June 6, 2022 Regular Meeting

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Recreation Commission

June 6, 2022

Call to order

Mrs. Delaney called to order the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission at 7:01pm followed by the Open Public Meeting Statement and Flag Salute at Volunteer Field.

Roll call

Mrs. Gardner conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Mrs. Beshada, Mrs. Richardson, Mr. Reilly, Mrs. Tosti, Mrs. Delaney

Members Absent- Mr. Carovillano, Mr. Sylvester

Approval of minutes from last meeting

Motion to approve Minutes from May 2, 2022 Meeting made by Mrs. Tosti second by Mrs. Delaney. A vote was taken and all are in favor.

Payment of Bills – Total $3,096.82

Motion by Mrs. Tosti to pay following Bills Second by Mrs. Delaney. A vote was taken and all are in favor.

Septicare $302.50, Septicare $97.50, BSN Sports $324.62, Amazon, $185.48, Amazon $1007.63, Amazon $127.62, Melissa Rowe (Garage Sale Map Reimbursement) $5.00, Wildflowers with Tami $220.00 Ronetco (from Rec Activity Club Funds) $124.86

Motion by Mrs. Delaney to pay the following Bills Second by Mr. Reilly. A vote was taken and Mrs. Beshada, Mrs. Tosti and Mrs. Richardson Abstained.

Mrs. Beshada $47.30, Mrs. Beshada $183.10, Mrs. Gardner $336.73, Mrs. Tosti (from Rec Activity Club Funds) $32.78, Mrs. Richardson $50.85

Correspondence- Mrs. Tosti stated Mike Tosti donated a tractor to maintain the fields with equipment purchased. Mrs. Delaney sent a Thank you card to Mr. Tosti. Mrs. Delaney also sent a Thank you card to Patty Nugent from LACE for the $100 donation made to the Recreation Activity Club.

Open Public Session I

The meeting was opened to the public at 7:09pm, No one from the public wished to speak, Public Session was closed at 7:09pm

Amendments to the Agenda – None

Sub Committee Reports

  1. Clean Up Day- Mrs. Gardner – none at this time. Waiting on funding to schedule for Fall Clean up.
  2. Ms. Stillwater- Mrs. Beshada – Friday May 13, 2022 Congratulations to the Winners: Megan Halpin 2022 Miss Stillwater, Teodora Mondrone 2022 Little Miss Stillwater and Dean Schneider 2022 Little Mr. Stillwater. Milla Hornung is the 2022 Miss Stillwater Runner-Up. Mrs. Beshada stated Lois Kinney was given the contact information for the winners to share Fair information. Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. Beshada will contact the winners with a list of Events for them to attend throughout the remainder of the year. Total for Pageant $1,087.13. Mrs. Beshada recommends increasing budget to $1,500 due to turnout.
  3. Stillwater Day/Fall Fest- Board – Mrs. Delaney – Meeting with HSST Thurs. June 2, 2022 6pm at Townhall. Mrs. Tosti and Mrs. Delaney met with Deborah Drumm, Stacy Harvey and Beth Martin. The Flyer and Vendor agreement have been printed and folded to be inserted into the Tax bills for mailing. Mrs. Delaney will meet with the Tax Collector to add the Fall Fest application and flyer to the mailing. Mrs. Tosti made a motion to allocate $5,000.00 from our budget for the Fall Festival. Second by Mrs. Beshada. A vote was taken and all are in favor.
  4. Garage Sale Weekend- Mrs. Delaney

Total of 64 applications for map. Some participants received and shared feedback that people were sharing they preferred July versus May. There was also a descent response for one to be held in October as well.

  1. Summer Camp- Mrs. Tosti – Mrs. Tosti submitted the application to the school for the newsletter this month. Mrs. Gardner posted on Social media and shared with the clerk to post on the website and have copies on hand at Townhall. Mrs. Delaney will look into the Certificate of Approval for the State of New Jersey and Safety Flashing Light for Road.
  2. County/State Fair- Mrs. Stark

Dates August 5-13, 2022 Theme is Welcome to out Neighborhood.

Mrs. Gardner mention having the Boy and Girl Scouts, 4H and Seniors make bird houses replicating the Historic buildings in Stillwater then after Fair to have them used in the gardens at the Community center. Mrs. Gardner will contact the heads of each organization to discuss details. Motion by Mrs. Delaney to raffle 1 Blanket at the Fair Second by Mrs. Richardson. A vote was taken and all are in favor.

