December 2, 2024
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Sylvester, Mr. Carovillano, Mrs. Minervino, Mrs. Falotico, Mrs. Trotter, Mrs. Richardson, and Mrs. Tosti
LIASION: Mr. Manser was in attendance
Mrs. Tosti called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. with the statement that this meeting follows the Open
Public Meetings Act. Regular meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m., at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building located in Middleville, New Jersey. This meeting was held at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building. The flag was saluted and roll call taken.
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Mr. Sylvester made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 4, 2024, meeting, seconded by Mrs. Tosti.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mr. Carovillano, yes, Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Falotico, yes, Mrs. Trotter, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mrs. Tosti, yes
Payment of Bills:
Mrs. Richardson made a motion to approve the payment of the following bills totaling $1,630.18, seconded by Mr. Carovillano.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mr. Carovillano, yes, Mrs. Minervino, abstain, Mrs. Falotico, yes, Mrs. Trotter, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mrs. Tosti, abstain
Weis (Veterans Event) – $66.78
Tara Tosti (Reimbursement Tree Lighting) – $108.74
Tara Tosti (Reimbursement Vendor Fair) – $85.13
Septicare (November 2024 Porta-John Rentals) – $430.00
Shop Rite (Senior Game Night) – $128.67
Maureen Tsadilas (Reimbursement Trunk or Treat) – $69.92
Jennifer Minervino (Reimbursement Miss Stillwater) – $85.13
Jennifer Minervino (Reimbursement Veterans Event) – $42.56
Jennifer Minervino (Reimbursement Veterans Event) – $51.72
Amazon (Tree Lighting Supplies) – $78.96
Amazon (Community Center Christmas Tree) – $99.99
Amazon (Veterans Event Banner & Flag) – $28.97
Shop Rite (Tree Lighting Supplies) – $277.29
Weis (Tree Lighting Supplies) – $76.32
Mrs. Minervino was thanked for surveying our senior citizens to see what events they would like to see in the future.
Corn Hole Tournament
Dances (a special request for a 50’s themed dance)
More Holiday Get Togethers
Trivia Night
Day Time Events
Covered Dish Dinners
Painting Party
Diabetes Seminar w/ free blood pressure screening
Breath and Nature (Spring 2025)
Bus Trips:
Culinary Institute of America
Mount Airy
Overnight Trips
Devils Game
Open Public Session – Agenda Items Only:
The meeting was opened to the public at 7:16 p.m. No one from the public wished to speak during Open Public Session. The meeting was closed to the public at 7:16 p.m.
Amendments to the Agenda:
There will be an Executive Session held at the end of our regular meeting.
Old Business:
The Committee discussed and set as many events as possible, some tentative, for 2025 to put on the calendar.
Christmas Decorating Contest Deadline: TBD when the flyer is complete Judging Date: 12/28/2025
Senior Valentine’s Day Dance 2/8/2025
Clean-Up Day 4/5/2025
Easter Egg Hunt 4/12/2025 Rain Date: 4/13/2025
Miss Stillwater Contest 5/3/2025 (Tentative)
Spring Garage Sale Weekend 5/17 & 5/18/2025
Stillwater Day 6/7/2025 Rain Date: 6/8/2025
Summer Camp 8/11 – 8/15/2025 & 8/18 – 8/22/2025
First Responder’s Event 9/7/2025 (Tentative)
Trunk Or Treat 10/25/2025 (Tentative – 10/26/2025 is also being discussed)
Veteran’s Event 11/9/2025 (Tentative)
Tree Lighting 12/5/2025 Snow Date: 12/6/2025
All other events to be discussed later:
Water Safety Fair (Will be discussed with Mrs. Tsadilas since she brought this event to Recreation)
Plant Exchange (Did not hold this event in 2024)
Movie Night/Nights
Sussex County Day
Pop Up Vendor Fair
Bus Trips
New Business:
Discussion of Fees for 2025:
All fees will remain the same for 2025. The following fees were discussed:
Summer Camp Fee – $50.00 per child per week
Summer Camp Late Fee – $15.00
Vendor Fee – $25.00
Garage Sale Map Fee- $5.00
Stillwater Blanket Fee – $45.00
Sub-Committee Reports:
Clean Up Day – Mrs. Tosti
No updates.
