March 2, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes


The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on March 2. 2020 at 7:05 pm at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman Dawn Delaney with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the flag salute.

Members Present: Mrs. Delaney, Mrs. Stark, Mr. Reilly, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti,

Alternates Present: Mrs. Beshada, Mrs. Gardner both advances to the dais Members Absent/Excused: Mrs. Connelly, Ms Hess


Motion by Mr. Sylvester, second by Mrs. Stark that the minutes of the 2/3/2020 meeting be approved. Motion carried.

Motion by ________, second by ______to approve the Executive Session minutes. Motion carried.


The following bill was presented – Septicare. – Feb – $165.00 Motion by Mrs. Stark, second by Mr. Sylvester to approve the bills. Motion carried.


The following correspondence was read: Resolution 2020-038 Mayors’ Appointment of Tara Tosti as Recreation Commissioner with Committee Concurrence filling Mr. Manser’s seat through 2021,

Resolution 2020-042 Mayors’ Appointment of Alicia Gardner as Alternate #2 Recreation Commissioner with Committee Concurrence filling Mrs. Davenport’s seat through 2023. Resolution 2020-045 Awarding the Fireworks Contract to Garden State Fireworks, Inc. for Stillwater Day 2020. Mrs. Delaney read a letter from Hampton Township Recreation inquiring if Stillwater Township Recreation would like to co-sponsor a movie night, splitting the rental cost of the move ($350.00). No specified date of movie title was provided. Mrs. Tosti made a copy of the letter and will contact Hampton Recreation for further information.

OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – Agenda Items Only – 7:11 pm none and closed at 7:13 pm


Clean Up Day – With Mrs. Connelly absent there was no further follow up.

Mrs. Delaney posted the event on the Stillwater Facebook page-date April 4th (rain date April 5th)

  1. Stillwater Day – Fireworks-Garden State Fireworks(approved by Resolution 2020-45) Date set for June 13th. Mr. Sylvester proposed that no driving on the field should be permitted. Vendors must set up and remove vehicles from the field parking in designated area. No vehicles allowed on field when people/children are about. The access gate is to be locked. Mr. Scott added that DPW will be about on the field as well as the Sheriff’s Department. Mrs. Gardner suggested parking should be cordoned off by the porta potty area.
  2. Garage Sale Weekend – Mrs. Delaney and Ms. Hess work on it and will make sure it’s handled. Date: August 18th-19th.
  3. Summer Camp – Under New Business 5. County/State Fair – nothing at this time.
  4. Decorating Contests – nothing at this time
  5. Tree Lighting – location, etc. will be updated as time goes along
  6. Field Use / Maintenance – Mr. Sylvester was requesting copies of the bills from Pinnacle for the information regarding what was done. Mrs. Delaney offered the hard copies at this time where Mr. Sylvester replied he had them already electronically.
  7. Playground – nothing at this time. Possibly doing the dedication at Stillwater Day


1. Field Use Applications – We have 3 applications Kittatinny Youth Lacrosse, Stillwater Rec. League – Youth Soccer, Kittatinny Softball, Sussex County Bombers.

  1. Jeff Gardner – 921 Millbrook Rd. – Sussex County Bombers – Veteran’s
  2. Carrie Weeks – 911 Millbrook Rd. – Little League – Veteran’s & Stillwater Park
  3. Kittatinny Travel Soccer submitted field request (Oscar)Youth Soccer – Volunteer Field
    Kittatinny Youth Lacrosse – Veteran’s Lacrosse Field
  1. Kittatinny Softball – Veteran’s
  2. Co Ed Adult Softball Stillwater-Field Steven Dell

Mr. Sylvester compiled Field Use schedule/calendars Veterans 2020 March 1—July 1; KLL alternates Mondays with Travel Baseball. See attached report ATTACH REPORT

A Motion by Mr. Sylvester, second by Mr. Reilly to approve the above Field Use Applications. Three separate motions were used on all three above.

This was a separate motion to approve Travel Soccer conditional to meeting with Rec Soccer LS and TR. Motion by LS and seconded by Mrs. Beshada

A Motion by Mr. Sylvester, second by Mr. Reilly to approve NJ Co-ed Softball pending Certificate of Insurance at Stillwater Field. Days of use Tuesday and Thursdays and coordination with KLL.4/21-7/1

Clay suggested for fill low spot-Mr. Raff wanted to give it a rough grade and he and his DPW staff will be responsible for field/turf maintenance; Mr. Raff responsible for deciding flag use (red/green) on fields – compliance necessary from users.

In the report that Mr. Sylvester and Mr. Reilly submitted on the condition of both fields all representatives of the groups were present. All were invited to come to the Recreation Committee to make a request for equipment.

Mr. Scott stated the request for equipment “pending approval” of budget finalization and approval for replacements/equipment


  1. Fundraising- Mrs. Gardner will obtain information from Dana after checking with township attorney in regards to possible Movie Night as co-sponsors with Hampton Township.
  2. Mrs. Tosti with contact Karen Ruitenberg from Hampton Recreation Committee for details on Movie Night and present to recreation commission.

OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – 8:01 pm – 8:30 pm, closing time is an approximation. After ongoing discussion regarding field use and purchase of much needed items between representatives of KLL, KSL, and TBB and Mr. Sylvester and Mr. Scott the following motion was made.

Motion by Mr. Sylvester, second by Mrs. Tosti to purchase Home Plate pending funding approval by Dana Mooney was made

A second Motion by Mr. Sylvester, second by Mr. Reilly for the purchase of 1 set of Soft Bases in the amount of approximately $419.00 pending fund approval by Dana Mooney was made.

KSB had asked about being reimbursed for purchasing the bases they needed to proceed before budget approval. Members of the Recreation Commission suggested they do that and return with a receipt for what was presented and purchased.


Mr. Scott mentioned that Township Committee will be finishing budget tomorrow night. The Community Center had their first activity with 4H cooking club. Fire/EMS already on site so the township is covered by both stations. There will be nothing done with the parking lot at Veteran’s this year but is making it a priority for 2021.DPW will receive $10,000.00 from the recreation budget for the Annual Turf Management (fertilizer, insect control, aeration and reseeding) of all Stillwater Township fields. Clay was also moved into the DPW budget.

Mr. Sylvester and Mr. Scott will submit an itemized list of the items found upon inspection of the sheds. Items in shed would be determined.

The items Mr. Scott mentioned were at Stillwater Field regarding a pitching machine.


There being no further business, motion by Mr. Sylvester, second by Mr. Reilly to adjourn at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Mrs. Stark, Mr. Sylvester and Mrs. Delaney


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