  1. Holiday Events/Contests– Mr. Reilly – Patriotic Decorating Contest. Mr. Reilly will update the application with the LOGO and resubmit to Mrs. Gardner to be advertised on Social Media, the School Newsletter and shared with clerk to advertise/post on the Town’s Website. 3 winners will receive a $25 gift card each.
  2. Tree Lighting- Recreation Board – None at this time
  3. Pavilion Use & Field Use Application Approvals/Scheduling- Mrs. Tosti – The following applications for Veteran’s Memorial Park were submitted: Pavilion Use application for August 6, 2022 from 10a-1pm Amanda Cook for a birthday party. Kittatinny Travel Baseball: Monday- Friday 5pm-8pm Saturday & Sunday 10am-6pm from June 15- August 15, 2022. No other applications at this time. A motion by Mrs. Beshada to approve field use forms Second by Mr. Reilly. A vote was taken and all are in favor.
  4. Field Maintenance- Mr. Sylvester and Mr. Reilly – Turf management application was done a couple weeks ago. Mr. Ragazzo noted that he had a few phone calls due to the flags stating pesticides, but handled the inquiries. He was very appreciative of the letters left at each entrance from Mr. Raff with the explanations of application and his contact information for any questions. Mrs. Rumsey stated she was contacted regarding the mowing of Volunteer Field and presented the concerns to Mr. Scott. Mr. Scott spoke with Country Lawn Care to correct concerns shared. Mrs. Rumsey will email a list of field concerns to the Township Committee to discuss at next meeting Tuesday June 14.
  5. Community Center Activities– Mrs. Tosti/Mrs. Richardson – Community Center Activities- Mrs. Richardson & Mrs. Tosti will be hosting a Senior Game night scheduled for June 29, 2022. Inquiries have been made regarding another Teen Night and this will be held in July. Updates to follow. The 50’s Dinner dance was very successful and they look forward to another dinner dance in the future. Aldersgate spoke with Mrs. Tosti and Richardson about the community using the fields and Basketball court on their property. Due to maintenance on the fields and insurance this will be discussed at a later date.
  6. Plant Exchange/Educational Activities– Mrs. Stark – Mrs. Stark stepped down at this time. Mrs. Delaney was contacted by Heidi Mountford to volunteer for the plant exchange next spring. Mrs. Stark will be in contact with Mrs. Tosti regarding Educational Activities.
  7. Grant Purchase List – Mrs. Beshada – Picnic tables arrived damaged and Mrs. Beshada was contacted by Mrs. Leonard (CFO) about updates in communications with the company. Mrs. Leonard will keep Mrs. Beshada informed on status.

Old Business

  1. Equipment Wish List Items & Location: Mrs. Tosti stated she contacted Mr. Raff about QP being put in the cage and it has not been done as of yet. Mr. Ragazzo mentioned possibly replacing the shed at Volunteer field. The Rec Commission will look into it and get back to Mr. Ragazzo. Soccer goals and nets have been delivered and sitting at the Townhall by the POD. Mr. Sylvester was notified upon delivery in April and Mr. Ragazzo was inquiring on the status. Mr. Ragazzo will be picking up the goals and nets to install. He thanked the Commission for the purchase.
  2. Veteran’s/Stillwater & Volunteer Parks: Mrs. Delaney asked Mrs. Rumsey who is responsible for the Vandalism at the parks and the Porta Potty’s. A very strong suggestion/request was made to the Township Committee of putting cameras in place at the parks. Mrs. Rumsey will mention again to the Committee.
  3. Tennis / Pickleball Court Maintenance Update – Still waiting on Invoice/bill from Mr. Pierson. Amount was approved at May meeting pending receipt of bill.

New Business

    1. Mailing Insert for July Tax Bills: A Flyer of upcoming Events and Dates will be sent out in the Tax Bill Mailing.
    2. Alternate #1 & #2 Position Openings – Mrs. Delaney stated the positions have been advertised and there was a letter of interest. However, Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. Rumsey need to research rules in regards to non-resident volunteers. Mr. Ragazzo also took an application.

Open Public Session II

The meeting was opened to the public at 8:17pm, no public at this time, Public Session was closed at 8:17pm

Committee Member Comments – None

Liaison Report- Mrs. Rumsey

Mrs. Rumsey will Email all Township Committee Members a list of the concerns shared by Rec Commission and report back responses.

Executive Session-Not at this time

Executive Session Actions-No action taken


Motion made by Mrs. Beshada second by Mr. Reilly to Adjourn Meeting at 8:18pm. A voice vote was taken and all are in favor.


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