Miss Stillwater, Little Miss and Mr. Stillwater – Mrs. Minervino
No updates.
No updates.
5/17/2025 & 5/18/2025
The Spring Garage Sale Weekend has been set for 5/17/2025 & 5/18/2025. There will be no Fall 2025 townwide Garage Sale due to a repetitive low turnout for the Fall. Applications and advertisement banners will be updated and distributed earlier than usual due to there only being one town wide garage sale. The budget for this event will be discussed and voted on during our January 2025 meeting.
Summer Camp – Mrs. Tosti
No updates.
Sussex County Day
No updates.
Decorating Contests (Holiday) – Mrs. Minervino
The Christmas decorating contest deadline is set for 12/18/2024. There are two applicants thus far. Mrs. Minervino saw two houses that were beautifully decorated and had not yet submitted an application. She will be putting an application in each mailbox in case they are not aware we host a decorating contest. Mrs. Minervino mentioned judging can be done between 12/20 & 12/29. She will be sending out an email in case anyone would like to view the decorations together (as previously done). In addition to the holiday discussion, Mrs. Minervino mentioned that the Toys for Tots deadline is set for 12/20/2024.
Tree Lighting – Mrs. Tosti/Mrs. Richardson
It was a great turnout. Overall, the event went very smoothly. Unfortunately, the cost of groceries and other supplies has increased. The goody bags were much appreciated by attendees. Thank you to our Fire Department for supplying the candy canes. The snow machine was a great addition to our event – the children really enjoyed it. Mrs. Tosti thanked everyone who came out and helped make the event such a great success. It was noted that many of the attendees were younger families!
Egg Hunt – Mrs. Falotico
No updates.
Field/Pavilion Application Approvals, Scheduling – Mrs. Tosti
Adult Softball reached out to Mrs. Tosti. The application is currently being updated. She will let them know when the application is complete and available.
Field Maintenance – Mr. Sylvester/Mr. Carovillano
Mr. Sylvester mentioned that the striping done on the parking lots looks great. Mr. Sylvester reiterated what was discussed last meeting for anyone who may have missed it and also supplied Mrs. Wunder with hardcopy quotes for pickleball lining (Veteran’s Park parking lot).
Mr. Sylvester would like to encumber the unused portion of our 2024 budget money leftover to be spent in 2025 for lining of pickleball courts at Veteran’s Park. Mr. Sylvester received two quotes from Mr. Fitzpatrick – one for just layout and painting of the regulation game lines of four courts for a total of $2,200.00. The second quote is with the addition of a solid painted kitchen of courts for $1,025.00 per court. The color of the pickleball lines/tennis court lines can be confusing for players. This is unavoidable to an extent, but choosing different colors than what was chosen at Swartswood Park (recommended by Dave Pierson and widely used amongst most tennis/pickleball courts) may alleviate confusion while playing. Mrs. Delaney expressed her safety concerns about this plan due to activity at the field and the heavily used parking lot. Mrs. Tosti agreed. Mr. Sylvester responded to the safety concerns sharing that the courts would only be able to be utilized when park activity was low. There is very little or no activity occurring during the day and outside of sporting events. During our last meeting, Mr. Sylvester made a motion to recommend spending $4,100.00 on up to four courts ($1,025.00 per court with full solid painted kitchen) funds permitting.
Mr. Carovillano reported that all fields are shut down. He noted in our November meeting that the Swartswood Field’s mound is ready for replacement as well as home plate. Based on basic research, Mr. Carovillano found that it would cost up to $2,000 for the supplies (rebrick, clay, etc.) and labor to repair the current mound. This is on the high side. Swartswood is the only field that qualifies for the portable option. Mrs. Tosti questioned when this would be able to take place since the weather will dictate the best time for repairs to be completed. Mr. Carovillano will obtain a hard quote by our January meeting so this can be discussed in further detail. Mr. Sylvester suggested looking at BSN for a quote.
