January 15, 2019 Regular Meeting


January 15, 2019 – Regular Meeting

A REGULAR MEETING of the Stillwater Township Committee was called to order by Mayor Chammings at 7:00 p.m. noting the meeting date, time and place were duly published in the New Jersey Herald and posted at the Town Hall and advised those present that this meeting was being held in compliance with provisions of P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, Sections 4 & 13.

Roll Call was taken and the flag was saluted.

PRESENT: Committeeman Morrison, Committeeman Gross, Deputy Mayor Scott, Committeeman Fisher, Mayor Chammings, Municipal Clerk Lynda Knott, Attorney Angelo Bolcato.


Ms. Knott and Committeeman Fisher were not present during the Executive Session.

After the reading of the following Resolution to enter into Executive Session, a motion was carried by roll call vote to adopt the resolution permitting the Committee to go into Executive Session.

WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting under certain circumstances; and

WHEREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater, in the County of Sussex and State of New Jersey as follows:

1. The public shall be excluded from that portion of this meeting.

2. The general nature of the subject matter to be discussed is as follows: Attorney/Client Privilege

3. As nearly as can now be ascertained, the matter or matters to be discussed at this time will be disclosed to the public when such matters are resolved.

There being no further business to attend to, a motion was made to conclude the Executive Session, unanimously carried by roll call vote.



Regular Session Minutes: December 18, 2018

Reorganization/Budget Meeting Minutes: January 2, 2019

Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the minutes as listed, seconded by Mr. Gross.

Roll Call Vote: Mr. Morrison, yes, Mr. Gross, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes


2019-022 Supporting Assembly Bill A4037 and Senate Bill S2650 Amending N.J.S.40A:14-96 and P.L. 1940, c. 153 allowing Members of Junior Firefighters’ Auxiliaries to perform certain fire support duties

2019-023 Mayor’s Appointment of Rebecca L. Moore as a Member of the Stillwater Area Volunteer Fire Department with Committee Concurrence

2019-024 Mayor’s Appointment of Cody J. Owens as a Junior Member of the Stillwater Area Volunteer Fire Department with Committee Concurrence

2019-025 In Support of Path to Progress Recommendations made by New Jersey Economic and Fiscal Policy Workgroup

2019-026 Authorizing Payment of Redemption

2019-027 Mayor’s Appointment of Justin Francomacaro OEM Coordinator with Committee Concurrence

2019-028 Establishing Committee Departments

2019-029 Approving Appointments of Township Board and Commission Members

2019-030 Authorizing an Appropriation Reserve Transfer for the year 2018

Mr. Scott made a motion to adopt the resolutions as listed, seconded by Mr. Gross.

Roll Call Vote: Mr. Morrison, yes, Mr. Gross, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes


DPW Monthly Report of December 2018

Building Department of December 2018

Tax Collector Report for December 2018

ACO Report 4th Quarter 2018

EMS Report 2018

Mr. Scott made a motion to accept the reports as submitted, seconded by Mr. Gross.

Roll Call Vote: Mr. Morrison, yes, Mr. Gross, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes

BILLS LIST #1: $883,296.77


Mr. Scott made a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-031, seconded by Mr. Gross.

Roll Call Vote: Mr. Morrison, yes, Mr. Gross, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes

AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA: Add Resolution 2019-032 Appointment of Deputy OEM

RESOLUTION 2019-032:

Mr. Scott made a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-032, seconded by Mr. Fisher.





HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Committee of the Township of Stillwater they do hereby concur with the Mayor’s Appointments of Joseph Geraci as Deputy OEM Coordinator effective January 15, 2019.

Roll Call Vote: Mr. Morrison, yes, Mr. Gross, yes, Mr. Scott, yes, Mr. Fisher, yes, Mayor Chammings, yes


At this point, this portion of the meeting was opened to the public.

There being no members of the public wishing to speak, this portion of the meeting was closed.


West End Drive/Duck Pond Road Flooding:

Mr. Bolcato reviewed the subdivision plat and deed for Block 3807, Lot 8.02 and determined there is an existing 20-foot township drainage easement. Mr. Vreeland, Township Engineer, provided a background history on the issue. In 2011 flooding was caused by a high groundwater table and large amount of rainfall, which after time receded. The conditions are very similar this year. In 2012, a conceptual plan was drafted which included running a concrete or plastic pipe in the drainage easement directed to a riprap swale about half way back on lot 8.02 and extending to a manhole on the other side of Duck Pond Road. A pipe would also be installed along Duck Pond Road to connect to the pipe running from the driveway inlets at the house on the corner. The estimated cost is $50,000 and Mr. Vreeland provided a breakdown of those costs.

Mr. Vreeland further described the concept, indicating the pipe would be set at an elevation in the drainage easement that is below the first level of the house that is being impacted but it would not be at any significant pitch because of the long run. The pipe will help to drain the area and reduce the time for the water to dissipate.

Mitch Mayer, 940 West End Drive asked if the elevation of the existing Duck Pond Road pipe ever changed. Mr. Vreeland and Mayor Chammings did not think so.

Jack Bierle, Pinnacle Realty, representative for 937 West End Drive, stated there is four feet of water in the basement and it cannot be accessed. He asked if the water is allowed to be drained onto the farm property. Mayor Chammings indicated there is an existing point of discharge and as long as the location does not change, additional water could be discharged.

Mitch Mayer asked if the drainage was installed when the homes were permitted through the township. Mr. Vreeland indicated the original subdivision map depicts a drainage easement from Gap View Court to the area of water through an easement. Mr. Mayer referred to the drainage easement from the Mason’s property to Duck Pond Road and asked if the pipe was ever installed during construction of the homes. Mr. Vreeland stated a drainage easement does not indicate a pipe would be installed.

