The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on Monday, June 3, 2019 at 7:09 pm at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman David Manser with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the flag salute.
Members Present: Mrs. Delaney, Ms. Hess, Mr. Sylvester, Mr. Manser
Alternates Present: Mrs. Stark, Mrs. Davenport
Members Absent/Excused: Mrs. Connelly, Mrs. Degen, Mr. Reilly
In the absence of Mrs. Connelly, 1st Alternate, Mrs. Stark sat in, in the absence of Mrs.Degen, 2nd Alternate, Mrs. Davenport sat in.
Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mr. Sylvester that the minutes from the May 6, 2019 meeting (as amended and previously sent to the members) be approved. Motion carried.
There were no bills presented.
The letter to the Sheriff’s office was sent requesting Stillwater Day help. There was an ad from a company that does Ice Sculptures. Perhaps something to think of in conjunction with the tree lighting next year. Misc. catalogs
OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – Agenda Items Only – 7:15 – 7:17 – Mrs. Klein, Aspen Dr., checking to make sure that we are taking an ad out in the NJ Herald in the Garage Sale section this year. This action is to be taken under new business.
1. Clean Up Day – No report.
2. Stillwater Day – All are involved – Mrs. Delaney has posters. Please take some and get them put out. She has the following in line for judges for the pageant – Joan Currant, Sandy Diglio, Laura Camp. Ms. Hess is all set with the sashes, tiaras, flowers, etc. New we need contestants. Mr. Sylvester has the tent and stage set up for delivery – the tent on Thurs and the stage on Fri. We will meet at 10:30 to set up our tent. Ms. Hess has new fun services set up. They will be arriving about 1pm with the bounce houses (4) and the others about 2 (caricaturist and DJ). We will need tables and chairs. Ms. Hess will work on that. Fireworks are set and permit handled. Mrs. Connelly said she has about 23 vendors so far. That’s awesome. Rizzo’s Wildlife will be here for 6:30 show. Mr. Sylvester still needs judges for talent show. So far, only 3 applications in. Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Delaney to extend the deadline to June 7. Motion carried.
3. Garage Sale Weekend – July 20 & 21. Motion by Mrs. Delaney, second by Mr. Sylvester to place the ad in the NJ Herald in Garage Sale section. Motion carried. Mrs. Delaney has the applications done and on Facebook. The app. should be forwarded to the Town also for their website and to keep at the town hall. The signs will go up after Stillwater Day.
4. Summer Camp – no report
5. County/State Fair – Mr. Sylvester will “get it done”.
6. Decorating Contests (Halloween and Holiday) – no report
7. Tree Lighting – no report
8. Field Maintenance – Mr. Sylvester was talking with Josh from the DPW and Keith Trotter from Pinnacle as to how to get him paid for the turf plan and how & when it should start. Ms. Hess looked into the tennis court backboards. They run anywhere from $3800 – $8500. It was suggested that perhaps this could be an Eagle Scout project. There was some discussion on the electrical at Veteran’s Park. Mrs. Knott pulled the old application but a new number has to be assigned. Mrs. Cronin (JCP&L) is out on medical leave. Mr. Scott spoke with Jackie Espinosa (our JCP&L rep). It is being looked into. Mr. Manser mentioned that DPW cleaned out the old mulch at the playground area at Stillwater Park. We still need to figure out how to enforce the rules at the park. Too many dogs are unleashed and people not cleaning up after them. Mr. Scott will look further into that.
9. Playground – Ms. Hess has a meeting with Mr. Fenton from the playground people and will invite him to make a presentation at our July meeting.
1. Field Use Applications – none
2. Green Acres – Mr. Sylvester suggested that a letter be sent to the Environmental Commission asking if they would be interested in working together to seek grants for the work at Veterans Park on the trails and handicap accessibility. He will forward a letter to Ms. Hess who will send it on to the Environmental Commission for consideration.
1. None
OPEN PUBLIC SESSION – 8:02 pm none
Mr. Manser mentioned that the 8th Grade Boys Kittatinny Youth Lacrosse Team won that State Championship!!!
Mr. Sylvester asked if there is an aerial photo of Veteran’s Park. It would be nice to have it hang on the walls in town hall.
Still no information on the Swartswood building – still in attorney’s hands. He has made arrangements for the generators for us for Stillwater Day. The house across from Veteran’s Park may be taken for taxes. This would give us additional parking. Mr. Sylvester asked about millings at the DPW and is it possible to stock pile some at DPW for the parking lot at Veterans. It will be on our next agenda
There being no further business, motion by Mrs. Manser, second by Mrs. Delaney to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 pm. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Michele Hess
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Stillwater Township posts all information about bids and proposals for township projects on a dedicated page.
The Stillwater Rec Summer Camp will be August 12-16 and August 19-23, 2024
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