April 1, 2023
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Sylvester, Mr. Carovillano, Mr. Reilly (8:00 p.m.), Mrs. Tsadilas, Mrs. Minervino, Mrs. Richardson, and Mrs. Tosti
LIASION: Mr. Manser and Mrs. Delaney were in attendance
Mrs. Tosti called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. with the statement that this meeting follows the Open
Public Meetings Act. Regular meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m., at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building located in Middleville, New Jersey. This meeting was held at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building. The flag was saluted and roll call taken.
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Mr. Carovillano made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 4, 2024, meeting, seconded by Mrs. Minervino.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mr. Carovillano, yes, Mrs. Tsadilas, yes, Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mrs. Tosti, yes
Approval of Workshop Meeting Minutes:
Mrs. Minervino made a motion to approve the workshop meeting minutes from the March 18, 2024, meeting, seconded by Mrs. Tsadilas.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mr. Carovillano, yes, Mrs. Tsadilas, yes, Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mrs. Tosti, yes
Payment of Bills:
Mr. Carovillano made a motion to approve the payment of the following bills totaling $238.64, seconded by Mrs. Richardson.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mr. Reilly, yes, Mr. Carovillano, yes, Mrs. Tsadilas, yes, Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mrs. Tosti, abstain
Dollar Tree (Mrs. Tosti Reimbursement) – $39.98
Amazon (Easter Egg Hunt Supplies) – $76.97
Amazon (Walkie Talkies) – $84.54
Shop Rite (Senior Sheriff Series Supplies) – $37.15
Mrs. Richarson read a note from our CFO letting the Commission know we have received a $25.00 gift card from Shop Rite for the Water Safety Fair to be used to purchase supplies for the event – Thank you!
Mrs. Tsadilas added that donations also came through from Lowe’s, Home Depot and Weis Markets and will be picked up as soon as possible.
Open Public Session – Agenda Items Only:
The meeting was opened to the public at 7:12 p.m.
Pickleball Courts –
Heidi Mountford and Bill Doolittle are residents interested in the development of pickleball courts in our area. Both residents play often and enjoy playing at Swartswood Park the most, however, with the weather change there has been a three hour wait to play. They are aware of the grant that has been discussed to complete the pickleball courts (if given). They brought forward a plan on paper (measurements included), which will be brought to the Township Committee Meeting as well, to use the existing court system, but expand its use. The tennis courts will be left as is, but with the help of new lines there is enough room to add four pickleball courts as well. Mrs.Tosti mentioned a similar proposal was brought to the Township Committee by the Recreation Commission at the January budget meeting. It was proposed to resurface the existing court and repaint it with four pickle ball courts as well as repainting the existing tennis court lunes a different color. Mrs. Mountford also stated existing approved funds can be used to do repairs/new lines/portable nets and the grant can be used to install a new court system at a different location, thus giving residents two location options which will not only satisfy the need but decrease wait times. Adding additional benches outside of the courts were also discussed for those waiting. Mrs. Delaney reviewed the minutes from the last Township Committee Meeting to let the residents know the monetary amounts that were discussed for the repairs for Swartswood ($17,500) as well as installation of a new court system ($47,000). She let them know that the town knows the need and is working on it. She will forward their plan during the next Township Committee Meeting and to Mayor Chammings. Mr. Sylvester mentioned eventually developing an electronic system to better organize the playing schedule. Our residents commented that surrounding towns do offer an online sign up to play and charge non-residents a $5.00 fee to utilize the courts per use. It is something that can be considered. Mr. Sylvester wants to consider all options for our pickleball courts for both long term and short-term solutions. The committee thanked the residents for their proposal.
Lacrosse at Veteran’s –
Travis Monahan came to represent Kittatinny Lacrosse who utilizes Veteran’s Field to bring forth a safety concern. The team is constantly chasing balls on either side of goals and they are concerned a bystander will eventually get hit. He was unsure if this was something the Recreation Commission could help address. He researched purchasing portable sports netting 20×10 (four stands) for $158.00. They would need three per side, so six total (to cover both goals). He also asked if the Commission has anything to do with lining the fields. In the past, it was done privately and then the parents re-line each year on their own simply following the professional lines. It is time to get them professionally lined again and he was not sure how they should go about this as the equipment is expensive. Mr. Sylvester said lining is usually something the team itself (coaches/parents) take care of, but the nets may be something we can assist with. He suggested getting a proposal together with an official quote for the nets to forward to our secretary and bring to our May meeting.
The meeting was closed to the public at 7:40 p.m.
Amendments to the Agenda:
Amendments were made to the agenda. Field Maintenance was moved to Open Public Session.
Old Business:
Mrs. Tosti has been in contact with a chair yoga instructor, Karen Felix. She would like to offer this program at the Community Center, which will be open to all (not just Stillwater residents). There will be two sessions offered. The first session is six weeks for $10.00 and the second is eight weeks for $15.00. There will be a drop-in fee of $5.00 for anyone interested in trying it out. Mrs. Felix wants to offer a reasonably priced way to keep your body in motion. Mrs. Delaney questioned how the payments would be received (whether or not we would be handling the fee). Mrs. Tosti confirmed she spoke with the CFO regarding this matter and only Mrs. Felix will be allowed to accept payments.
