspection in a structure of Group R-3 or R-5 by a mechanical inspector shall be $60.00 for the first device and $15.00 for each additional device. No separate fee shall be charged for gas, fuel oil, or water piping connections associated with the mechanical equipment inspected.
The ordinance was opened to the public for discussion. Mrs. Heidi Mountford, Mt. Benevolence Road said she is by trade a designer and builder and she was surprised to see how much Stillwater’s construction costs are proposed to be raised. Mrs. Mountford asked the governing body if they had seen the annual report sent to the DCA at years end and if the township was deficient in the department because the construction department is not supposed to make money. The department is to cover 85% of salaries, wages and benefits. Ms. Chammings said the department is in the red slightly and the construction official’s memo stated the prices Stillwater was charging was not in line with the UCC minimum pricing guidelines. Mrs. Mountford asked Mr. Fisher if he had access to the UCC Pricing and would he review the pricing before voting on the ordinance. Mr. Fisher suggested having the construction official at the next meeting for the discussion.
A motion was made by Mr. Fisher to table the vote on Ordinance 2022-09 until the May 3, 2022 meeting, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
WHEREAS, The Stillwater Township Committee desires to amend Section 382-15 “Enforcing Officer” to read:
The Zoning Officer shall be the enforcing officer. He may, on his own initiative or on complaint of any individual, act to assure compliance with this article. The Zoning Officer has approval authority as herein provided and may request expert assistance.
If any provision of this Ordinance or the application of this Ordinance to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected and shall remain in full force and effect.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances or resolutions that are inconsistent or in opposition to the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed in their entirety.
This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption and publication in accordance with law.
A motion was made by Ms. Chammings to adopt the Ordinance 2022-09, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
ORDINANCE 2022-11 Amending Chapter X “Administration” by Amending Article VIII Entitled “Department of Finance” Introduction [Public Hearing and Adoption April 19, 2022]
BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, Sussex County, New Jersey, as follows:
Chapter X of the Code of the Township of Stillwater entitled “Administration” is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 10 – 44 – 1 – Deputy Tax Collector
The position of Assistant to the Tax Assessor shall be appealed and replaced by the position of Deputy Tax Collector. The Deputy Tax Collector shall be designated by resolution adopted by the Township Committee.
Section 10 – 44 – 2 – Appointment Term.
The Deputy Tax Collector shall be appointed annually by the Township Committee and when so appointed the term shall run for one year from January 1 in the year in which appointed and until a successor is appointed and qualified.
Section 10 – 44 – 3 – Duties.
The Deputy Tax Collector shall perform such duties, under the direction of the Tax Collector, as the Township Committee may prescribe.
Section 10 – 44 –4 – Bonded for faithful performance.
The Deputy Tax Collector shall be bonded for the faithful performance of duties as required by the Township Committee and as provided by law.
Section 10 – 44 – 5 – Compensation.
The Deputy Tax Collector shall receive such compensation as the Township Committee may by the Salary Ordinance provide.
This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication as required by law.
A motion was made by Mr. Barta to adopt the Ordinance 2022-10, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
ORDINANCE 2022-12 Amending Chapter X “Administration” by Amending Article VI Entitled “Township Clerk” Introduction [Public Hearing and Adoption April 19, 2022]
BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, Sussex County, New Jersey, as follows:
Chapter X of the Code of the Township of Stillwater entitled “Administration” is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 10 – 37 – 1 – Deputy Township Clerk
The position of Assistant to the Township Clerk shall be appealed and replaced by the position of Deputy Township Clerk. The Deputy Township clerk shall be designated by resolution adopted by the Township Committee.
Section 10 – 37 – 2 – Appointment Term.
The Deputy Township Clerk shall be appointed annually by the Township Committee and when so appointed the term shall run for one year from January 1 in the year in which appointed and until a successor is appointed and qualified.
Section 10 – 37 – 3 – Duties.
The Deputy clerk shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the Clerk during such times and specific periods as the Clerk is absent, on vacation, or on leave of absence granted by the Township Committee. The Deputy Clerk shall assist the Clerk in the performance of duties as the Township Committee may from time to time prescribe.
Section 10 – 37 –4 – Bonded for faithful performance.
The Deputy Township Clerk shall be bonded for the faithful performance of duties as required by the Township Committee and as provided by law.
Section 10 – 44 – 5 – Compensation.
The Deputy Township Clerk shall receive such compensation as the Township Committee may by the Salary Ordinance provide.
This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication as required by law.
