April 18, 2018 Regular Meeting

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Planning Board was held in the Municipal Building, Middleville, New Jersey and was called to order by Vice Chairman van der Haeghen at 7:30 p.m. He led the Board in the flag salute and he announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been given to the public and the press under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, N.J.S.A  10:4-1 et.seq.

Members Present:     Mr.Pierce

Ms.   Chammings

Mr.   Donofrio

Mr.   Morrison

                                      Mr.   Barta

                                      Mr.   van der Haeghen

                                      Mr.   Branagan


                  Absent:       Ms.  Puccio


       Also Present:     Attorney Corbin-Ravelli



Mr. Morrison made the motion to approve the minutes of February 21, 2018. Motion seconded by Mayor Chammings.  Roll call vote, to adopt the minutes:

Mr. Pierce-Yes                             Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr.   Donofrio- Abstain                 Mr.   Morrison-Yes

Mr.   Barta-Abstain                       Mr.   van der Haeghen-Abstain



Mr. van der Haeghen opened the meeting up to the public for non-agenda items. With there being no public comment, the meeting was closed to the public.


BILLS:                                   Golden & Moran

             Re:   Rodriguez                                                   $495.00

Re:  General                                                          110.00

NJ Herald  

          Re:   Notices                                                           39.60

Re:   Notices                                                           20.40

                                                Dolan & Dolan  

Re:   General                                                            64.00

Re:   General                                                         160.00

Re:   Rodriguez                                                    376.00

Re:  North Shore                                                 144.00

Mr. Donofrio made the motion to approve the bills, funds permitting. Motion seconded by  Mr. Pierce. Roll call vote:

Mr. Pierce-Yes                            Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr.   Donofrio-Yes                        Mr.   Morrison-Yes

Mr.   Barta-Yes                              Mr.   van der Haeghen-Abstain


#18-001   Thomas D. Rodriguez/Susan Doyle, Block 1101, Lots 26 and 29

Mayor Chammings made the motion to adopt the Resolution.  Motion seconded by Mr. Morrison.  Roll call vote:

Mr. Pierce-Yes                             Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr.   Donofrio-Abstain                  Mr.   Morrison-Yes

Mr.   Barta-Abstain                        Mr.   van der Haeghen-Abstain


#18-002 North Shore House, LLC, Block 3601, Lot 16

Resolution to be prepared for the Board’s May meeting.


Ordinance 2018-Fee and Escrow Schedule

   Mayor Chammings made the motion to recommend, to the Governing Body, the adoption of the Ordinance.  Motion seconded by Mr. Donofrio.  Roll call vote:

Mr. Pierce-Yes                             Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr.   Donofrio-Yes                        Mr.   Morrison-Yes

Mr.   Barta-Yes                              Mr.   van der Haeghen-Yes


   Recreation/Open Space

Mayor Chammings stated that there was a discussion as to whether the Recreation/Open Space Element will need to be updated.


Verizon Nodes

Mayor Chammings updated the Board on the Resolution that was distributed this evening.  The Board discussed the pros and cons of the proposed nodes.  Mr. Branagan arrived.  Board Secretary Schemm shared a January 27, 2017 email from the Verizon Representative, in regards to the node proposal. The Board also discussed the Spectrum Act.


   Zoning Board of Adjustment-2017 Annual Report

   The Board acknowledged the Annual Report and it was noted that there were no recommendations.


Master Plan

   The Board discussed the Ordinance work and whether a Master Plan will be required.


   Accessory Apartments-Conditional Use

   The Board discussed this topic at great length and it was agreed to permit a family member in need of direct care or a person in charge of providing  the care, regardless of age. Also the elimination of the requirement for a bath and accessory sized appliances.





   Commercial Recreational Zone-#240-112



   Barns/Family Farms/Commercial Farms

   The Board discussed increasing the square footage.  


   Liaison Updates-Committee, Mayor, Board of Adjustment, and Environmental

Mr. Morrison updated the Board on the Budget.  Mayor Chammings also stated that the Committee passed a Resolution supporting the Fire Department Mutual Aid to Hardwick.  Mr. Branagan provided the following update:  sign on the bridge and additional signs along the Path,  the appointment of two new Commission Members, ANJEC Membership, Drone Delivery Service, Quotes for Labs to do testing, and educational material for the Townships in the Paulinskill River Watershed.



   With there being no further business, there was a motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  In a voice vote, all were in favor at 8:53 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted:


Alfia Schemm

Board Secretary


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