Community Center Activities:
Senior Citizen Game Night – Mrs. Richardson
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Community Center
There were about 30+ attendees. There were quite a few new faces. The next event will take place 2/8/2025. Details to follow.
Educational Activities:
Bus Trip – Mrs. Tosti
The bus has been filled and they are ready to go!
9:00 a.m.
There were 32 attendees. Feedback on the event was great. Mrs. Minervino thanked all members who were able to help for the event. Attendees who submitted bios were read and acknowledged. Mrs. Minervino sent thank you notes to anyone who donated food, prizes, and/or their time.
These events will resume in March 2025 and be offered every 8 weeks.
Trunk or Treat – Mrs. Ingles (Clerk)
No updates.
Pop Up Vendor Fair – Mrs. Tosti
There were 33 vendors. Lunch was offered to vendors and in return the vendors donated $133.00 for the gesture – thank you!
Recreation Budget 2025/Capital Request 2025
Community Center TV-
Mrs. Minervino suggested purchasing a new tv for the Community Center. The HDMI cords do not work so users are unable to connect to a computer. Mr. Manser will present this at the next Township Committee Meeting.
The mound is not over $5,000.00 so it cannot fall under Capital. It will need to come from our budget.
Mr. Sylvester mentioned that if we purchase our own generator then cert will be able to use it when needed. This is more cost effective and more favorable since it is multiuse. Mr. Manser will present this to the Township Committee as well. A quote of $623.34 was obtained by our CFO for a 4800-watt generator. The Commission believes this generator may be too small for our needs. Mr. Manser suggested a 7000–8000-watt generator. Mrs. Tosti suggested buying two small generators (4800-watt) instead of one large one. For now, the Commission made a motion to purchase one small generator.
Mrs. Falotico made a motion to purchase one 4800-watt generator for $623.34, seconded by Mrs. Richardson.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mr. Carovillano, yes, Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Falotico, yes, Mrs. Trotter, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes, Mrs. Tosti, yes
Open Public Session:
The meeting was opened to the public at 8:07 p.m.
Mrs. Minervino mentioned that Andy Martin would like to host a monthly history night. The event would take place on a weekday. Topics will vary. Mrs. Richardson suggested ensuring that presenters be responsible for set up and clean up. Unfortunately, she had prior experience with a host who did not assist at all. Mrs. Tosti said that anyone who wishes to host an event of this nature must come to a meeting to present their idea and be made aware that they are responsible for running the event versus us running the event for them. Mrs. Minervino will invite Mr. Martin to attend our January meeting.
Open public session was closed at 8:14 p.m.
Committee Member Comments:
Mrs. Minervino mentioned that there were two items, a wreath and a candle set, from a previous event that were donated and not claimed as a door prize. She posted on social media to anyone who may be interested in the items. Everyone who commented was entered in the contest and to be chosen at random during tonight’s meeting. The chosen winners will be contacted by Mrs. Minervino.
Mr. Sylvester regretfully informed the Recreation Commission that he would be resigning on 1/1/2025.
Liaison Report – Mr. Manser
The planned paving has been completed and striping is underway. There are many discussions and future plans being made regarding the Community Center. Mayor Chamming’s utilized the newly purchased OEM trailer to deliver donated supplies to hurricane victims.
Mrs. Tosti made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m., seconded by Mrs. Richardson. A vote was taken, and all were in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Danielle Wunder, Secretary
Stillwater Township offers residents a Recycling and Convenience Center for household trash and recycling.
Residents are able to view property tax information and make payments through the online system. You may find a property by entering the property’s location or block, lot and qualifier.
Stillwater Township posts all information about bids and proposals for township projects on a dedicated page.
The Stillwater Rec Summer Camp will be August 12-16 and August 19-23, 2024
Visit the Office of Emergency Management page for links and the latest information