A motion was made by Ms. Chammings to adopt the Ordinance 2022-12, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
Introduction [Public Hearing and Adoption May 3, 2022]
The improvements or purposes described in Section 2 of this ordinance are hereby authorized as general improvements to be made or acquired by The Township of Stillwater, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, and there is hereby appropriated therefor the sum of $55,000 to the extent of (a) $3,000 from a Clean Communities Grant, (b) $8,900 from Capital Fund Balance, (c) $6,100 from the Capital Improvement Fund, (d) $32,000 from the Open Space Fund and (e) $5,000 from proceeds of the sale of notes of the Township heretofore issued under Ordinance No. 2018-05.The improvements hereby authorized and the purposes for the financing of which the appropriation is made as provided in Section 1 of this ordinance are (a) the acquisition by purchase and installation of signage at various locations ($11,900) and an alarm system for the Community Center ($6,100) and (b) the resurfacing of parking lots at Pond Brook Park ($37,000), together with for all the aforeaid all equipment, work, materials, apparatus and appurtenances necessary therefor or incidental thereto, all as shown on and in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor on file or to be filed in the office of the Township Clerk and hereby approved.
A motion was made by Mrs. Barta to Introduce Ordinance 2022-08, seconded by Mr. Fisher. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
ORDINANCE 2022-13 Authorizing the Public Sale of Real Property to Contiguous Property owners Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12-139(b)(5). Introduction [Public Hearing and Adoption May 3, 2022]
WHEREAS, the Township of Stillwater is the owner of certain real property set forth in Schedule “A”, which properties are not needed or required for municipal use; and
WHEREAS, the lots are less than the minimum size required for development under the municipal ordinance and is without capital improvements; and
WHEREAS, the Township Committee deems it in the best interest of the Township of Stillwater to sell the properties to owners of each contiguous property in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:12-13(b)(5) and N.J.S.A. 40A:12-13.2; and
WHEREAS, the sale shall be conducted as an auction limited to contiguous property owners to be held at the Township of Stillwater Municipal Building, 964 Stillwater Road, Newton, New Jersey 07860 on June 14, 2022, at 7:00pm or such adjourned date as may be determined by the Stillwater Township Committee; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Stillwater Township Committee as follows:
Potential Bidders are advised:
(1) To conduct all necessary title searches prior to the date of sale.
(2) No representations of any kind are made by the Township of Stillwater as to the conditions of the Property, including habitability or usability; the Property is being sold in its present conditions ”as is”.
(3) The Property will be conveyed by a Quit Claim Deed and such conveyance shall be subject to all covenants, restrictions, reservations and easements established of record or by prescription and without representation as to character of title of the Property to be conveyed.
(4) The highest bidder for the Property shall have the right, at its sole cost and expense, to obtain a new survey of the Property. Provided such survey depicts the Property and is certified to be correct to the Township of Stillwater, the Township of Stillwater shall utilize the legal description drawn in accordance with such survey in the Deed of conveyance, provided the highest bidder provides such legal description and a copy of the certified survey to the Township of Stillwater not less than one week prior to the date set for closing of title.
Additional Terms the Successful Bidder must comply with:
(1) To abide by appropriate zoning, subdivision, health and building regulations and codes and stipulate that this sale will not be used as grounds to support any variance from the regulations.
(2) That the failure to close title as agreed shall forfeit to the Township of Stillwater any and all money deposited with the Township.
This Ordinance shall take effect upon final adoption of publication as may be required by law.
A motion was made by Ms. Chammings to Introduce Ordinance 2022-13, seconded by Mr. Fisher. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
Tax Block Lot Location Lot Size Minimum
Sale Price
1021 29 Plymouth Lake Drive 96 x 94 $250
1021 30 Plymouth Lake Drive 58 x 72 $250
310 3 Tupelo Path 75 x 100 $250
4004 21 East End Drive 61 x 186 $250
RESOLUTION 2022-081 Authorizing Payment of redemption Block 3401 Lot 21
WHEREAS, on December 11,2019 GISELA RUTNIK , Collector
Of Taxes sold at public sale Tax Lien for delinquent municipal taxes on premises known as Block 3401 LOT 21 to Parker Worth 54 West Owassa Tpke Newton New Jersey 07860
WHEREAS, the Collector has received redemption of said lien on April 4th 2022 And has deposited said sum in the current account of the Township of Stillwater.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the mayor and the committee of the Township of Stillwater
There was also a Premium paid in the amount of $.00 to be added to the certificate holder, Provided the holder shall surrender the Certificate of Sale and comply with all laws relating thereto.