Mr. Fisher asked if the $50,000 estimate included the DPW doing the work. Mr. Vreeland felt the DPW may not have the time or equipment to do so. Mr. Fisher noted when this was discussed in the past, the township was considering hiring a tree company for removal of the trees and vegetation and renting an excavator for the DPW to install the piping, which would be more cost effective. Mr. Raff, DPW Supervisor, indicated he would need to review the information before determining if the DPW could do the project or would have the time to do so.

Following further discussion and consideration of the project, the Committee authorized Mr. Vreeland to obtain three quotes. Mr. Vreeland would obtain the quotes and provide a summary to the Committee.

Ms. Knott will contact those property owners present to inform them of the meeting date when the Committee will be discussing this matter again.


Veterans Property Tax Exemption:

The Committee agreed with the exemption and a resolution will be drafted for the next meeting.

Letter from KRHS – Championship Rings:

Mr. Scott reported a letter was received by the Recreation Commission from KRHS requesting a donation toward the purchase of football championship rings. The Recreation Commission indicated they could not provide a donation and the letter was forwarded to the Township Committee. The Committee asked Ms. Knott to inquire with the other sending districts to see if they contributed and if so, the amount.

Land Sales:

No report at this time.

Old Schoolhouse Road:

This item will be discussed under the DPW budget.


Open Public Session:

At this point, this portion of the meeting was opened to the public.

There being no members of the public wishing to speak, this portion of the meeting was closed.

A short recess was taken at this time and Mr. Bolcato left the meeting.

Budget – DPW and Capital Road Project:

Mr. Raff, DPW Supervisor; Mr. Vreeland, Township Engineer; and Ms. Mooney, CFO, were present.

Ms. Mooney reviewed page 9A of the budget, noting she adjusted increases as per the contract.

The following items were reviewed:

Page 9A:

-$5,200 for seasonal part-time employee (1) – determined salary range based on other municipalities; three days per week for 18 weeks

-$52,000 for overtime

-Line item 107 and 104 stipends removed

Page 9A-3:

Salt and Grit – numbers may need to be adjusted before finalizing

-Line item 411 – Asphalt/Cold Patch – Increase to $50,000 – Mr. Raff will research numbers on Morris County Co-op website open bids amount; new paver allows for increased patching; asphalt costs have increased

Mr. Morrison asked about crack sealing the roads. Mr. Raff noted sealing was done on Mt. Benevolence Road approximately six years ago and has held up very well. He has heard mixed reviews on buying vs. renting. The machine is very high maintenance and he felt renting would be better. Mr. Raff obtained quotes in the past and rental with the material was $4,500 for a week, and the company would buy back all unused material. Sealing is normally done during the fall.

-Line item 419 – Road striping – increase $500

-Line item 503 – Snow plow blades – price of metal has increased

-Line item 903 – 2012 Mower – $1,000 increase for maintenance

-Tires on the grader – $2,000 in the line item for replacement of two tires

-Line item 909 – Signs – $1,000 including funding for four stop signs

Page 9B – Recycling:

-Annual salary percentage adjustments; briefly discussed non-recycling worker overtime

Page 9C – Solid Waste:

-Line to remain the same – SCMUA fees were briefly discussed.

Page 10A – Buildings and Grounds:

-Line item 297 – generator maintenance will be done in-house; all else to remain the same

-Two landscaping (parks/fields) quotes were reviewed: $12,900 and $18,000

-SCARC cleaning services – no increase

Page 10D – Vehicle Maintenance:

Two freightliners – tires to be replaced – increase of $1,500; all else to remain the same

Capital Budget – Public Works and Infrastructure:

-Roll-off container for cardboard disposal – $4,900 (2019) to be funded through Capital Improvement Fund or Recycling Trust.

-Recycling Trust will be used to address the entrance driveway to the Recycling Center.

-Front-end wheel loader – this item can wait until next year; if it should become inoperable this year, the backhoe can be utilized in its place. Mr. Morrison asked Mr. Raff to research how long it will take to replace the front-end wheel loader if it becomes necessary to do so. A bond ordinance could be done separately for this item.

Road Construction/Maintenance: Mr. Vreeland

-Ridge Road Phase I & II completed; inspections and asphalt testing costs should be covered with remaining grant funding

-Old Schoolhouse Road – Phase II to be completed this year – first priority, budgeted over the past two years

-West End Drive: Phase I funding from the 2018 Municipal Aid Grant for $140,000; applied for grant funding for Phase II and should hear from NJDOT in the spring. Design will be completed this year and possibly bid/construction for Phase I this year or next. Phase I will include Duck Pond Road/West End to the Fredon municipal line. Phase II will include Duck Pond Road/West End in the opposite direction.

-Recycling Center Driveway: Contractor is on board to complete the project; DPW will spread the millings and address drainage.

-Five Points Intersection: Capital funding for design, site distance improvement re-establishing the intersection and moving stop signs/striping; and tree removal/trimming vegetation in the right of way. Following discussion, it was determined the request should be increased to $10,000. Mr. Raff briefly discussed the two-year plan beginning 2019 – Phase I would include asphalting overlay on Stillwater Road from Middleville Road to just before the Five Points intersection (1.8 miles) and Phase II would be from Five Points to Mt. Benevolence Road (1.4 miles), estimated total cost for Phase I and II would be $500,000. Funding for Phase I for 2019 will be $250,000. Township will apply for NJDOT grant for Phase II.

-West End Drive drainage: Following discussion, Mr. Vreeland will obtain quotes for addressing the issue.

There being no further business, Mr. Scott made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m., seconded by Mr. Gross. In a voice vote, all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Wunder


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