Recreation Commission
June 6, 2022
Call to order
Mrs. Delaney called to order the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission at 7:01pm followed by the Open Public Meeting Statement and Flag Salute at Volunteer Field.
Roll call
Mrs. Gardner conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Mrs. Beshada, Mrs. Richardson, Mr. Reilly, Mrs. Tosti, Mrs. Delaney
Members Absent- Mr. Carovillano, Mr. Sylvester
Approval of minutes from last meeting
Motion to approve Minutes from May 2, 2022 Meeting made by Mrs. Tosti second by Mrs. Delaney. A vote was taken and all are in favor.
Payment of Bills – Total $3,096.82
Motion by Mrs. Tosti to pay following Bills Second by Mrs. Delaney. A vote was taken and all are in favor.
Septicare $302.50, Septicare $97.50, BSN Sports $324.62, Amazon, $185.48, Amazon $1007.63, Amazon $127.62, Melissa Rowe (Garage Sale Map Reimbursement) $5.00, Wildflowers with Tami $220.00 Ronetco (from Rec Activity Club Funds) $124.86
Motion by Mrs. Delaney to pay the following Bills Second by Mr. Reilly. A vote was taken and Mrs. Beshada, Mrs. Tosti and Mrs. Richardson Abstained.
Mrs. Beshada $47.30, Mrs. Beshada $183.10, Mrs. Gardner $336.73, Mrs. Tosti (from Rec Activity Club Funds) $32.78, Mrs. Richardson $50.85
Correspondence- Mrs. Tosti stated Mike Tosti donated a tractor to maintain the fields with equipment purchased. Mrs. Delaney sent a Thank you card to Mr. Tosti. Mrs. Delaney also sent a Thank you card to Patty Nugent from LACE for the $100 donation made to the Recreation Activity Club.
Open Public Session I
The meeting was opened to the public at 7:09pm, No one from the public wished to speak, Public Session was closed at 7:09pm
Amendments to the Agenda – None
Sub Committee Reports
Total of 64 applications for map. Some participants received and shared feedback that people were sharing they preferred July versus May. There was also a descent response for one to be held in October as well.
Dates August 5-13, 2022 Theme is Welcome to out Neighborhood.
Mrs. Gardner mention having the Boy and Girl Scouts, 4H and Seniors make bird houses replicating the Historic buildings in Stillwater then after Fair to have them used in the gardens at the Community center. Mrs. Gardner will contact the heads of each organization to discuss details. Motion by Mrs. Delaney to raffle 1 Blanket at the Fair Second by Mrs. Richardson. A vote was taken and all are in favor.
Old Business
New Business
Open Public Session II
The meeting was opened to the public at 8:17pm, no public at this time, Public Session was closed at 8:17pm
Committee Member Comments – None
Liaison Report- Mrs. Rumsey
Mrs. Rumsey will Email all Township Committee Members a list of the concerns shared by Rec Commission and report back responses.
Executive Session-Not at this time
Executive Session Actions-No action taken
Motion made by Mrs. Beshada second by Mr. Reilly to Adjourn Meeting at 8:18pm. A voice vote was taken and all are in favor.
Stillwater Township offers residents a Recycling and Convenience Center for household trash and recycling.
Residents are able to view property tax information and make payments through the online system. You may find a property by entering the property’s location or block, lot and qualifier.
Stillwater Township posts all information about bids and proposals for township projects on a dedicated page.
The Stillwater Rec Summer Camp will be August 12-16 and August 19-23, 2024
Visit the Office of Emergency Management page for links and the latest information