January 4, 2021 Re-organization Meeting Minutes


01/04/2021 Re-organization  Meeting

The reorganizational meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on January 4, 2021 at 7:02 pm at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman Dawn Delaney with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the flag salute. Roll call was taken

Members Present: Ms. Hess, Mrs. Stark, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti, Mrs. Delaney

Alternates Present: Mrs. Beshada, Mrs. Gardner

Members Absent: Mr. Reilly

Purpose of this Reorganizational meeting is to appoint the new officers and set the meeting dates.

Mrs. Delaney took this opportunity to thank everyone for all the work accomplished this past year in spite of the pandemic and the circumstances.

Mrs. Delaney was nominated by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Tosti for Chairman. Motion carried. Mrs. Tosti was nominated by Mrs. Beshada, seconded by Mrs. Stark for Vice Chairman. Motion carried. Mrs. Gardner was nominated by Mrs. Tosti, second by Mrs. Beshada and Ms. Hess was nominated by Mrs. Stark for Secretary. There was no second so Ms. Hess declined the nomination. Motion carried with one abstention, Mr. Sylvester.

Meetings will be held on the 1st Monday of every month with the exception of the September meeting which is Labor Day. The meeting dates will be as follows: Jan 4; Feb. 1; Mar. 1; Apr. 5; May 3; June 7; July 5; Aug. 2; Sept. 8; Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6; Jan. 3, 2022 for Reorganization meeting. Motion by Ms. Hess, second by Mrs. Gardner to accept dates. Motion carried.

Motion by Mrs. Gardner, second by Mrs. Tosti to adjourn the meeting adjourned at 7:17 pm. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele Hess



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