April 11, 2011 – Special Meeting


Stillwater Township Planning Board – Minutes of April 11, 2018

A special meeting of the Stillwater Township Planning Board was held in the Municipal Building, Middleville, New Jersey and was called to order by Chairwoman Puccio at 7:30 p.m. She led the Board in the flag salute and she announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been given to the public and the press under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, N.J.S.A  10:4-1 et.seq.  Attorney Haggerty administered the oath of office to Mr. Barta prior to the meeting.

Members Present:     Mr.Pierce,  Ms.   Chammings,  Mr.   Branagan,                        Ms.   Puccio,  Mr.   Morrison,  Mr.   Barta,   Mr.   van der Haeghen

 Absent:       Mr. Donofrio

  Also Present:      Board Attorney Haggerty

Board Engineer Golden



Chairwoman Puccio opened the meeting up to the public for non-agenda items. With there being no public comment, the meeting was closed to the public.



   #18-002   North Shore House, LLC., Block 3601, Lot 16

Eric van der Haeghen stepped down and sat in the audience.  Richard Valenti, Esq. was present and he thanked the Board for attending this evening.  He gave a brief overview of the proposal to install a fire suppression water tank and a building.

Steve van der Haeghen thanked the Board for attending.  He went on to address the fire suppression proposal and the pole barn.  Board Attorney Haggerty reviewed the jurisdictional issue and he stated that he felt that the application could be heard by the Planning Board, as in his opinion, it is not an expansion, but code compliance/requirement.   Board Engineer Golden reviewed his report for of 4-8-18.

Mayor Chammings questioned the height of the pole barn and the height requirements for an accessory building, which was reviewed and discussed.


The hearing was opened to the public.  With there being no public comment, the hearing was closed to the public.


Several Board Members did do site visits and commented on tinsdm.


Mayor Chammings made the motion to grant the approval.  Motion seconded by Mr. Morrison.  Roll call vote:

Mr. Pierce-Yes                                     Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr. Branagan-Yes                               Ms. Puccio-Yes

Mr. Morrison-Yes                                 Mr. Barta-Yes


Mr. Pierce made the motion to waive the adoption of the Resolution in order to apply for permits.  Motion seconded by Mr. Morrison.  Roll call vote:

Mr. Pierce-Yes                                     Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr. Branagan-Yes                               Ms. Puccio-Yes

Mr. Morrison-Yes                                 Mr. Barta-Yes


The Board then re-reviewed the standards for an accessory building.  The Board Professionals suggested that the Board grant a height variance if needed.


Mayor Chammings made the motion to grant a height variance up to 16.5 feet, if required.  Motion seconded by Mr. Pierce.  Roll call vote:

Mr. Pierce-Yes                                     Ms. Chammings-Yes

Mr. Branagan-Yes                               Ms. Puccio-Yes

Mr. Morrison-Yes                                 Mr. Barta-Yes



ADJOURNMENT:   With there being no further business, there was a motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  In a voice vote, all were in favor at 8:01 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted:


Alfia Schemm

Board Secretary


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