A motion was made by Ms. Chammings to adopt Resolution 2022-81, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
RESOLUTION 2022-082 Mayor’s Appointment of Michael A. Mahon as a Member of the Stillwater Area Volunteer Fire Company with Committee Concurrence
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater do hereby concur with the Mayor’s appointment of Michael A. Mahon as a Member of the Stillwater Area Volunteer Fire Department.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this appointment was made at a meeting of the Township Committee on Tuesday, April 19, 2022.
A motion was made by Mrs. Rumsey to adopt Resolution 2022-82, seconded by Mr. Fisher. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
RESOLUTION 2022-083 Authorizing the Mayor to execute and apply for DMHAS Grant funding for the Stillwater Municipal Alliance for Year One – Grant term 7/1/22 – 3/14/23
WHEREAS, the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (GCADA) established the Municipal Alliances for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in 1989 to educate and engage residents, local government and law enforcement officials, schools, nonprofit organizations, the faith community, parents, youth and other allies in efforts to prevent alcoholism and drug abuse in communities throughout New Jersey. In coordination with GCADA, the New Jersey Department of Human Services/Division on Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) has awarded a Youth Leadership Grant to the GCADA Municipal Alliance Program.
WHEREAS, The Township Council of the Township of Stillwater, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey recognizes that the abuse of alcohol and drugs is a serious problem in our society amongst persons of all ages; and therefore has an established Municipal Alliance Committee; and,
WHEREAS, the Township Council further recognizes that it is incumbent upon not only public officials but upon the entire community to take action to prevent such abuses in our community; and,
WHEREAS, the Township Council has applied for DMHAS Youth Leadership funding through the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse through the County of Sussex;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township of Stillwater, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey hereby recognizes the following:
DMHAS Grant Funding $747.00
A motion was made by Mrs. Rumsey to adopt Resolution 2022-83, seconded by Mr. Fisher. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
RESOLUTION 2022-084 Authorizing the Issuance of Raffle License RA-22-03
WHEREAS the following Raffle Application with required fees have been submitted for Township Committee approval;
Raffle # Applicant Date Type of Game
RA-03 Domestic Abuse Services Inc. 05/06/2022 Raffle
WHEREAS said Raffle Applications have been provided to the Township Committee and New Jersey State Police for their review;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, the following:
A motion was made by Mr. Fisher to adopt Resolution 2022-84, seconded by Mr. Barta. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
RESOLUTION 2022-085 Approving Settlement Agreement
This resolution will be considered after the second Executive Session later this meeting.
RESOLUTION 2022-086 Authorizing the Issuance of Annual Campground License
WHEREAS, The Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, County of Sussex and State of New Jersey, pursuant to the authority vested in it by an act of Legislature, has heretofore by ordinance, provided for campgrounds in the Township of Stillwater; and
WHEREAS, the following named Campground holder has filed an application for the license renewal, passed inspections and all fees have been paid.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following campground license be granted renewal for the period of May 1, 2022 to April 30, 2023.
North Shore House
Mountain Shadows Lake Association
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Township Clerk is hereby authorized to issue the License herein granted, the same effective as provided by Law.
A motion was made by Ms. Chammings to adopt Resolution 2022-86, seconded by Mr. Fisher. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
RESOLUTION 2022-087 Authorizing an Employment Agreement
WHEREAS, Stillwater Township has a need for a Certified Public Works Manager; and
WHEREAS, Joshua Raff has completed the Certified Public Works Manager courses and successfully passed the New Jersey State examination; and
WHEREAS, the Township Committee has agreed the agreement will be beneficial for both the municipality and Mr. Raff; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Stillwater Township Committee that the Township is hereby authorized to enter into an Employment Agreement with Joshua Raff.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor is authorized to sign the required agreement.
This Resolution shall be effective immediately.
A motion was made by Mr. Barta to adopt Resolution 2022-87, seconded by Mr. Fisher. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
Ordinance for banning vehicles of certain weight from Mt. Benevolence and Stillwater Roads:
The Clerk presented the governing body with an Ordinance that Michael Vreeland, Municipal Engineer suggested for curbing tractor trailer traffic from residential roads. After a brief discussion the Township Committee decided to Introduce the Ordinance tonight:
WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Stillwater that certain commercial trucks are regularly traversing Mount Benevolence Road and Stillwater Road to pass through the Township; and
WHEREAS, Mount Benevolence Road and Stillwater Road were not designed to accommodate heavy, commercial truck traffic; and
WHEREAS, the passing of commercial truck traffic along Mount Benevolence Road and Stillwater Road creates unsafe conditions for the travelling public along those Roads; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Stillwater wish to amend the Township’s existing Municipal Code, Chapter 370, “Traffic,” to better ensure the safety of the travelling public along Mount Benevolence Road and Stillwater Road; and
WHEREAS, the Township Engineer concurs with the need to amend Chapter 370 of the Township’s Municipal Code.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, as follows:
SECTION 1. Chapter 370, “Traffic,” is hereby amended as follows:
§ 370-9 Vehicles over designated weight excluded from certain streets.