New Business:
We have a workshop meeting scheduled for Monday, April 15th.
Sub-Committee Reports:
Mrs. Tosti is working with our CFO and Clean Communities Grant to prepare for the cleanup day. Mrs. Tosti sent out information to the nonprofit organizations. Responses are coming in. The Lorax movie will be advertised at Clean Up Day. The flyer is set, but just waiting on a date from Mrs. Falotico.
Four judges are secured. With Wildflowers By Tami going out of business, this gave Mrs. Minervino an opportunity to price shop. She obtained price quotes from both Shop Rite and Weis Markets. In the past, we paid $85.00 for a dozen roses. Weis charges $10.98 for a dozen roses. They do boutonnieres as well. We just have to let them know our order two weeks in advance. Mrs. Tsadilas suggested asking Weis for a donation. The donation can be used for supplies. Mrs. Minervino also mentioned using coupons to save additional money as they offer them frequently. The advertisement flyer is ready for posting.
Mrs. Delaney mentioned she will be unable to assist with Stillwater Day (the day of) as she will be traveling, but assured the committee she will be able to assist leading up the event.
Stillwater Day:
Talent show – Mr. Sylvester
Flyers have been distributed to the schools, Scouts and the Clerk. The Commission had previously discussed allowing non-residents to participate in the talent show as long as at least one member from each act is a Stillwater resident. The application form has been updated to reflect these changes. Mr. Sylvester asked that everyone help to spread the word about the talent show to gain more attendees. As mentioned previously, All Access has donated the stage and we are just awaiting the equipment agreement to sign. Mr. Sylvester shared the proposal from Tri- State Rentals for our requested equipment with Mrs. Tosti and Mrs. Wunder. The Committee should review as well. The proposal is within budget and contains almost everything we need. After approval, we need to coordinate the stage and tent. The stage needs to be set up first. Mrs. Tosti added that she did contact the other company that was discussed and obtained a quote for similar items. The cost was higher for less items. We are happy to support Tri-State Rentals as they have always been good to us.
Activities – Mrs. Falotico/Mrs. Tsadilas
Mrs. Tsadilas added sack races and ball toss games to their list. She asked the Committee’s opinion on whether or not she should pursue the dunk tank. The Fire Department is willing to fill the tank, but not necessarily keen on the idea of sitting in the tank. It can be difficult to find participants for this. Mr. Sylvester suggested contacting the Scouts as they can turn it into a fundraising opportunity. The Committee agreed this would be a great idea. We will revisit this discussion at the workshop meeting.
Vendors – Mrs. Tosti
Vendor applications have been sent. Applications are coming in. Information is still waiting to be posted online. Mrs. Tosti and Mrs. Delaney will follow up with our Clerk and/or Receptionist tomorrow. Mrs. Wunder is unable to post currently due to technological difficulties.
Entertainment – Mrs. Richardson
Mrs. Richardson researched different acts/shows that would be a good fit for Stillwater Day entertainment. Tommy Knucklehead came highly recommended and has been secured.
Plant Exchange – Mrs. Tosti/Mr. Reilly
No date set.
Mrs. Wunder has contacted The Township Journal to inquire about advertisement pricing. The Herald is getting costly. The cost to run a three-day advertisement for our 2023 Fall Garage Sale Weekend with the Herald was $307.75. The Township Journal runs their advertisements in weekly increments versus daily. Their most expensive package is just over $100 (includes all 9 papers and online) for a three-week advertisement. Mrs. Wunder will move forward with the Township Journal. The advertisement banner will be sent, and a price will be obtained by our May meeting. The application deadline is set for May 3rd. Deadlines will be strict due to needing sufficient time to complete the map and get it printed. Maps and lists will be available at Townhall by May 13th. Applications and advertisement banner will be updated to reflect these dates.
Budget approval for the Garage Sale Weekend advertisement was needed. Mrs. Tosti made a motion to approve to pay for the advertisement for our Spring Garage Sale Weekend up to $375.00, seconded by Mrs. Richardson.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mr. Carovillano, yes, Mr. Reilly, yes, Mrs. Tsadilas, yes, Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mrs. Tosti, yes
Summer Camp – Mrs. Tosti
Week of 8/12/2024 & the week of 8/19/2024
There will be two programs offered during Summer Camp. The specifics of these will be discussed at our next meeting. Mrs. Tosti will reach out to the Sherrif’s Department regarding their K-9 demonstration since it was such a popular attraction for the children last year. Mrs. Minervino offered to reach out to Mrs. Manser. Mrs. Tsadilas will be demonstrating water safety for the children as well. The application will be available at Stillwater Day to help promote. The duck race will be sponsoring Summer Camp to assist with funding. Mr. Sylvester mentioned what a worthy event Summer Camp is for our children. A discussion took place regarding how we can use revenue created from Stillwater Day to help families who cannot afford Summer Camp or to help keep cost of running Summer Camp down. It was suggested this be brought to the CFO to see if this would be feasible.
