April 08, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes


April 8, 2019 – Regular Meeting

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Emmetts, Mrs. Tracey, Mr. Szabo, Mr. Dvorsky, Mrs. Branagan, Mr. Svendsen, Mr. Nause, Mr. Branagan


Mr. Branagan called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with the statement that this meeting is in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. This was a regularly scheduled meeting of the Stillwater Township Environmental Commission. Regular meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m., at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building located in Middleville, New Jersey.

The flag was saluted and roll call taken.


Mr. Dvorsky made a motion to approve the minutes of 3/11/19, seconded by Mrs. Branagan.

Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Emmetts, abstain, Mrs. Tracey, yes, Mr. Szabo, abstain, Mr. Dvorsky, yes, Mrs. Branagan, yes, Mr. Svendsen, yes, Mr. Branagan, yes


Mrs. Emmetts made a motion to approve the following bills, pending availability of funds, seconded by Mrs. Tracey:

SC Division of Engineering: Plastic Bags Signs (2) $34.98*

*(Paid through the Recycling Trust)

Secretary: $ 213.13

Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Emmetts, yes, Mrs. Tracey, yes, Mr. Szabo, yes, Mr. Dvorsky, yes, Mrs. Branagan, yes, Mr. Svendsen, yes, Mr. Branagan, yes

At this point, this portion of the meeting was opened to the public at 7:05 p.m.

Julia Geydoshek was present. She displayed her completed bat house project consisting of four chambers, each with grooves, painted black to blend with the surroundings and having air vents throughout. The wood used is safe for the bats and the stain is water-based. The bat house can be easily mounted on a tree or pole, a minimum of 15’ to 20’ off the ground. The EC commended Ms. Geydoshek on the project and thanked her for her service.

Noreen Gleason, 920 Route 619 inquired about possible restoration of the stream bank running through her property. It has incurred significant erosion due to the excessive rain this year and the trees that once protected the stream have been washed away. She asked if the EC would consider such a project noting the health of the stream and aquatic life are dependent on the trees. Mr. Branagan, Mr. Szabo and Mr. Svendsen agreed to visit the property to observe her concerns – April 14th at a time to be determined.

There being no further members from the public wishing to speak, this portion of the meeting was closed at 7:20 p.m.


-Delaware River Watershed Restoration Survey – emailed to EC 3/27/19

-NJDEP News Release: DEP’s Recycle Coach App is Making Recycling Easier Than Ever in NJ -emailed to EC 3/22/19

-ANJEC 2019 Membership thank-you

-The Rodney & Otamatea Times: “Science Notes and News – Coal Consumption Affecting Climate,” – August 14, 1912 – emailed to EC 4/2/19

Mr. Nause reported on his attendance at the Northwest New Jersey Rivers Conference held on March 30th. He provided information and brochures from the conference.

Old Business

Draft Letter to ANJEC:

EC members responded to the draft letter provided by Mr. Szabo. Mr. Szabo rescinded his request to forward the letter to ANJEC.

Spotted Lantern Fly and Tree Removal at Veteran’s Memorial Park:

Mr. Branagan will mark the trees for removal.

Tree Restoration Project:

Mr. Branagan reported the project is moving forward and he will provide updates in the future.

Stream Water Testing:

The stream water testing results were forwarded to Mr. Sajdak for his review and comment.

Fishing Line Collection: All line is to be cleaned of litter/leaves, hooks and lead sinkers. Lead sinkers are to be provided at the meeting for recycling. Beginning in April, the receptacles will need to be checked on a monthly basis. A receptacle will be installed along the river at Veteran’s Memorial Park (VMP). Mr. Dvorsky expressed concern with trash in and around the receptacles. Mrs. Wunder will contact Ms. Hess, Clean Up Day Coordinator, to ask if a group can be assigned to the area behind the parking lot at VMP where debris is located.

Mr. Dvorsky asked if it would be possible to conduct a tick survey during Clean Up Day. Mayor Chammings felt it was too late at this point but could be considered in the future.

Plastic Bag Collection:

Mr. Branagan expressed frustration with trash being mixed in with the plastic bag collection as well as with other receptacles at the Recycling Center. Mr. Dvorsky and Mr. Nause reported on a webinar they attended entitled “Saving Recycling,” on March 28th. Mr. Dvorsky spoke with Renee Casapulla, SCMUA, and she complimented the quality of recycling material received from Stillwater, noting contaminated material is useless and disposal more costly. The EC discussed concerns they have with the Recycling Center and the improper disposal of recyclables and trash.

New Business

Tree Swallow Bird Houses:

Mr. Branagan constructed six bird houses to be installed at VMP. He asked for volunteers to assist with the installation. Mrs. Branagan and Mr. Dvorsky offered to help; date to be determined.

Stillwater Township Camp Towadena Property Master Plan:

John Neumann, Fairview Lake, provided an email draft of a Master Plan for the maintenance and preservation of the former Camp Towadena property. The EC reviewed the draft and asked Mayor Chammings for direction as the property was acquired through Green Acres funding. Following further discussion, the EC determined they would not be able to undertake such a project at this time due to the lack of equipment, funding and personnel. Mrs. Wunder will email Mr. Neumann informing him of their decision.

Volunteer/Member Recognition:

-Mr. Dvorsky for participating in the amphibian crossing; results will be emailed to Mrs. Wunder.

-Ms. Geydoshek for completing the bat house project.

Endangered and Threatened Species: None

At this point, this portion of the meeting was opened to the public at 8:03 p.m.

There being no members of the public wishing to speak, this portion of the meeting was closed at 8:03 p.m.

Planning Board (PB) Liaison Report: Mr. Branagan

The March meeting was cancelled.

Township Liaison Report: Committeewoman Chammings

-Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation for the month of April.

-Energy Aggregation Program ordinance was adopted.

-Swartswood Fire Department acquisition is moving forward; their attorney is reviewing the agreement.

With no further business to come before the Commission, Mr. Szabo made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mrs. Emmetts. In a voice vote, all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,


Kathy Wunder, Secretary


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