Registrar & Vital Statistics

Registrar & Vital Statistics

About the Registrar

The Township provides Registrar services Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Marriage applications, marriage licenses, and certified raised-seal copies of marriage licenses can be obtained through the Registrar’s Office.  Certified copies of all Vital Records [birth, death, marriage records] may be obtained provided the individual can fully identify the record requested and provide proof of identification and proof of relationship. No exceptions can be made.

Applying For A Marriage License

If you are planning on entering into a marriage or civil union in New Jersey, there are a few things you need to know.

If you live in New Jersey, you can apply for a Marriage License in the municipality where either applicant currently lives. If neither applicant is a resident of New Jersey, you can apply in the municipality where your marriage or civil union partnership will take place.

Both applicants must be present, as well as one witness over the age of 18 years. You must present proof of identification, and if you have dissolved a previous marriage or civil union, you must supply the date and place where the dissolution took place. The cost is $28.00 (check or cash only please).

After you have applied, there is a 72-hour waiting period before the license can be issued. You also should be aware that the license is only good for 30 days from the day of issuance, so you must plan accordingly.

Application for a Marriage License 2024

Marriage Or Civil Union Certificates

Once you are united in marriage, or a civil union partnership, you should obtain at least one certified copy of your Marriage or Civil Union Certificate. Certified Certificates are issued by the municipality in which the legal ceremony was performed.

Certified copies can be obtained for a cost of $10.00 each. Stillwater residents who marry in Stillwater Township receive one (1) free Certified copy.

Certified Copies of Vital Statistic Records – Marriage, Birth and Death

Certified copies can be obtained for a cost of $10.00 each.

Click here to download the application for a Certified Copy of a Vital Statics record

Interested in Genealogy?

Click here to view/download Jersey Roots_Genealogy in the Garden State

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