Vehicles over the registered gross weight are hereby excluded from the streets or parts of streets described except for the pick-up and delivery of materials on such streets.
Name of Street | Weight (tons) | Location |
Mount Benevolence Road | 4 | Entire Length |
Stillwater Road | 4 | From Mt. Benevolence Road
To County Road 521 |
SECTION 2. Severability. If any article, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance and they shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 3. Repealer. All existing ordinances or parts of existing ordinances which are inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are to the extent of such inconsistency repealed.
SECTION 4. Effect. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final passage, approval and publication as required by law.
A motion was made by Mr. Fisher to Introduce Ordinance 2022-14, seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, yes, Mayor Scott, yes.
Steven Sugar, former Fire Chief, suggested the township add signage for the weight limit restriction and also for the engine brake prohibition to allow for enforcement. The clerk will have Mr. Raff order the necessary signage.
Mrs. Heidi Mountford, Mount Benevolence Road, asked Tax Collector Gisela Rutnik if she would give a delinquent tax update on the 94 properties to which letters were sent regarding foreclosure.
Ms. Rutnik said she has received 17 returned envelopes marked undeliverable and no forwarding address; 4 properties will be redeemed and one will be donated. Ms. Rutnik noted the letter stated April 16, 2022 was the deadline for answering the letter is April 16, 2022. Mayor Scott thanked Ms. Rutnik for her update.
Ms. Chammings said she had received a letter from a resident asking her to read into the record during the residency ordinance public portion. Ms Chammings said she called Mr. Morrison after the last meeting regarding his side of the story on the conversation held at the meeting. Mr. Morrison is pretty upset regarding the allegations. Ms. Chammings also said she also contacted the former attorney and he did not recall any conversations or requests from Mr. Fisher about Mr. Morrison’s residency.
Ms. Chammings said Mr. Morrison wanted to be here to speak in person but was unable and had asked her to read his letter into the record. Ms. Chammings read the letter.
Ms. Chammings said she was the one who asked him to stay longer because his house was not sold because the budget was being finalized and we needed enough people to vote for what we wanted so she asked him to stay though the May 4, 2021 meeting. Ms. Chammings said she agreed with his letter and said he should not have been lambasted. Ms. Chammings thanked Mayor Scott for allowing her to read the letter into the record.
Mrs. Kathy Draghi said she really wished the township committee would stop the animosity and do their jobs. Stop the “Gotchas”. When Ms. Chammings was reading that letter she remembered when she was in the same position with Mr. Morrison lambasted her and she hoped the committee could move forward and work together.
Seeing no one else who wished to speak, this portion of the meeting was closed.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT: Mr. Vex said he had only Executive Session items for discussion and told the public that after Executive Session there may be action taken.
The Township Committee re-entered Executive Session at 8:40 p.m. and adjourned Executive Session at 9:30 p.m.
RESOLUTION 2022-085 Approving Settlement Agreement
WHEREAS, certain complaints and concerns were submitted to the Township Committee for their consideration, including, but not limited to, claims of excessive off-duty work required between August of 2021 and the date of this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the Township Committee has considered said complaints and concerns and concluded that it is in the best interests of the Township to resolve said complaints and concerns amicably.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater that the negotiated settlement of said claims be accepted and the Settlement Agreement prepared by Labor Counsel and presented to the Township Committee be executed forthwith.
A motion was made by Mr. Fisher to adopt the Resolution 2022-085, seconded by Mr. Barta. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Barta, yes, Mrs. Rumsey, no, Mr. Fisher, yes, Ms. Chammings, no, Mayor Scott, yes.
There being no further business, Mr. Fisher made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m., seconded by Mrs. Rumsey. In a voice vote, all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynda Knott, RMC
Stillwater Township offers residents a Recycling and Convenience Center for household trash and recycling.
Residents are able to view property tax information and make payments through the online system. You may find a property by entering the property’s location or block, lot and qualifier.
Stillwater Township posts all information about bids and proposals for township projects on a dedicated page.
The Stillwater Rec Summer Camp will be August 12-16 and August 19-23, 2024
Visit the Office of Emergency Management page for links and the latest information