Sussex County Day – Mrs. Richardson
No updates.
No updates.
Egg Hunt – Mrs. Falotico/Mrs. Martin
3/23/2024 Rain Date: 3/24/2024
Veteran’s Field
No updates (Neither chairperson was in attendance to report).
Field/Pavilion Application Approvals, Scheduling – Mrs. Tosti
All approvals are in. Mrs. Tosti received the certificate of insurance for Lacrosse.
Mr. Sylvester reiterated what was discussed at our March 18th workshop meeting. Mr Sylvester and Mr. Manser walked the fields on 3/16 and reported on the condition of our fields.
Veteran’s Field:
Volunteer Field:
Stillwater Field:
Farmside provided their proposal for 2024. It has been shared with the Committee.
Community Center Activities:
Senior Citizen Game Night – Mrs. Richardson
5/7 and 6/11 were both discussed as possible game night dates.
Educational Activities:
Discussion took place on possible sporting event bus trips. Mr. Reilly was in contact with the Yankees – they offer two options:
The Committee agreed the second option was the better choice. Mr. Reilly noted that moving forward, sporting event pricing can now vary based on which teams are playing. It is something to keep in mind, as it may turn people away or it might require us to better research specific dates popular teams are playing to ensure the bus will be filled.
The bus price is dependent on whether we choose a week day or weekend. A date must be secured first before pricing can be obtained. The Yankee schedule will be reviewed by members as well as local school and town events to ensure a date is chosen that will allow for an optimal turnout. Dates will be further discussed and hopefully secured at our next meeting.
Veteran’s Event – Mrs. Minervino
Mrs. Minervino will submit a form now since Veteran’s Day falls on a Monday for 2024. Mrs. Minervino will look to reserve the Community Center on Saturday, November 9, 2024. Breakfast will be served at 9:00 a.m. All are welcome – veterans, acting service members, and families.
POW/MIA Recognition – Mrs. Minervino
12:30 p.m.
Community Center
All are welcome. This event is to honor and remember prisoners of war and those still missing in action.
Water Safety Fair – Mrs. Tsadilas
5/5/2024 1:00-4:30 p.m.
Mrs. Tsadilas supplied all members with a four page detailed list regarding all Water Safety Fair information. There will be 11 educational vendors, three water demonstrations, and eight games. Food will be available for sale. Mrs. Tsadilas also provided a detailed map of where the event will be located as well as where each vendor, demonstration, and games will be set up. Fourteen volunteers are needed. There are many volunteers coming from our local church and schools, but if you know anyone interested, please have them contact Mrs. Tsadilas. Mrs. Tsadilas also mentioned where Recreation members will be needed. Preregistration on the YMCA website is highly recommended as it will allow for the entry line to move quickly.
Spring Movie in the Park – Mrs. Falotico
The Lorax
Date to be determined.
Sheriff’s Office – Mrs. Minervino
3/20, 4/11, 5/16
1:00-2:00 p.m.
Community Center
All are welcome to these events! There is a game (Q&A) from cert that would tie in well with each of the events. It can be offered after each session, and it would reinforce what residents had just learned.
3/20 Emergency Preparedness for your Home (5 attendees – small crowd due to Hampton senior event held the same day)
4/11 Home Burglary Awareness/Prevention
5/16 Project Lifesaver
From the five attendees, Mrs. Minervino asked which programs they would be interested in attending for the next series. They are listed below with dates. Mrs. Manser still must confirm.
6/25 Identity Theft
7/23 Contractor and Home Healthcare Scams
8/27 (Or Summer Camp) K9 Demonstration
No updates.
No updates.
Open Public Session:
The meeting was opened to the public at 8:39 p.m. No one from the public wished to speak. Public session was closed at 8:39 p.m.
Committee Member Comments:
Mr. Sylvester suggested that pickleball at Swartswood Park be listed on the agenda for our May meeting. He would like to put in place a waiting system as well as lining the court/utilizing portable nets as a temporary fix for Fall 2024.
Liaison Report –
Mr. Manser
Mrs. Delaney
Executive Session/Session Actions:
Mr. Carovillano made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 p.m., seconded by Mrs. Richardson. A vote was taken, and all were in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Danielle Wunder, Secretary
Stillwater Township offers residents a Recycling and Convenience Center for household trash and recycling.
Residents are able to view property tax information and make payments through the online system. You may find a property by entering the property’s location or block, lot and qualifier.
Stillwater Township posts all information about bids and proposals for township projects on a dedicated page.
The Stillwater Rec Summer Camp will be August 12-16 and August 19-23, 2024
Visit the Office of Emergency Management page for links and the latest information