The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on Monday, April 1, 2019 at 7:07 pm at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman David Manser with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the flag salute.
Members Present: Mrs. Connelly, Mrs. Degen, Ms. Hess, Mr. Sylvester, Mr. Manser
Alternates Present: Mrs. Davenport
Members Absent/Excused: Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Reilly (arrived late)
In the absence of Mrs. Delaney, 2nd Alternate, Mrs. Davenport sat in.
Motion by Mrs. Connelly, second by Mr. Sylvester that the minutes from the March 4, 2019 meeting be approved with one correction/clarification to the Green Acres statement. Motion carried.
The following bill was presented – Garden State Fireworks $1,850.00 – deposit for Stillwater Day. Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Connelly to approve the bill. Motion carried.
A letter was received from the Stillwater PTA. This will come up under new business. The letter was sent to the Park for Summer Camp reservation. A copy of the resolution approving Garden State Fireworks for Stillwater Day with a rain date of Oct. 12. There were various catalogs received.
OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – Agenda Items Only – 7:16 – none
Ms. Hess added the PTA letter under new business
1. Clean Up Day – We have 9 registered groups so far. Ms. Hess will get the seeds and see that we have water. The DPW supplies all the rest. We need to be there by 8:30 am to check in groups. We will need to stay and sort trash, etc. Scheduled to be done by 1pm. We will also have the shredder truck there
2. Stillwater Day – All are involved – Ms. Hess has been in touch with the company that supplies the bounce houses, DJ, etc. They will be sending over the quote for services.
The contract has been approved for Garden State Fireworks. We need to set up the times. It was decided that the pageant will begin at 3PM with the talent show to follow (approx. 4:15 pm) and then Rizzo’s Reptiles will be at 6:30. Mr. Sylvester handed out copies of the talent show application for our perusal. We will need to get 3 judges for this. A suggestion that perhaps Mrs. Delaney’s husband might do this since he is a musician. Mrs. Connelly mentioned that she has 11 vendors so far.
3. Garage Sale Weekend – no report
4. Summer Camp – no report
5. County/State Fair – no report except that Mr. Sylvester will be working with the Historical Society again this year.
6. Decorating Contests (Halloween and Holiday) – It was brought to our attention that apparently the 2017 Holiday Decorating prizes were never awarded. After some discussion, a motion by Ms. Hess, seconded by Mr. Reilly that we purchase the gift cards and issue these prizes with a letter of apology. Motion carried.
7. Tree Lighting – the star for the top of the tree has been found and is at the Swartswood building.
8. Field Maintenance – Ms. Hess will check with Josh on the punch list items and see where we are. A new list will be made for everyone. The team benches at Veteran’s have been replaced with the old seats from Stillwater Park; the trees – the Town is waiting for the Tree Co. Mr. Sylvester brought up about looking into getting electricity run to Veteran’s Park. This was previously looked into and was extremely cost prohibited, needing 3 or 4 poles run. Mr. Scott will look into this and get us an update. Mr. Scott brought up about the fact that there are dogs running loose in the park (no leashes). We need to figure out a way to enforce that rule. Also, he will talk to Josh about the flag system for the fields. Mr. Sylvester gave everyone a copy of the proposal from Pinnacle Lawn Care for a turf management program that was previously approved. A motion was made by Mr. Sylvester, seconded by Ms. Hess that this schedule be given to Josh and that Josh work out the schedule with Pinnacle to begin the turf management program. Motion carried.
9. Playground – It appears that the Town approved our additional amount submitted in our budget for the playground. Their stipulation is that it be done at one time and by one company. They don’t want to be responsible for bits and pieces. Ms. Hess will set up another meeting with the company she has been working with (they are State Contract so we don’t need to go to bid, she checked with the CFO). Mrs. Degen would like to work with Ms. Hess when she meets with the supplier.
10. Green Acres – Mr. Sylvester has nothing new at this time but asked to be listed as a sub-committee instead of under Old Business.
1. Field Use Applications – none
1. There was a letter read from the PTA regarding their annual Tricky Tray. Motion by Mrs. Connelly, seconded by Ms. Hess that the Rec. Commission donate two (2) certificates good for two (2) weeks each of Summer Camp. Motion carried.
Mrs. Degen mentioned that she heard from a resident that the lighting of the flags at Veteran’s wasn’t working and this really should be addressed. We discussed that this has been an ongoing problem and has been worked on. We just purchased new lights. We will check again after the meeting tonight to see if they are working.
Mr. Reilly was approached by a resident who wants to get involved in Environmental Grant writing. Mr. Scott said any help is great. We just have to be careful of any fees.
Mr. Scott mentioned that the Budget was up for approval on April 16. They worked on to make it work. We are about 12 cent reduction. The Town is in great shape. Note that this is Child Abuse Awareness month. Also, they are working on the Electric & National Gas Aggregation Program. Ms. Hess asked if we are getting natural gas. Of course, all laughed. Mr. Scott also brought up the building in Swartswood – they are waiting for some information from the attorney. They will be taking over the building and receiving the revenue from the cell tower if all goes through.
There being no further business, motion by Mr. Sylvester, second by Mr. Reilly to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 pm. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Michele Hess
Stillwater Township offers residents a Recycling and Convenience Center for household trash and recycling.
Residents are able to view property tax information and make payments through the online system. You may find a property by entering the property’s location or block, lot and qualifier.
Stillwater Township posts all information about bids and proposals for township projects on a dedicated page.
The Stillwater Rec Summer Camp will be August 12-16 and August 19-23, 2024
Visit the Office of Emergency Management page for links and the latest information